Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Wednesday's News

Wednesday's updates are a little late in coming because I didn't have an internet connection last night! Who remembers before there was "the internet?" Did you ever think you would miss it when it wasn't there?

The Waggin' went off without a hitch (no pun intended) this morning. David, Laura, Rebecca, Susan, and I are getting good at this and evidently make a great team. Gayle, the Waggin' coordinator, said she wished she had a video camera to tape us in action to show other groups for training purposes! Twenty-one dogs (12 of whom were teeny puppies) headed for New Jersey before the rest of the world had its first cup of coffee! See below for full report and cute pics!

I found out yesterday that the 5 teeny-tiny kittens that were brought in last week (and were being fostered by Marlena) are now at Anita's house with Tabitha, the fluffy cat from the back cat room. It appears that Tabitha had a litter of kittens, although sadly, their whereabouts are unknown. She was still filled with milk, so Judith suggested letting her feed the kittens. Big THANK YOU to Marlena for feeding these 5 for almost a week in addition to the 2 she is already caring for! What a huge job!

Judith also got a pregnant cat, Sapphire, off the streets yesterday. A well meaning lady has been feeding the strays, several of whom may be pregnant. Judith prevented us from having up to 420,000 cats born in our county over the next 7 years! Read more about coping with kitten season here.

Midnight, one of our many black kitties, has been let loose in the condo. Please be sure that you are adopting out the right kitty! I won't mention any names ; )

We evidently got lots of dogs and puppies in yesterday, although I was only there until about 1:30. We got a nice, friendly, and oddly calm Jack Russell, dubbed Stinker because he had been rolling in cow pies. He was unhappy about getting a bath, but it had to be done!

A pitbull was picked up for chasing goats, and was claimed by his owner the same day.

Shay and Julie picked up a huge milk-chocolate-y looking lab dragging 20 feet of chain behind him. The chain was so rusted and dilapidated, it had to be removed with bolt cutters. If only people knew the facts about chaining dogs!

Barb commandeered the office at 1 p.m. Good thing too, since I was the only sucker left from the 4:45 a.m. Waggin' run and was getting a little loopy. She told me later that we received four 9-week old Walker hound mixes--and get this--they have already been spayed and neutered!

Barb also reported another litter of puppies came in, so it looks like puppy season is in full effect!

Bear, the fluffy black dog that was adopted with Exxon, was brought back yesterday. Luckily for Bear, he is very pretty, friendly, and ADOPTABLE, so he should get a second chance soon!

Are you a Cat lover? Do you love to listen to Irish Drinking Songs? If you answered yes to both of these questions, or are just really curious, check out this website.

That's all for now folks. You can catch my next show on Saturday!


Anonymous said...

HA! You didn't see Stinker TODAY...

It Takes A Village said...

Rita saw him - bathed him - and you didn't smell him today - did YOU? :-) You rock Rita.


Okay annonymous, I'll bite. What happened to Stinker TODAY? Is there a cow pasture by his kennel?

Anonymous said...

You can't use "calm" to describe him anymore...maybe cow pie works on dogs like catnip does on cats?

Annonymous Two (or did I mean too?) said...

Maybe the key here is the word oddly!!!! At least he's smelling pretty good as he's jumping off the walls :<)

Rita said...

I figured he wouldn't stay calm for long!