Monday, April 30, 2007

Monday's News

What a busy and exhausting day! Our new trustee, C.J., is still getting his bearings, so things are still a little slow going.

I came in to do the condo, and C.J. was working on the dog kennels. I volunteered to get the cat intake room later as well. Nicole came in about mid-morning, walked a bunch of dogs, and cleaned the dog quarantine room. Reese had made the biggest mess I have ever seen, so this was no small undertaking. I thought I'd better get the back cat kennels done before Rebecca and Laura came in to test dogs for the Waggin', so I left the condo about 3/4 of the way done. I was so filthy by the time I got done the cat intake, Rebecca didn't want me going back into the condo, so she and Susan finished it for me! Rebecca also took care of the cat quarantine room. We certainly needed an army today!

Katrina came by this morning with Royal Canin cat food samples donated by Vinton Animal Hospital; they had some leftover from the Dogwood Festival. Katrina also told me she was coming in to help out at the shelter in the morning, so see ya there Katrina!

JoAnne also came by to drop off money for raffle tickets, and a girl came by (I think she was with Cris) to pick up flyers to hang. Barb is continuing to paper every available surface in the county with flyers!

The two beautiful, but intact, pit bulls that came in a few days ago were picked up by their owner.

Our little Stinker, the stocky Jack Russell, went to a very nice family today! He seriously had them at hello!

Brook, the senior Schnauzer, also went home with a nice lady from Salem. She works at a vet office and was taking Brook straight there when she left.

We got 2 very cute and sweet little kitties today; one is a tuxedo and the other is an interesting looking tortoiseshell. She's not really black and orange; she kind of cocoa and orange. Very pretty!

We also got a pit bull that is the same colors as my Sweet Pea--espresso and white! Maybe a relative? We have a new black lab, a new yellow lab, another new pit bull, and 3 very sad puppies. The puppies are black with a little white hound mixes. Very skinny, very wormy (thanks Nicole for helping me worm them!), very neglected looking. But of course, very sweet. They were apparently dumped on someone's property, and she brought them to us, which of course we don't mind!

The best catch today goes to ACO McMillan, who brought us a very cute and very confused Pygmy Goat! I got to hug and kiss her and name her Priscilla. She is in the large dog pen on the end in the front room, so every one come by and see her!

For some reason, I thought the Rescue Waggin' was going to be at the shelter on Tuesday morning, but it will not be until Wednesday morning! Plus, the Assisi van for Tuesday has been cancelled (see Anita's post below). So the only thing going on tomorrow is the Panleukopenia training at 1 PM. Hope to see everyone there!

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