Thursday, May 10, 2007

Wednesday and Thursday Update

Whew! I have been busier than a cat covering crap on a marble floor! I got up at 5 AM again this morning (Thursday), totally intending to post, but I hit the snooze and Sweet Pea jumped in the bed and snuggled next to me and I figured, "What the heck? I'll hug my dog for another hour!" And even though she chewed up a cardboard box and pulled stuff out of the trash can and somehow ended up with gum on her elbow today, I still think she is one of the best dogs ever (the other is my Rocky!). My cat, Porky, likes her as well (the other 3 cats do, too)! Thank you, PCHS, for letting me adopt her!

But I digress.

The last two days have been insane! We were overloaded with kittens (still are), but on Wednesday, Rebecca talked to Angels of Assisi and they accepted 8 of our kittens! Nicole came to the shelter this morning to transport them, then came back by the shelter to walk a few dogs and give us an update on some of our animals that are still there (Jane, Shelley, and Ms. Kitty for example). Sending the kittens to rescue opened up 2 condo cages, so Lucky and Beauty (and her 2 kittens and 3 fosters) were moved up front. One cage was freed up in the back, but was quickly filled with an unhappy (and a little unhealthy) feral.

Yesterday, we had a visit from a very old friend, Ruby! Some of you may recall this dog from the old shelter--she was the neurological disorder dog who jumped and pranced around like a deer. She and her adoptive mama, Erin, were visiting from Texas! Unfortunately, I didn't get a chance to visit with them, but Ruby and mama look very happy together!

I got to help (at least I think I was helping) Luann with drawing blood for FIV/FeLV tests yesterday. Here is one of our mean patients, Tabitha. I believe she is eyeballing my jugular vein, plotting her revenge. Thanks Barb, for this picture! It reminded me that I needed to look in the mirror once in a while before I start scaring small children! Don't worry all; I have a hair appointment soon!

Barb was a photo-taking madwoman on Wednesday. We have had so many new animals come in this past week, I don't know how she managed to get all those pictures done with all the right names and information, and still manage to cover the office. Billy was there with her, and when Billy is there, I know I don't have to worry about the laundry! Always very much appreciated Billy!

Bobby brought in 2 more neglected dogs--and I say the more the merrier! People need to learn that chaining a dog up and not feeding him earns them a special place in hell (and hopefully, in jail)! Very sweet dogs (Jackson and Black Jack) that would love visitors and walks (and treats!). Good job, Bobby!

Joyce brought in an exceptionally cute stray puppy on Wednesday. Still has puppy skunk breath. Rolled in her own poo, so Paul gave her a bath. Shay helped me worm her today. She listens so well and is so cute, she is bound to have a home in no time! I think Joyce also brought in what looks to be a Chihuahua/Min-Pin mix. Very cute, but a little shy. Also sure to be adopted soon.

On a sad note, our condo kitty Wild Knot was returned. Nothing wrong with him, but the owner is in poor health and is unable to care for him any longer. She did the responsible thing by bringing him back to us. This means we now have SEVEN black cats in the condo, four or five of them loose! Judith has been kindly writing descriptions of them in the condo book so we can try to tell them apart!

Cinnabear, the puppy who growls when you walk by her pen, has stopped growling! A few days in the yard interacting with other dogs has turned her into a new dog! Nicole usually makes sure she gets some outside time every day. I'm so glad too, because the thought of her being so scared in that kennel was heartbreaking. Three of the four red and white hound puppies seem to be coming out of their shells; unfortunately, the fourth one is still in quarantine and is still scared of everyone.

Jessica came in on Thursday to walk dogs. Those dogs are always so happy to see her! She also has been brushing Sheba with a razor comb just about every time she visits, which Sheba will tolerate for about 5 minutes!

Bob and Joanne came in on Thursday to cover the office and do meds. I didn't know that my friend Ashley was coming in to do her volunteer paperwork with Joanne until the Sheriff's office called Bobby and told him that Ashley was going to be a little late--she was in a car accident! Ashley is fine, it was just a minor ding, and "yay!" we have a new volunteer!

Katrina came by in her very nice clothes and helped me clean in cat intake! She had a long time between clients at work, and I was happy for the company and the extra hands!

I helped Rebecca dig stuff out of the storage shed (old shelter) for the Bluegrass Festival. I hadn't been over there for a very long time, and to see that horrible place with the even more horrible "box" is a huge reminder of how far we have come! So if you're ever feeling disheartened about things at the shelter, go visit the old one to put things in perspective!

Here's a warm and fuzzy story about a rescue crew who spent 5 hours trying to unstick a stuck kitten.

The Toronto Vegetarian Association is having a tofu haiku contest! I just found out about it, so I will post my entry when I have it written!

On Friday I'm sure to be visited by Nicole, Rebecca, and Anita, who is covering the office, but I would love to have more visitors! If I have forgotten anyone, I am truly sorry. The days have been running together lately, and the bleach fumes are killing brain cells.

And if anyone knows how to get gum out of a dog, please let me know!


Anonymous said...

Smear peanut butter on the gum, rub it in, wipe off.

laura said...

Was going to tell you to use peanut butter but someone already did. I've used it on kids and it does work