Friday, April 20, 2007

Friday shelter update

It was a slow day in the office so I tried to get through the paperwork today. Noodle one of the cats in condo has been approved for adoption so the lady will come by tomorrow ( April 21st) to pick her up. Rebecca was impressed with the lady and after I talked to her further because she wants an indoor/outdoor cat she stated they live in a remote area with 7 acres and not close to a busy street. They have a fenced in yard. They had already adopted out H.D. who was nuetered on the van recently, and on that day when I asked if she needed any frontline she had told me she had already ordered the frontline and intercept.

Fonzy's owner finally came in and picked up his pet. I bet Fonzy was begininng to wonder if he would.

The man did not come and get Callie today. Altho he has been approved to adopt her.

The couple that adopted Shadow last week came in and adopted Billie today. I double checked the paperwork to the cat to make sure I was giving them the correct cat. They wanted a playmate for Shadow. Since the woman got to select Shadow it was the husband's turn to select and he stated he had been watching the website all week hoping Billie would still be available.

Last Tuesday the Assisi van took Mr Jingles and Jasmine from the back to rescue. A lady came into adopt them today but they were already gone and she was happy to hear they were rescued. She stated she will come back tomorrow with her husband to see about other cats. I gave her an application.

Well Tonya the puppy was returned (I guess yesterday) and adopted out today. Thursday, Friday, February have all been adopted out. Ocho is the only one from the litter needing a home now and he will probably go tomorrow.

Corky, a small Black Terrier was an owner turn in and it was adopted out today. I am so glad it got adopted Chuck would not be very understanding if I came home with another adorable doggy.

Later in the day Shay brought in a large brown dog that was reported to have been hit by a car. But it had no injuries, no microchip either. It's a little on the thin side. Could use a bath and maybe worming. I gave him some canned food which he wolfed down.

The two littlest kittens in condo are not to be handled. Altho the blacklight did not detect anything I believe a culture has been taken to test for ringworm. I put a tape that says do not touch.

Now back to the paperwork, On the desktop there is a folder for applications that have been processed. I have added the names to the list and noted if they were denied or approved. So if you don't see the paperwork in pending folder or approved folder then I filed it.

Some one came in and paid for the Raffles tickets she had gotten in the mail and then wanted 9 more booklets so I gave them to her and added her name to those taking booklets. She also took flyers to post in her area. AC also took 2 booklets to sell.

I think that covers it for today. Have a great weekend.

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