Wednesday, May 30, 2007


After 2 years of planning, our very own PCHS Spay Clinic held its first "test run" spaying 5 cats and 3 dogs!

The clinic is a limited service clinic that helps those most in need in our community - qualifying income citizens, animal shelter/rescue/humane society pets, and feral cats.

We have hired our own Licensed Vet Tech, Luann, that works every Wednesday at the shelter. I now understand how much technical experience this position requires. She ran between 3 rooms for 8 hours like a ping-pong ball! I didn't even get a shot of her face since her head was down the entire time - FOCUSED. Between calculating, shaving, sticking tubes down throats, vaccinating ----- whew --- there was a LOT to think about (another back shot of Luann).

We have 2 participating vets that we are ever so grateful for --- Dr. Vaughn and Dr. Call. Both have agreed to help us on alternating days of the month to perform surgeries for our clinic! We're thrilled to have such experience surgeons help us. It was a truly exciting day - even if a little tiring. We were fortunate to have both vets helping us today - WOW - you can't beat that !

For some reason I want to launch into ... "We are famil-ie"... between our fantastic volunteers that never cease to amaze me at how much they give and give and give - to our wonderful local vets that also give and give and give --- it's truly a family community, making things better for our Pulaski pets!

Many thanks to Lisa, Anita, and JoAnn for helping today. While we were getting the clinic up and running, our "she-women" were helping haul in dog food, walking dogs, and scrubbing down kennels -- these are tiring and extensive jobs. I thank them and David for all they do. Debbie was combing the condo cats and Barb and Billy were running around doing laundry, getting photo updates for the websites, and answering the publics questions.

It was a really busy day - but one filled with excitement and hope that one day not one shelter pet will have to be euthanized simply because there are not enough homes because people have not taken pet overpopulation seriously.

I would also like to thank our county for allowing us to exist in the shelter at no charge - without this facility, we would be back to square one. Animal control has allowed us to take over the back of the shelter on surgery days and we also appreciate their understanding and commitment to our clinic opening. I always say, if we can do it, anyone can - it just takes a famil-ie.

I guess you have to be a serious shelter volunteer to appreciate this photo -------- here today, gone tomorrow ---- well, actually it was more like gone in 10 minutes! Lisa got the best job of the day ------- someone's got to do it ! Poor little Oreo -- our "first" victim.

Bye-bye little gems.

Saturday, May 26, 2007

Saturday Quick Post

Just a quick note to say Kungfoo did get adopted today. The family was thrilled to get him and the adopters had a prepaid reciept from vet. Now I have Lewy and Ms. Dot that need a home.
While at the office I also brought home and made adoption applications as we were out. Will bring them in later.
Indian Joe was adopted out by AC today. See ya all after the holidays.

Friday update

It was a busy day today. Mitch the huskie was adopted today by AC as was a Kitten from the back Lila she was a cute calico. I have brought her siblings Cole and Snuggles home to foster they are sneezing.

Bye Lisa

Bee Gee went to a great home with over 100 acres to run in. Lisa our condo cat was adopted today and went to a very nice young man. She had been in the condo since April of last year so I am glad she will have a new home to call her own.

Draper also went to his new home and the lady was also very impressed with Boone and said she may come back for Boone after Draper settles in. She left a donation to help sponsor Boone.

I had to say farewell to one of the kittens I had been fostering. Choy went to his new home today . He will be coming back July 17th for the Assisi van. So I will get to see him once again. They fell in love with him instantly. While the lady filled out the paperwork her husband was holding him and Choy was content chewing on the frame of the man's glasses.

Nicole was in today and walked some dogs and helped give Mitch a bath before he left.

I have started a new log for the animals that will be placed on the July 17th Van. All the pets are logged. The copier is out of toner and Julies office copier was not working. Barb was in and showed me how to make copies using the lexmark. Thanks Barb you are a lifesaver.

It was hot in the shelter today and before I left I had to top off everyone's water bowl.

Dixie will be leaving for rescue tomorrow so she got a new collar and all her paper work is on her Kennel. It is my understanding that Nicole will run that transport. Thanks Nicole.

The lady from Aussie Rescue came in to see Teeka and Onyx she could not take them right now but she will do what she can to help place them in foster.

There is a little orange kitten in back holding area needs TLC. Please be sure to check on him.

A couple came in to see Sunshine they took an application form and said they will come back tuesday. They asked me for information and I was reading the cover sheet and mentioned it was a female when they pointed out Sunshine is a male. I checked and sure enough we had a boy. So I made a correction on sheet and initialed.

People who had won raffle items were coming in to pick up their items. I marked them off on the sheet that was in office.

I gave some kittens in back some canned food.

Tomorrow I have an appointment with a family who are coming to adopt Kungfoo. Next week I will be bringing Ms. Dot and Lewey in so they can get adopted. They are absolutely adorable so if you know anybody wanting a kitten these babies are precious.

Oh office folks don't forget to check the Vaccine box under AC window there was a tidy sum in the box when I checked it today enough to vaccinate 22 pets.

When booking animals on the Assisi Van please remember that the pets have already received their first vaccine when arriving at shelter. If an owner wants a booster vaccine that will cost an additional $5.00 to be paid day of van. It is highly recommended puppies and kittens get that booster.

We need some pet applications made so whoever can please do that and fill the folder on door. I got page 2 done but we need some page 1 then staple together.

We are looking for folks who are interested in fostering pets. The shelter has been brimming with animals. So if you are able to foster a pet or know someone who would make a good foster home please ask them to fill out a foster sheet. We will get back to them. We can even provide a cage in some cases. In some cases it may be just for a couple days just till we can get the pet into rescue. Or it may be a momma cat nursing her babies and we may need a home just till we can get the kittens weaned. So if you have a little time and a lot of love and want to help us save lives please consider this worth while cause.

And as always we are looking for Volunteers. There is so much to do. And our dogs need exercise and socialization, brushing and bathing. Believe me there is never a dull moment so if you can help we would like you on our team.

Well folks I hope you all have a safe and wonderful holiday weekend.

Tuesday, May 22, 2007

New Position: Office Manager

Hey Everyone!! After an awsome meeting at the Tiki Bar last night, the Board approved an office manager part time position. Tell your friends that have a love for animals and are computer whizzes to apply. See our website for more info or email resume and references to Thanks to all who made the meeting and for those who didn't, we missed you! Thanks also to Becky and Rebecca who stayed late for a financial committee meeting to educate me on the budget and develop it for this year. WE need to do a little more fundraising and we're home free!!

Also, did you hear about the lumber donation!!! Great start for the barn! Thanks to Julie for facilitating that!!

Saturday, May 19, 2007

Saturday Update

Hi everyone! I was back at the shelter today for an afternoon of fun and excitement. It was very busy today, so I was glad to have a big crew with me today. David H., Jessica, new volunteers Jennifer, Tonya, and Ashley, JoAnne, and Judith were all a tremendous help! JoAnne, David, and Jessica escorted lots of folks through the building today and got some applications filled out. Jessica, Jennifer, and Ashley walked the dogs, while Tonya helped out in the condo.

I had the honor of processing the paperwork on four adoptions today! I was so happy to have 4 adoptions in one day, after the 20 dogs that were surrendered or picked up on Monday and Tuesday alone. There are too many new dogs and cats to list. I haven't posted all week because I was so angry and disheartened at the human race and the speciesist attitudes of most people. It would have come through in my posts, and I didn't want to bum everyone else out, too. I just wanted to yell at people that animals are not disposable! However, I am a true believer in Karma, and the thought of people "getting theirs" one day just makes me all warm inside!

But back to the important stuff. One of our dogs and 3 AC dogs went home today. One of the AC dogs was Floyd, a white pit bull puppy who wasn't at the shelter when I left at 7:30 pm on Tuesday. He was cute and fiesty, as are most bully pups, so I figured he would go quickly. Dozer, the last of the Cocker Spaniel/APBT puppies, went to a nice family as well. And Emma, one of the Malamutes/Huskies, went home. All 3 are scheduled for the June 19 Assissi van.

Our little Willow/Anna was adopted today as well! For those who don't know her story, this little Aussie mix was a shelter resident earlier this year and was adopted. Unfortunately, she proved to be too energetic for her adoptive family, and they responsibly returned her to us. A nice lady, who wanted to adopt Willow when she was at the shelter the first time, saw that her picture was back on and filled out an application. Willow's new name is Henna, and her mama is a dog trainer who plans to train Henna in obedience and agility. Henna's new sister is an Aussie/Great Dane mix who is very sedate and compliments Henna perfectly!

We got a fantastic application for our nub-tailed Draper. His potential new mama has adopted from us before, but she wanted to take a few days to think it over. Keep your fingers crossed! She would be a wonderful new mom to this handsome boy!

Another family came in after 12 and was interested in April, one of the wiggly black hound pups. I wish they had come sooner, so she could be in a home tonight!

I got a few phone calls from people asking if we had kittens. I told them we have kittens galore, just about every color under the rainbow, please come see them and adopt one or two! But no one came. I think they are calling just to get my hopes up.

A little birdie told me that Judith is fostering a deer. Judith, care to update us?

Jessica and I attempted to de-matt a cute little ball of fur named Hillbilly, but he is worse off than Sheba, if you can believe that! The clippers could not go through his fur, and the scissors couldn't get through all of his mats because they are full of burs, sticks, and dried mud (at least I hope I was touching mud). Jessica even found a metal wire in the middle of one of the mats--she found it when it stuck her hand! I can't imagine how long it's been sticking Hillbilly! He has an appointment at the vet to be sedated and shaved on Tuesday, and I am positive that he will find a home shortly thereafter!

Activism alert! Please support the Downed Animal Protection and Food Safety Act (HR 661, S 394)! This would require that critically ill or injured animals be humanely euthanized and would prohibit their slaughter for human food. Please read this true story about how downed cows are treated, and then go here to take action!

Shelter need alert! We are running very low on canned cat food. This is needed to give the cats medications and lysine, help wean our many, many kittens, and to fatten up any cats or kittens that come in underweight. Big Lots in Christiansburg has HUGE 21 ounce cans of Whiskas for 70 cents! And a 12-pack of Friskies is only $3.92 at Wal-Mart. These brands (and 9-lives) are NOT part of the recall. Please remember that our kitties prefer ground or pate style over the sliced or chunks, and it is much easier to mix medications with!

Friday, May 18, 2007

Friday Office

Another busy day at the shelter. A lady called wanting directions to the shelter and she called me back later and stated she spent 1 1/2 hours driving around trying to find the shelter. I asked where she was and she had returned home. And was now to tired to come back to the shelter. She will call again tomorrow to get directions. Seems she got to where the sign says animal shelter but did not make the correct turn onto Dublin Park Road to get to the shelter.

A man called stated he had filled out an application for aide 2 months ago and nobody called him to tell him when he can get his dog spayed. Actually he was approved for a free spay and he never followed through. Due to the misunderstanding on his part I have rescheduled him.

I looked at some applications, filed them in the appropriate places. We have had some applications for Dixie but I believe she will be going to Rescue.

Animal Control adopted out some puppies today, Dillion, Sam, Sue.
Well I was so happy today a woman returned to the shelter today and looked all around for a kitten or cat. Her cat recently passed from cancer. She had such a hard time selecting a pet as she loved most of them. I had her fill out an application and while she looked at the cats I checked references and I got high recommendations from the vet. She selected Kelly from the condo. I am going ot miss Kelly but she went to an excellent home!!!
There is supposed to be a border collie come in tomorrow owner turn in. The girl is moving and can not keep. In the Animals Wanted folder in computer there is a man wants a Border Collie please call him to come see this dog should it come in.
Rita we have alot of kittens in back there are two set of kittens with no mom that may need canned cat food. Please check to make sure they get it. One of the sets has bad eyes need cleaning and medication they just came in.
One of our volunteers did not read the paperwork on cage. Rob the pit's paper said dog is aggressive. The volunteer took the dog for a walk and dog was licking her and friendly.
However when she tried to return the dog to the kennel it dragged her into the kennel, grabbed her shorts and would not let go and tearing a big hole in her shorts, shirt and his tooth did get her.I am relaying this story to remind us all to read the paperwork, if you see a dog acting aggressive please tell Julie, so she can write " Do Not Walk" also report any bites from cats or dogs to AC.
Nicole came in and deticked some dogs she stayed and helped me water, and medicate tonight.
Thanks so much for your help.
Well that all for now folks.
Have a good one

New Funny Pet Trick Video on YouTube

Check out the new video featuring Belle, the official library cat for the Charles & Ona B. Free Memorial Library in Dublin. This video was filmed back when she was still Martha in our cat condo.

You can view this video and our other videos here.

Thursday, May 17, 2007

Office Report

The office was busy today. I addressed all the applications in the folder and will have to do some follow through Friday as one of the vets offices were closed. I also managed to finish the applications for aid.

I had a woman come in who was inquiring about aid for her friend who has 29 cats. I explained she would have to first pare down the amount of cats she had. Keep those that she actually has as house pets. Then we can get serious about what we can do to help her get her pets spayed and nuetered. She took the application and then began asking what kind of volunteer work was needed and she told me she was interested in Rescue work. I told her how we test the animals and we need someone just to focus the video camera, and then after the animals are tested we line then up to see the vet for health certificates and about the 5:30 arrival to meet the van on rescue day. She filled out the application. So hopefully we have a new person to help us.

Jeffie a kitten from the back was adopted by AC today as was Romeo the Chihuahua/Min Pin. Walter the large beautiful orange and white cat was adopted from the condo. Actually I went down the pets wanted list and called everyone to please come see our pets. We have a large variety of pets right now. I asked them to please come see the pets and help us save a life. I called a family that was approved for a cat. The lady got off work and came to the shelter and adopted Him. It's the same woman who adopted Billie and Shadow. I have placed a comment near her name stating she has adopted 3.

There is some interest in a couple of the other puppies. So maybe they will go to good homes tomorrow.

Thanks Linda for getting the site updated. I ran an ad so now folks will go to the site and see the animals we have available this week.

Nicole came in and walked some dogs and thanks for showing folks dogs. Joanne was also in and she vaccinated a kitten, medicated, talk to some volunteers. Thanks Joanne. Also a new volunteer came in and walked dogs this evening. I am going to have to get her name.

If any boxes are delivered for the spay clinic, open them, check to make sure they don't need refrigeration then leave them in the surgery room.

On May 30th we are going to do a practice run in the spay clinic and the vet will be spaying and neutering only shelter animals. So it will give us a chance to see how this will all work. Lisa, Joanne, Catrina and Anita will all be assisting in areas where needed as instructed by the LVT.

Right now it looks like there will be a rescue wagon van here June 5th.


I think I have debriefed myself.

Wednesday, May 16, 2007

McGuire's Fiddlefest 2007

This past Saturday the McGuire's hosted the first annual fiddlefest to benefit our animals. It was a great success, raising nearly $5,000.00! WOW. Many, many thanks to the McGuire family for working tirelessly to help the animals.

Many volunteers donated countless hours - I especially thank Laura our President, Cris our Events Coordinator, and Susan our talented Baker.

Many thanks to EACH OF YOU that baked items, sold raffle tickets, face painted, sold hot dogs and raffle tickets, and volunteered at our booth the day of the event. It was a FUN DAY!

The raffle was very successful. At least 50 items were raffled off - one of the biggest raffles around. I recognized many of the winning names and was happy to see so many people win great prizes. We also thank those that donated items for the raffle.

Everyone had fun - Coconut --- volunteers of all ages --- visitors

Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Assisi Update

The van was at the shelter today we managed to get 4 of our shelter dogs spayed/neutered and it was confirmed BeeGee was already spayed plus Tabitha the cat was spayed and it was confirmed Tinkerbell had been spayed already. All the above animals got rabies vaccines plus 3 cats in the condo got rabies updated. I also ordered pain meds so we could replenish our supply.

There was a woman who we met at the McGuires event that came to see Dixie, she was given an application and will come back with her dogs to see how they get along.

I contacted the applicants that wanted Coconut but they had reconsidered so I filed their application away.

The shelter was over flowing with dogs. Fortunately some went with the Assisi Van to rescue. I am not exactly sure which of the new dogs they were.

We trapped a cat near the back dumpster and Judith felt it may have been the same cat that had been done previously, so Assisi staff were going to check and see. I think it was a different cat. But I had to leave before it got on the van.

I have canceled the van for May 30th but we are booking the van for June 19th and should be able to fill that van.

It was a very busy day. I want to thank Catrina, Lisa, Joanne, Judith, Rita, Barb and I understand Nicole stopped by after I left. So a Big Thanks today for every body's help. (Judith you will get the hang of the paperwork so don't despair).

I did make one slight change today. Before we began vaccinating the shelter animals the vaccination was included in the cost. Today I explained that the pets were all vaccinated prior to being adopted and if the dog needed boosters it would cost $5.00. Everyone was agreeable to that. I did reassure them that the rabies was still included in the intial fees.

I also ran an ad that will start in current tomorrow listing the various breeds we have in the shelter. I am hoping it will help us find homes for all the shelter animals.

Thanks Again, Anita

Thursday, May 10, 2007

Wednesday and Thursday Update

Whew! I have been busier than a cat covering crap on a marble floor! I got up at 5 AM again this morning (Thursday), totally intending to post, but I hit the snooze and Sweet Pea jumped in the bed and snuggled next to me and I figured, "What the heck? I'll hug my dog for another hour!" And even though she chewed up a cardboard box and pulled stuff out of the trash can and somehow ended up with gum on her elbow today, I still think she is one of the best dogs ever (the other is my Rocky!). My cat, Porky, likes her as well (the other 3 cats do, too)! Thank you, PCHS, for letting me adopt her!

But I digress.

The last two days have been insane! We were overloaded with kittens (still are), but on Wednesday, Rebecca talked to Angels of Assisi and they accepted 8 of our kittens! Nicole came to the shelter this morning to transport them, then came back by the shelter to walk a few dogs and give us an update on some of our animals that are still there (Jane, Shelley, and Ms. Kitty for example). Sending the kittens to rescue opened up 2 condo cages, so Lucky and Beauty (and her 2 kittens and 3 fosters) were moved up front. One cage was freed up in the back, but was quickly filled with an unhappy (and a little unhealthy) feral.

Yesterday, we had a visit from a very old friend, Ruby! Some of you may recall this dog from the old shelter--she was the neurological disorder dog who jumped and pranced around like a deer. She and her adoptive mama, Erin, were visiting from Texas! Unfortunately, I didn't get a chance to visit with them, but Ruby and mama look very happy together!

I got to help (at least I think I was helping) Luann with drawing blood for FIV/FeLV tests yesterday. Here is one of our mean patients, Tabitha. I believe she is eyeballing my jugular vein, plotting her revenge. Thanks Barb, for this picture! It reminded me that I needed to look in the mirror once in a while before I start scaring small children! Don't worry all; I have a hair appointment soon!

Barb was a photo-taking madwoman on Wednesday. We have had so many new animals come in this past week, I don't know how she managed to get all those pictures done with all the right names and information, and still manage to cover the office. Billy was there with her, and when Billy is there, I know I don't have to worry about the laundry! Always very much appreciated Billy!

Bobby brought in 2 more neglected dogs--and I say the more the merrier! People need to learn that chaining a dog up and not feeding him earns them a special place in hell (and hopefully, in jail)! Very sweet dogs (Jackson and Black Jack) that would love visitors and walks (and treats!). Good job, Bobby!

Joyce brought in an exceptionally cute stray puppy on Wednesday. Still has puppy skunk breath. Rolled in her own poo, so Paul gave her a bath. Shay helped me worm her today. She listens so well and is so cute, she is bound to have a home in no time! I think Joyce also brought in what looks to be a Chihuahua/Min-Pin mix. Very cute, but a little shy. Also sure to be adopted soon.

On a sad note, our condo kitty Wild Knot was returned. Nothing wrong with him, but the owner is in poor health and is unable to care for him any longer. She did the responsible thing by bringing him back to us. This means we now have SEVEN black cats in the condo, four or five of them loose! Judith has been kindly writing descriptions of them in the condo book so we can try to tell them apart!

Cinnabear, the puppy who growls when you walk by her pen, has stopped growling! A few days in the yard interacting with other dogs has turned her into a new dog! Nicole usually makes sure she gets some outside time every day. I'm so glad too, because the thought of her being so scared in that kennel was heartbreaking. Three of the four red and white hound puppies seem to be coming out of their shells; unfortunately, the fourth one is still in quarantine and is still scared of everyone.

Jessica came in on Thursday to walk dogs. Those dogs are always so happy to see her! She also has been brushing Sheba with a razor comb just about every time she visits, which Sheba will tolerate for about 5 minutes!

Bob and Joanne came in on Thursday to cover the office and do meds. I didn't know that my friend Ashley was coming in to do her volunteer paperwork with Joanne until the Sheriff's office called Bobby and told him that Ashley was going to be a little late--she was in a car accident! Ashley is fine, it was just a minor ding, and "yay!" we have a new volunteer!

Katrina came by in her very nice clothes and helped me clean in cat intake! She had a long time between clients at work, and I was happy for the company and the extra hands!

I helped Rebecca dig stuff out of the storage shed (old shelter) for the Bluegrass Festival. I hadn't been over there for a very long time, and to see that horrible place with the even more horrible "box" is a huge reminder of how far we have come! So if you're ever feeling disheartened about things at the shelter, go visit the old one to put things in perspective!

Here's a warm and fuzzy story about a rescue crew who spent 5 hours trying to unstick a stuck kitten.

The Toronto Vegetarian Association is having a tofu haiku contest! I just found out about it, so I will post my entry when I have it written!

On Friday I'm sure to be visited by Nicole, Rebecca, and Anita, who is covering the office, but I would love to have more visitors! If I have forgotten anyone, I am truly sorry. The days have been running together lately, and the bleach fumes are killing brain cells.

And if anyone knows how to get gum out of a dog, please let me know!

Thank You from Laura

Thanks all for taking up the slack while I'm out. I think the McGuires Fiddlefest is going to be awesome ! Sorry to miss it. You get to have all the fun! Appreciate everyone making it happen.

How cool is the Walmart donation as well!!! Thanks for the representation and the plate of goodies you brought. Keep on doing all the wonderful things you do! And keep on blogging so I have something to do for the next couple of weeks.

I'm slowly tooling around and have figured how to be at my desk for short periods of time. Unfortunately for all, I can blog from the couch. Keep me in mind if anyone needs a break. I'm going to be wanting company, as I'm stuck here for at least 3 weeks. It's awful--suns out, drink is cold, and all I can do is lay around!!

See everyone Monday at the board meeting here at 5:30 if not before then. Barb and Bill are providing dinner for all! That will be a treat!

Wednesday, May 9, 2007

Tuesday's News

Ssshhhhh!!! Everyone be quiet! It's 5 AM, and I don't want to wake up the dogs, because they will jump on the bed and wake up Billy! I was too tired to post by the time I got home last night, but after my usual 5 hours of sleep and some coffee (from a local roaster I feel the need to plug), I'm ready to go!

Tuesday started off slowly. I was a smidge late coming in (couldn't find some power tools) to care for the cats in the back. Joanne came in right behind me to take care of the condo. Lots of meds to do, and thank goodness it was the last day of panacur for those wiggly hound puppies, K.C., Sunshine (didn't I tell you that Bobby and I are disco fans?), and April. I was in the back cleaning the cat intake room, when Julie comes to the door with a tiny box. FIVE, count 'em, FIVE kittens probably a week old--sans mama! Of course our human expert kitten mamas, Anita and Marlena, already have litters of their own, so we were a little concerned about who would be bottle feeding them (you all know I would do it in a pinch), but Rebecca came in and helped us with a solution--two of the kittens are with Chantel in the condo (who only had 3 kittens of her own), and three are with Beauty in cat intake (who only had two of her own). These cats are good, healthy mamas, and like Anita said, they will do better than any human could do!

If you think that's the end of the kitten dilemma, think again! Apparently, Monday was dog day, but Tuesday was definitely kitten day! Later in the afternoon, a lady brought in a mama and 4 kittens that are close to being weaned (and adopted!). Then, another lady brought in a sickly looking kitten she found in the street. Then, not 5 minutes later, another lady brought in 2 more! She intended to bring in 3, but handed one out in the parking lot instead. Few things jack up my blood pressure like people handing out animals in the parking lot! At least on this occasion, I feel as though the person who took the kitten will provide a good home. Also, one of the kittens who came in with the Calico mom on Monday was adopted on Tuesday to some nice folks!

So, in case you were wondering about numbers: including all kittens in the condo, in intake, and in foster, we have 35! I asked Barb to make them "pet of the week" in the paper again. We're going to work on taking adorable pictures on Wednesday (and then we'll try to get some pics of kittens).

Nicole came in and was flying solo for a while on making dogs sparkle! She brought us hair traps for the tub drain as well, and they work great! Nicole prettied up Jasper (easy) and Nubbs (not so easy), and those boys certainly clean up well! They are putting on weight and are now shiny and clean smelling! You should have seen those boys in the yard showing off for the ladies!

Bobby, looking quite concerned, alerted Nicole and I to a dog with blood on her neck. Turns out she had just popped a very large tick--eeeewwwww! Joyce and I picked a bunch off of her when she came in Monday, and she was on the list for a bath Tuesday. Nicole and I pretty much filled the "death jar" with ticks that were hiding in her long, thick fur. Now she's all pretty and smells like a pina colada!

Rebecca and I headed to the new Dublin Wal-Mart at 6 PM and met Barb, Bill, Billy, Anita, Susan, and Cris. Barb brought shampoo and body wash to the shelter for me so I could take a shower in the Animal Control office--evidently she didn't want me smelling like dog poop for the Grand Opening! They gave us this big check for $5000--downpayment on the barn! I don't know how I'm going to get it through that tube at the bank drive-thru. And of course, there was food, and where ever there is food, Rebecca and I will be there!

The new Wal-Mart will be open for business 7:30 AM on Wednesday. It appears larger than the one in Fairlawn and the one in Wytheville. We were allowed to walk around the store, so Rebecca and I browsed to be sure they had our usual brands. Animal Control doesn't have to drive all the way to Fairlawn for supplies anymore, and I can go here on the way home instead of going all the way to Wytheville!

After the Wal-Mart grand opening was over at 8 PM, several of us headed to Laura's house for the last meeting before our Doggone Bluegrass Fiddle Cats Fundraiser this Saturday! Laura is very bored gang, so calls and visits would be greatly appreciated! Her laptop needs to be re-formatted, and she is not allowed to sit up for 3 weeks (of course she is doing it anyway--shame, shame, Laura!), so desktop is out of the question. Any-hoo, Cris has been doing a bang-up job planning and organizing this, along with our gracious host, McGuire's Family Campground. The excitement during the meeting was palpable! This is going to be a great event! We need volunteers to help set up (9 AM) before and break down after, so contact Cris ( if you can help!

Well gang, the sun is up, and I have to get ready to go to the shelter! Hope to see you there!

Monday, May 7, 2007

Monday's News

Ok, show of hands--who's tired of hearing from me? Anyone? Anyone? Bueller?

To those of you sitting at your computers with your hands in the air, 2 things: One--good news! You only have to put up with it for about another week. Two--You can put your hands down. I can't see you anyway.

I really want to thank Anita and Nicole for all their help today. Anita helped me knock that condo out in no time, then did all the dishes in the food prep room and a ton of other stuff. Nicole transported a dog to the vet for Bobby. He picked the dog up last night after she was HBC. She's a yellow lab mix and is very sweet, despite a possible dislocated hip. Nicole came back and walked dogs outside and people inside, then helped me give shots to a new mama cat and 3 kittens that arrived today in a fish tank. She's a calico with 2 calico kittens and one grey and white kitten.

New dogs over the weekend (other than my hitch hiker) include a pit bull we're not too sure of and an unhappy chow mix. A small collie mix came in first thing this morning. She's very sweet, but needs a bath! I picked 2 ticks off her, and Joyce got at least 5!

We got a very cute little dog that looks like a dachshund/beagle mix. He is weiner dog shaped with beagle colors (Weagle? Beaner dog?). An Australian Cattle Dog mix puppy came in. She looks a little frightened by all the clamor, but I'm sure she'll be bouncing off the kennel walls by morning. I should put her in with the 3 hound puppies so she can herd them. Bobby brought in a husky looking mix near the end of the day. Dixie was smitten with him immediately, and I think he had the eyes for her as well.

Susan came in to cover the office today. I know she was on the phone a LOT for adoption and aid applications, but she still found time to do laundry and, as usual, wasn't taking any of my crap!

Bobby, Shay, and Julie were all in court this morning, and things went well for them--congrats guys! Dixie, Nubbs, and Jasper (3 emaciated dogs seized by Bobby) were all awarded to AC, as was Draper 1&2 who were seized by Shay after their owners abandonded them. These 5 awesome dogs are now able to be adopted, and Nicole took an application for Jasper this afternoon!

Shay, Julie, and Paul also snaked the drains at the end of the dog runs. Evidently, our previous trustee hosed the hay from the goat's kennel down the drain and blocked both of them up. Also, some rawhides were keeping water from flowing down the trench drains, so new rule: rawhides outside only!

On a sad note, the kitten I had been taking home had to be humanely euthanized today. She was doing better over the last few days (although she was still a third of the size of her siblings) and was fine this morning, but she took a turn for the worse. Mama is semi-feral and the kittens were born and lived their first few days to a week outside, which may have been a contributing factor. Feral cat groups estimate that the mortality rate of feral kittens at over 50%; some estimates place the mortality rate at 75%. This is why spay/neuter programs are so important!

This evening, Rebecca, Billy and I attended the Bland County Planning Commission meeting to learn more about the "breeding facility," which is being proposed by Ivan Schmucker. I'm sure you all remember that Mr. Schmucker's previous breeding kennel was destroyed in a fire, killing 167 dogs and puppies, and that it was later discovered that Mr. Schmucker did not have a permit for a breeding kennel. Tonight he submitted his application for a conditional use permit (CUP), which he needs in order to continue breeding dogs (although I don't know what is going on with the 100 or so dogs he still has). Tonight was not a time for public comments; that time will come on June 4. Each person must sign up in advance and has only 3 minutes to speak. I plan to be at that meeting and use my 3 minutes wisely. Rebecca and I would love it if everyone could prepare a few words and attend the meeting as well. Please mark the date on your calendars, and we will make carpool plans later. I hope we need a bus!

I hope to have visitors tomorrow! We need dog walkers, because Nicole and I will be in the grooming room making dogs sparkle!

Sunday, May 6, 2007

Sunday Update

You wouldn't think there would be anything to report on a Sunday, but today was anything but mundane!

This morning, on the way to the shelter, I picked up a dog that was hitch-hiking on the interstate near the Draper Mountain exit. She didn't want to get in the car with me at first (I'd had a lot of coffee and was all crazy-eyed), but a little Fancy Feast convinced her that I was ok. And by some amazing coincidence, she was also going to the shelter, so at least I didn't have to go out of my way. Even more amazing--she's spayed! Her name is BeeGee (yeah, Bobby and I are disco fans) and she's a little timid, but very sweet! Come by and visit her!

Laura, I'm sure you'll appreciate this next story: I had to chase Sheba AGAIN this morning! Apparently, she squeezed her way past the trustee when he was putting her food in her kennel, and she took off out the back door and into the woods. The trustee came to get me, and I found her milling around behind the "cat house," probably sniffing after our resident feral cat. In true Sheba fashion, she let me get right next to her and then took off like she was shot out of a cannon. For 11 years old, that girl can run! She ran into the industrial park, but then the silly girl ran between 2 buildings and cornered herself against the fence. There was some fancy footwork on my part when she tried to sneak out between 2 trucks, but she finally let me outsmart her, and I got her back into the shelter. That dog was laughing at me, but I didn't think it was very funny.

Anita, I'm so glad to hear that you are coming in to help me in the morning! I know you work fast and can help me buzz right through the condo!

Nicole, if you're going to be at the shelter this week, I need help bathing 3 dogs! (Nicole and I wash dogs together so often, we can practically read each other's minds!)

Well gang, I have barbecue tofu salad and soy mango lassi calling my name! See ya tomorrow!

Saturday, May 5, 2007

Friday and Saturday Update

Ok gang, I'm beginning to wonder if anyone besides Anita and I are reading this blog! I can't believe you all let me get away with posting "International Respect for Chickens Day" with nary a comment! Although it is a real event, I expected at least one "Aw, c'mon! You're pulling my leg!" And before that, you all let me get away with "Irish Drinking Song for Cats." Have you ever said something crazy just to see if anyone is listening? I do it all the time!

Any-hoo, Friday was insane, as Fridays usually are. I've been cleaning the back cat rooms every day due to lack of trustees. Our most recent one was "dismissed" Thursday night, and now we have a new guy, Paul, who seems to be doing a good job despite not being properly trained. I try to show him a thing or two as time permits, but you know how that goes! He does ask questions about how to do stuff and what to do next and tells me if he thinks something is wrong with one of the dogs, so that's a good sign!

On Thursday, after I left, someone brought in a stray yellow lab-bassett hound mix who was totally cute and sweet! His owner tracked him down and picked him up this morning. Shay picked up a stray hound at the jail Friday morning when he went to pick up Paul, but his owner also came this morning to get him. I'm glad he is home with his owner-for his sake and for mine! That dog was very unhappy about being in a kennel and was not shy about letting everyone know in that special hound dog way!

Four very scared puppies were brought in on Friday; they still looked scared today. They were filthy and wormy and covered in poop, so I offered to give them all baths before we gave them shots and wormed them. I got 2 of them done, but the third was another story. We had a slight misunderstanding and there was some teeth-to-skin contact. My fault totally. I'm still trying to make it up to the puppy by bribing her with dog treats covered in peanut butter.

Anita was covering the office with a vengence on Friday. I couldn't even hazard a guess as to how many phone calls and emails she made regarding adoption and aid applications!

No adoptions Friday, but Thelma and Louise went to a nice family this morning! They spent quite a while with the dogs before deciding, and I really hope this one sticks!

Red was also adopted today. That's all I've got to say about that.

We got 2 possibly Alaskan Malamutes today. They were apparently RAL in Pulaski, and someone brought them in. Bobby pegged them as Malamutes at first, then changed to Huskies, but I think he was right the first time because they are both huge and have brown eyes. Bobby held them while I vaccinated--I hate going through all that fur! I'm afraid I'm going to miss!

I had lots of visitors today. Brenda and Sandy came in to cover the office--and ended up doing so much more! Brenda sanitized a huge stack of litter boxes for me. They are now safely being stored in a tote on the top shelf in the food prep room. They were being stored on a shelf in the cat intake room--where they were contantly being re-contaminated by fomites and flying cat snot! Brenda also beat a pile of laundry into submission. Sandy escorted folks around the shelter and answered the phone, and still found time to sweep and mop the ed room and office! Towards the end of the day, they brought Coconut out for his special sofa time. Unfortunately, the batteries in the camera were dead, so there is no documentation of his complete lack of dignity! (He was showing his business to the world!)

Karen J. came to bring raffle tickets and money and check our current Lab population. My friend Geri also came by to bring raffle tickets and money, and to pick up more to sell at an upcoming soccer game. Ute came with her and brought Precious (now named Sandy), the small, white, fluffy terrier she adopted from us recently. Precious looks quite happy and spoiled!

Well, my mind just went blank (its normal state!), so I just wanted to say thank you to Anita, Barb, Brenda, Judith, Katrina, Nicole, Rebecca, and Sandy (sorry if I forgot anyone) for being at the shelter to help me clean or do meds or walk dogs or whatever else I needed help with at the time. Because, yes, if no one else was there to do it, I would clean the whole shelter. Every shelter needs a clean freak germophobe!

Friday, May 4, 2007

Fostering Kittens

Marlena and myself have been working very hard to feed and care for the orphaned kittens that have been entrusted into our care. It is with deepest sadness that I have to report that Knobie had to be humanely euthanized today. He was an adorable kitten and he will be deeply missed by his foster momma's.

Thursday, May 3, 2007

Thursday's News

!!!!!!!!!!Click here for info on new products added to Menu Foods recall list!!!!!!!!!!

What a busy week! I've been at the shelter every day and haven't had a chance to post a thing! Thanks to Laura for posting Tuesday, and to Rebecca for the Rescue Waggin' post!

I can hardly keep up with all the cats, kittens, dogs, and puppies (and a goat, can't forget the goat) that have come and gone this week. The goat is currently being fostered by Judith, and will most likely spend the rest of her days there. The chocolatey lab mix was picked up by his owner today, as was a black lab yesterday. They came and went so quickly, I didn't even catch their names! The 4 kittens in the back were moved up to the condo, and are now occupying Kiara's recently vacated kennel. Taylor was set free in the condo today (yes, ANOTHER black cat loose in the condo--make sure you have the right kitty when adopting one out!), and Tabitha was moved into his kennel. Tabitha was nursing the 5 orphaned kittens that were brought in from the race track and 2 other kittens that were brought in by their owner. The whole crew of them have been staying at Anita's place! The 2 OS kittens and one of the orphans are now at Marlena's being bottle fed, and 4 of the orphans are with Anita so she can make sure they are eating on their own. Anita helped me worm and vaccinate those 4 today, and hopefully, we correctly identified their genders!

Yesterday, Nicole and I bathed the 3 sad puppies. Two of them were so dirty, we had to wash, rinse, and repeat! The smallest one, K.C., has injuries to his face and is on antibiotics. He shakes and shimmies a lot, so he may have other issues as well. The biggest one is the most timid, but still friendly. They have been moved to a big kennel.

Yesterday was also Bobby's birthday! There were several cakes involved, Nicole brought Coldstone ice cream for everyone (non-dairy sorbet for me!), and I brought muffins like I always do on Waggin' day (Rebecca brings yummy coffee). You miss lots of cool stuff when you're not at the shelter!

We have several new cats in the back. There are 2 long haired tabbies that are both friendly, although one is very scared. There is an orange and white cat who is very vocal. When I left today, Julie and Shay were cleaning his ears in the grooming room. I don't know who was more unhappy about this--the cat or Shay!

I took home one of Tripod's kittens today. The poor baby is much smaller than her 3 siblings, and they are pushing her out of the way when she tries to eat. She was starving when I fed her with a dropper! Tripod and the babies also have URIs.

As Laura mentioned in her post, Kiara was adopted. Callie, the German Shepherd, went to rescue. And of course, 18 dogs went on the Waggin'. We've had several applications for our cats and dogs this week, and they will hopefully will result in lots of adoptions!

Good news: ZooQuatic Pets is still feeling the pressure! This time they are in trouble for allegedly selling unvaccinated kittens less than 7 weeks of age.

More good news: President Bush signs the Animal Fighting Prohibition Enforcement Act into law! The law, which takes effect immediately, "provides felony penalties for interstate commerce, import and export related to animal fighting activities, including commerce in cockfighting weapons. It will make it much harder for criminals who engage in dogfighting and cockfighting to continue their operations. Each violation of the federal law may bring up to three years in jail and up to a $250,000 fine for perpetrators," (HSUS).

Tomorrow, May 4th, is International Respect for Chickens Day. I say we should have respect for chickens every day! Go here to learn interesting facts about chicken intelligence. For instance, "chickens are able to understand that objects still exist even after they are hidden or removed from view. This level of cognition is actually beyond the capacity of small human children," ( Wow!

If I am forgetting anything, please post in comments!

Wednesday, May 2, 2007

Tuesday May 1

Tuesday was busy as all days at the shelter. Rebecca and I tested dogs for petsmart , Rita was scrubbing cat kennels. Anita came in to help with the office and dog testing on short notice--Thanks Anita. Susan too came in on short notice to help with vet checks as the dogs going to Petsmart all needed Dr. Vaughan's approval. Thanks to Susan as well. That's the second time this week on no notice.

A wonderful young couple came in and adopted Kiara from the condo. They were so excited to have her.

Joanne was also cleaning the condo and medicating cats. Nicole was goat sitting among other things. Our new goat resident likes veggies and fruit but bucks terribly when put on a harness and leash. She's also very loud.

I'm sure lots more went on but I can't remember so just "thanks" to everyone who was there and helping and all of those helping behind the scenes who can't be at the shelter. Imogene and Cris are working hard on the Fiddlefest making buttons, coordinating etc. Cris also does all the deposits for the shelter which is a major headache, trying to decipher what we have done all week. Sherry and Jennifer are madly collecting raffle prizes among other things like lining up food and vendors for the fest.

PetSmart Rescue Waggin'

At 5 a.m. this morning Rita, Anita, and I loaded 18 dogs for a trip up to Erie County Humane Society in the Buffalo, NY area.

We so appreciate the help of Gail and Marc with PetSmart for all they do to get here from WAY up north!

Everyone made it just fine - departing at 5:30 a.m. and arriving at 3:00 p.m. It's a long trip but in the A/C with lots of blankets and hugs on arrival.

I thank Susan, Laura, Anita, Nicole, and Barb for their help preparing for this load!