Friday, May 18, 2007

Friday Office

Another busy day at the shelter. A lady called wanting directions to the shelter and she called me back later and stated she spent 1 1/2 hours driving around trying to find the shelter. I asked where she was and she had returned home. And was now to tired to come back to the shelter. She will call again tomorrow to get directions. Seems she got to where the sign says animal shelter but did not make the correct turn onto Dublin Park Road to get to the shelter.

A man called stated he had filled out an application for aide 2 months ago and nobody called him to tell him when he can get his dog spayed. Actually he was approved for a free spay and he never followed through. Due to the misunderstanding on his part I have rescheduled him.

I looked at some applications, filed them in the appropriate places. We have had some applications for Dixie but I believe she will be going to Rescue.

Animal Control adopted out some puppies today, Dillion, Sam, Sue.
Well I was so happy today a woman returned to the shelter today and looked all around for a kitten or cat. Her cat recently passed from cancer. She had such a hard time selecting a pet as she loved most of them. I had her fill out an application and while she looked at the cats I checked references and I got high recommendations from the vet. She selected Kelly from the condo. I am going ot miss Kelly but she went to an excellent home!!!
There is supposed to be a border collie come in tomorrow owner turn in. The girl is moving and can not keep. In the Animals Wanted folder in computer there is a man wants a Border Collie please call him to come see this dog should it come in.
Rita we have alot of kittens in back there are two set of kittens with no mom that may need canned cat food. Please check to make sure they get it. One of the sets has bad eyes need cleaning and medication they just came in.
One of our volunteers did not read the paperwork on cage. Rob the pit's paper said dog is aggressive. The volunteer took the dog for a walk and dog was licking her and friendly.
However when she tried to return the dog to the kennel it dragged her into the kennel, grabbed her shorts and would not let go and tearing a big hole in her shorts, shirt and his tooth did get her.I am relaying this story to remind us all to read the paperwork, if you see a dog acting aggressive please tell Julie, so she can write " Do Not Walk" also report any bites from cats or dogs to AC.
Nicole came in and deticked some dogs she stayed and helped me water, and medicate tonight.
Thanks so much for your help.
Well that all for now folks.
Have a good one

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