Saturday, May 5, 2007

Friday and Saturday Update

Ok gang, I'm beginning to wonder if anyone besides Anita and I are reading this blog! I can't believe you all let me get away with posting "International Respect for Chickens Day" with nary a comment! Although it is a real event, I expected at least one "Aw, c'mon! You're pulling my leg!" And before that, you all let me get away with "Irish Drinking Song for Cats." Have you ever said something crazy just to see if anyone is listening? I do it all the time!

Any-hoo, Friday was insane, as Fridays usually are. I've been cleaning the back cat rooms every day due to lack of trustees. Our most recent one was "dismissed" Thursday night, and now we have a new guy, Paul, who seems to be doing a good job despite not being properly trained. I try to show him a thing or two as time permits, but you know how that goes! He does ask questions about how to do stuff and what to do next and tells me if he thinks something is wrong with one of the dogs, so that's a good sign!

On Thursday, after I left, someone brought in a stray yellow lab-bassett hound mix who was totally cute and sweet! His owner tracked him down and picked him up this morning. Shay picked up a stray hound at the jail Friday morning when he went to pick up Paul, but his owner also came this morning to get him. I'm glad he is home with his owner-for his sake and for mine! That dog was very unhappy about being in a kennel and was not shy about letting everyone know in that special hound dog way!

Four very scared puppies were brought in on Friday; they still looked scared today. They were filthy and wormy and covered in poop, so I offered to give them all baths before we gave them shots and wormed them. I got 2 of them done, but the third was another story. We had a slight misunderstanding and there was some teeth-to-skin contact. My fault totally. I'm still trying to make it up to the puppy by bribing her with dog treats covered in peanut butter.

Anita was covering the office with a vengence on Friday. I couldn't even hazard a guess as to how many phone calls and emails she made regarding adoption and aid applications!

No adoptions Friday, but Thelma and Louise went to a nice family this morning! They spent quite a while with the dogs before deciding, and I really hope this one sticks!

Red was also adopted today. That's all I've got to say about that.

We got 2 possibly Alaskan Malamutes today. They were apparently RAL in Pulaski, and someone brought them in. Bobby pegged them as Malamutes at first, then changed to Huskies, but I think he was right the first time because they are both huge and have brown eyes. Bobby held them while I vaccinated--I hate going through all that fur! I'm afraid I'm going to miss!

I had lots of visitors today. Brenda and Sandy came in to cover the office--and ended up doing so much more! Brenda sanitized a huge stack of litter boxes for me. They are now safely being stored in a tote on the top shelf in the food prep room. They were being stored on a shelf in the cat intake room--where they were contantly being re-contaminated by fomites and flying cat snot! Brenda also beat a pile of laundry into submission. Sandy escorted folks around the shelter and answered the phone, and still found time to sweep and mop the ed room and office! Towards the end of the day, they brought Coconut out for his special sofa time. Unfortunately, the batteries in the camera were dead, so there is no documentation of his complete lack of dignity! (He was showing his business to the world!)

Karen J. came to bring raffle tickets and money and check our current Lab population. My friend Geri also came by to bring raffle tickets and money, and to pick up more to sell at an upcoming soccer game. Ute came with her and brought Precious (now named Sandy), the small, white, fluffy terrier she adopted from us recently. Precious looks quite happy and spoiled!

Well, my mind just went blank (its normal state!), so I just wanted to say thank you to Anita, Barb, Brenda, Judith, Katrina, Nicole, Rebecca, and Sandy (sorry if I forgot anyone) for being at the shelter to help me clean or do meds or walk dogs or whatever else I needed help with at the time. Because, yes, if no one else was there to do it, I would clean the whole shelter. Every shelter needs a clean freak germophobe!


Rebecca said...

Yes, someone IS reading - I laughed at the Cookonut peep show. I'm sure on the couch - legs in air. THANK YOU RITA for doing so much the last week.5 + - we need more volunteers that have the energy to scrub like you! it makes my arms ache just thinking about it !

anita said...

Rita glad you have all that energy and your a cleaning freak, it is much appreciated. The animals are healthier for it.
We are sure going to miss ya after you go back to work. I will be there monday morn after I clean and feed the kittens I have here. So it will be about 9 am.

Anonymous said...

I just happened into your blog while I was blog hopping (clicking the “next blog” button at the top of each blog). I’m sure many, many people stumble into your blog Rita and I’m surprised that you needed to ask for comments. I love the way you write, you have a real talent for it. Possibly no-one else took the time to read your postings, hopping from blog to blog looking for something specific. It’s obvious you’re a real animal activist and lover. I too love animals and support you in your activism, even the Respect for Chickens Day. It is amazing the amount of cognizance that these little creatures have. How we squeeze them into small living areas and stuff them with food is disgraceful and deplorable. Kindness to animals should apply to ALL creatures, big and small. Thanks for taking the time to remind all of us about this. So I don’t think it humorous at all, but a very serious problem that needs to be addressed more.

“Even if animal research resulted in a cure for AIDS, we'd be against it.” This was quoted from Ingrid Newkirk, President, PETA in 1989.

As PETA’S, David Mathews, replied to Genre Magazine’s request for “Men we love”, he suggested Andrew Cunanan because he got Versace to stop using fur.

As J.P. Goodwin, director of the Coalition against the Fur Trade, stated “My goal is the abolition of all animal agriculture.”

So Rita keep up the good work and be assured I’ve added you to my favorite list and I’ll be back to read more of your witticisms and wisdom. Pulaski County Humane Society is very lucky to have such knowledge and skill working with them.

Rita said...

Thanks Dave! I didn't know anyone outside of our little shelter group would be interested in reading our updates, but I'm glad you did!