Thursday, April 12, 2007

thursday shelter update

Hey I was only there from 3:30 till 7 pm today. I saw Rita, Nicole, Joanne were there and everyone was busy while Bob was sorting out paperwork in the office and answering calls.

A couple came in who had been pre-approved for two dogs and they selected Exxon and Bear as their new pets. They had their car filled with dog feeding supplies, a metal crate, auto watering bowl, new leashes and they said they had new collars at home. They also showed me their new vets business card. I am glad they selected these two dogs as they get along very well playing together.

I looked and Sugar was gone so I assume AC adopted her out. Rebecca and Laura were testing dogs for Rescue waggin and those that passed testing are now in the back room and signs have been placed on the doors that the pets in back are not up for adoption. So they were they there till after 7pm. Cris was in preparing our deposit.

However we still can show Precious, Sheba and Coconut. I am going to ask Julie tomorrow if we can moved T-Bone and Jacki up front.

A litter of tiny kittens came in that need bottle feeding and one of our volunteers is fostering them till they can be weaned.

I can hardly wait to see the flyers for the raffle. I hope everyone signs up to help sell the tickets. There are some awesome prizes. All Committee Chairs and any interested volunteers need to attend the next meeting at McGuires Tuesday April 17th at 6pm. We will need help with booths , walking dogs and all kinds of things. Don't worry there will be plenty of time to join in the fun as well. This is an opportunity to make a lot of money to help with our future goals.

Well I am pooped it has been a busy week for all the volunteers but we are getting alot done. So a big thanks to you all.

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