Wednesday, May 9, 2007

Tuesday's News

Ssshhhhh!!! Everyone be quiet! It's 5 AM, and I don't want to wake up the dogs, because they will jump on the bed and wake up Billy! I was too tired to post by the time I got home last night, but after my usual 5 hours of sleep and some coffee (from a local roaster I feel the need to plug), I'm ready to go!

Tuesday started off slowly. I was a smidge late coming in (couldn't find some power tools) to care for the cats in the back. Joanne came in right behind me to take care of the condo. Lots of meds to do, and thank goodness it was the last day of panacur for those wiggly hound puppies, K.C., Sunshine (didn't I tell you that Bobby and I are disco fans?), and April. I was in the back cleaning the cat intake room, when Julie comes to the door with a tiny box. FIVE, count 'em, FIVE kittens probably a week old--sans mama! Of course our human expert kitten mamas, Anita and Marlena, already have litters of their own, so we were a little concerned about who would be bottle feeding them (you all know I would do it in a pinch), but Rebecca came in and helped us with a solution--two of the kittens are with Chantel in the condo (who only had 3 kittens of her own), and three are with Beauty in cat intake (who only had two of her own). These cats are good, healthy mamas, and like Anita said, they will do better than any human could do!

If you think that's the end of the kitten dilemma, think again! Apparently, Monday was dog day, but Tuesday was definitely kitten day! Later in the afternoon, a lady brought in a mama and 4 kittens that are close to being weaned (and adopted!). Then, another lady brought in a sickly looking kitten she found in the street. Then, not 5 minutes later, another lady brought in 2 more! She intended to bring in 3, but handed one out in the parking lot instead. Few things jack up my blood pressure like people handing out animals in the parking lot! At least on this occasion, I feel as though the person who took the kitten will provide a good home. Also, one of the kittens who came in with the Calico mom on Monday was adopted on Tuesday to some nice folks!

So, in case you were wondering about numbers: including all kittens in the condo, in intake, and in foster, we have 35! I asked Barb to make them "pet of the week" in the paper again. We're going to work on taking adorable pictures on Wednesday (and then we'll try to get some pics of kittens).

Nicole came in and was flying solo for a while on making dogs sparkle! She brought us hair traps for the tub drain as well, and they work great! Nicole prettied up Jasper (easy) and Nubbs (not so easy), and those boys certainly clean up well! They are putting on weight and are now shiny and clean smelling! You should have seen those boys in the yard showing off for the ladies!

Bobby, looking quite concerned, alerted Nicole and I to a dog with blood on her neck. Turns out she had just popped a very large tick--eeeewwwww! Joyce and I picked a bunch off of her when she came in Monday, and she was on the list for a bath Tuesday. Nicole and I pretty much filled the "death jar" with ticks that were hiding in her long, thick fur. Now she's all pretty and smells like a pina colada!

Rebecca and I headed to the new Dublin Wal-Mart at 6 PM and met Barb, Bill, Billy, Anita, Susan, and Cris. Barb brought shampoo and body wash to the shelter for me so I could take a shower in the Animal Control office--evidently she didn't want me smelling like dog poop for the Grand Opening! They gave us this big check for $5000--downpayment on the barn! I don't know how I'm going to get it through that tube at the bank drive-thru. And of course, there was food, and where ever there is food, Rebecca and I will be there!

The new Wal-Mart will be open for business 7:30 AM on Wednesday. It appears larger than the one in Fairlawn and the one in Wytheville. We were allowed to walk around the store, so Rebecca and I browsed to be sure they had our usual brands. Animal Control doesn't have to drive all the way to Fairlawn for supplies anymore, and I can go here on the way home instead of going all the way to Wytheville!

After the Wal-Mart grand opening was over at 8 PM, several of us headed to Laura's house for the last meeting before our Doggone Bluegrass Fiddle Cats Fundraiser this Saturday! Laura is very bored gang, so calls and visits would be greatly appreciated! Her laptop needs to be re-formatted, and she is not allowed to sit up for 3 weeks (of course she is doing it anyway--shame, shame, Laura!), so desktop is out of the question. Any-hoo, Cris has been doing a bang-up job planning and organizing this, along with our gracious host, McGuire's Family Campground. The excitement during the meeting was palpable! This is going to be a great event! We need volunteers to help set up (9 AM) before and break down after, so contact Cris ( if you can help!

Well gang, the sun is up, and I have to get ready to go to the shelter! Hope to see you there!


Rebecca said...

Please add me to the shelter "DISCO" fan club ----

Rita said...

That's RIGHT! I forgot about that--I know all 3 of us have the same BeeGees greatest hits 2 cd set! I think Laura made fun of us for that......said we were "dated."

laura said...

Oh No!! Now you're all dated. Unfortunately, I'm dated earlier than you. I think Barb is with me, though. Whew!

Anonymous said...

If you think about it, it makes perfect sense for you all to be moving around the shelter singing "Stayin' Alive" now doesn't it?