Sunday, May 6, 2007

Sunday Update

You wouldn't think there would be anything to report on a Sunday, but today was anything but mundane!

This morning, on the way to the shelter, I picked up a dog that was hitch-hiking on the interstate near the Draper Mountain exit. She didn't want to get in the car with me at first (I'd had a lot of coffee and was all crazy-eyed), but a little Fancy Feast convinced her that I was ok. And by some amazing coincidence, she was also going to the shelter, so at least I didn't have to go out of my way. Even more amazing--she's spayed! Her name is BeeGee (yeah, Bobby and I are disco fans) and she's a little timid, but very sweet! Come by and visit her!

Laura, I'm sure you'll appreciate this next story: I had to chase Sheba AGAIN this morning! Apparently, she squeezed her way past the trustee when he was putting her food in her kennel, and she took off out the back door and into the woods. The trustee came to get me, and I found her milling around behind the "cat house," probably sniffing after our resident feral cat. In true Sheba fashion, she let me get right next to her and then took off like she was shot out of a cannon. For 11 years old, that girl can run! She ran into the industrial park, but then the silly girl ran between 2 buildings and cornered herself against the fence. There was some fancy footwork on my part when she tried to sneak out between 2 trucks, but she finally let me outsmart her, and I got her back into the shelter. That dog was laughing at me, but I didn't think it was very funny.

Anita, I'm so glad to hear that you are coming in to help me in the morning! I know you work fast and can help me buzz right through the condo!

Nicole, if you're going to be at the shelter this week, I need help bathing 3 dogs! (Nicole and I wash dogs together so often, we can practically read each other's minds!)

Well gang, I have barbecue tofu salad and soy mango lassi calling my name! See ya tomorrow!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Rita, I can't believe you'd let any old hitch-hiker in the car with you. Didn't your mother ever warn you about picking up strays???????? Especially hungry ones! Thank goodness you’re okay this time, but in the future BE CAREFUL! Many a new relationship has started in this fashion. Two car occupants with similar views and the same destination, why that’s just asking for trouble.