Saturday, May 19, 2007

Saturday Update

Hi everyone! I was back at the shelter today for an afternoon of fun and excitement. It was very busy today, so I was glad to have a big crew with me today. David H., Jessica, new volunteers Jennifer, Tonya, and Ashley, JoAnne, and Judith were all a tremendous help! JoAnne, David, and Jessica escorted lots of folks through the building today and got some applications filled out. Jessica, Jennifer, and Ashley walked the dogs, while Tonya helped out in the condo.

I had the honor of processing the paperwork on four adoptions today! I was so happy to have 4 adoptions in one day, after the 20 dogs that were surrendered or picked up on Monday and Tuesday alone. There are too many new dogs and cats to list. I haven't posted all week because I was so angry and disheartened at the human race and the speciesist attitudes of most people. It would have come through in my posts, and I didn't want to bum everyone else out, too. I just wanted to yell at people that animals are not disposable! However, I am a true believer in Karma, and the thought of people "getting theirs" one day just makes me all warm inside!

But back to the important stuff. One of our dogs and 3 AC dogs went home today. One of the AC dogs was Floyd, a white pit bull puppy who wasn't at the shelter when I left at 7:30 pm on Tuesday. He was cute and fiesty, as are most bully pups, so I figured he would go quickly. Dozer, the last of the Cocker Spaniel/APBT puppies, went to a nice family as well. And Emma, one of the Malamutes/Huskies, went home. All 3 are scheduled for the June 19 Assissi van.

Our little Willow/Anna was adopted today as well! For those who don't know her story, this little Aussie mix was a shelter resident earlier this year and was adopted. Unfortunately, she proved to be too energetic for her adoptive family, and they responsibly returned her to us. A nice lady, who wanted to adopt Willow when she was at the shelter the first time, saw that her picture was back on and filled out an application. Willow's new name is Henna, and her mama is a dog trainer who plans to train Henna in obedience and agility. Henna's new sister is an Aussie/Great Dane mix who is very sedate and compliments Henna perfectly!

We got a fantastic application for our nub-tailed Draper. His potential new mama has adopted from us before, but she wanted to take a few days to think it over. Keep your fingers crossed! She would be a wonderful new mom to this handsome boy!

Another family came in after 12 and was interested in April, one of the wiggly black hound pups. I wish they had come sooner, so she could be in a home tonight!

I got a few phone calls from people asking if we had kittens. I told them we have kittens galore, just about every color under the rainbow, please come see them and adopt one or two! But no one came. I think they are calling just to get my hopes up.

A little birdie told me that Judith is fostering a deer. Judith, care to update us?

Jessica and I attempted to de-matt a cute little ball of fur named Hillbilly, but he is worse off than Sheba, if you can believe that! The clippers could not go through his fur, and the scissors couldn't get through all of his mats because they are full of burs, sticks, and dried mud (at least I hope I was touching mud). Jessica even found a metal wire in the middle of one of the mats--she found it when it stuck her hand! I can't imagine how long it's been sticking Hillbilly! He has an appointment at the vet to be sedated and shaved on Tuesday, and I am positive that he will find a home shortly thereafter!

Activism alert! Please support the Downed Animal Protection and Food Safety Act (HR 661, S 394)! This would require that critically ill or injured animals be humanely euthanized and would prohibit their slaughter for human food. Please read this true story about how downed cows are treated, and then go here to take action!

Shelter need alert! We are running very low on canned cat food. This is needed to give the cats medications and lysine, help wean our many, many kittens, and to fatten up any cats or kittens that come in underweight. Big Lots in Christiansburg has HUGE 21 ounce cans of Whiskas for 70 cents! And a 12-pack of Friskies is only $3.92 at Wal-Mart. These brands (and 9-lives) are NOT part of the recall. Please remember that our kitties prefer ground or pate style over the sliced or chunks, and it is much easier to mix medications with!


anita said...

What wonderful news about all the adopts. Glad to hear we are getting some help on weekends.It was great to hear from you again Rita. Hope all is going well with you. MY four kittens are about ready to come to shelter. The two siamese are all about ready to go to new homes just waiting till Wed so they can get blood test.

Anonymous said...

I agree with Anita, it's great to have you back Rita. I'm glad to see you're on top of the Downed Animal Protection & Food Safety Act (HR 661, S 394). Thanks for bringing it to the attention of the readers. Hope to see you back OFTEN!

laura said...

Yeah! Glad you are back and posting.