Thursday, April 5, 2007

Thursday's News

Today was one of those days where you wonder what the heck goes on in the Cat Condo at night! Those cats must be havin' some kind of party!

Got a late start this morning and had to call Laura and Judith (who graciously offered to come in to help me on her day off) to make sense of the condo log. Please try to be clear in the log about medical issues, medications, etc. so that no animal is left sick or suffering. Even if you know what you mean, the person coming in the next morning might not! It is also very helpful to start the log for the next day. I try to do this every Thursday, and I only hope that Judith can read my chicken scratch!

Luckily, I had lots of help today. David got finished with the back cat room, so he got a clean shirt and scrubbed up like a surgeon to do the education room and office cats. What a big help that was! Everyone please be careful what you put on top of the office cats' cage! I came in this morning to a shredded roll of paper towels that was stuck behind the basket! Also, Tex somehow got a hold of a large screw and was chewing on it---thank you David for finding that!

Jessica came in today and was also a great help. She scooped the general population litter boxes and swept the floor while I cleaned the cages. I also had her take down the last of the Valentine's Day hearts (we saved them for next year--they were very cute). Too late to decorate for Easter; any ideas for what to do next?

Susan came by "just to say hi." Seriously. She just rolled in, and rolled out. I don't know what kind of voodoo magic that woman is using, but I need some of that! She has evidently been sharing it with Laura, who also made an appearance.

Bob came in to handle the office--Thank goodness for the office folks! That's a job I could do without! I can deal with unruly dogs and fractious cats all day, but people are a different story!

Nicole came in to walk dogs, and JoAnne came in for PM meds. Thanks to both of them because I had several side projects going on. A lot of the plastic dog bed/platforms were outside leaning on the wall--only 2 dogs on rescue row had beds! So I scrubbed and bleached, and JoAnne put them in the kennels for me, and now our dogs don't have to sleep on the floor. Has anyone ever sat on the floor in one of the kennels? The concrete is COLD on your butt, isn't it? Imagine having to sleep on it.

All of the general population cat beds were flogged, laundered, flogged, dried, and flogged again, in hopes that the cat hair will lessen somewhat. Remember gang---comb just one kitty!

Some kinda sad/kinda happy news: unfortunately, Precious (the black terrier) didn't work out in his new home. We did learn that he should not be placed with cats (no kitties were harmed during the course of this adoption). His new mama had to bring him back and felt terrible but still wanted to get a dog from us, so she took home the other Precious--the white terrier. I hope she will get along with her new canine and feline family!

Another dog was returned today: Banika, the dog that never stops barking. She is in a big kennel in the back room now, and she barks less. She is still as cute and playful as ever!

Snoopy, the white pit bull who was related to Caine by marriage, was picked up today by his owner. That's all I've got to say about that.

No new cats today, but we did get 4 new dogs. Sheffey, an adult male Dalmatian, seems very sweet and is beautiful. Also beautiful is Hazel, a german shepherd that Bobby and Shay trapped today. Very bright and alert! She looks like a tiny police dog! Possibly, a tiny, PREGNANT police dog! A kind citizen brought in Wendy, a hound-y/lab looking mix she found stray. Another sweetie! My favorite of the day (and I'm sure Nicole's favorite, too) is Walker, a small male terrier that looks like the black version of Precious. Walker wins the award for having the most ticks Nicole and I have ever seen at once! His furry little butt was just covered in burrs, and he was stinky, so I started giving him a bath. Then the tick army started marching up my arms, so Nicole grabbed the "Death Jar" from the cabinet and we started picking. I'm sure we got 50 ticks off this dog, and strangely, they were just running around for the most part! Hardly any had bit into him, so we had to chase them! What made this experience even more enjoyable, though, was the fact that this dog was very gassy! So I had to worm him as well. What a tolerant dog!

No adoptions today, but lots of visitors. And there are a few animals that will be going out this weekend. The animal control website changes are nice, and hopefully, with the animals being kept up to date, more folks will come to see them! Thanks Linda!

Good luck to you in the morning, Judith. I'm sure the cats are pouring some out for their homies......


Rebecca said...

you all are saints for pulling all those ticks - i feel ill -- ugh --- RE

anita said...

So glad to see someone update the new dogs. I stopped by and dropped off 3 packs of copier paper. Sorry to hear about Precious and the lady who brought in Banika. Said she bit her but they had also been given a very small and cute puppy. I did not see any bite marks. This was the same fellow who was interested in Peaches. I asked if they were still wanting Peaches but they are not able to get her. I told the woman and man they needed to het the puppy to a vet immediately and start puppy vaccines. They said they would contact a vet.

laura said...

nice job folks! Ya gotta watch those kitties. When I had several they had little kitty parties on a regular basis. Now, though, the puppies keep Merlin in line!