Tuesday, April 3, 2007

Tuesday Update & Assisi Van Day

Did you work this hard today?

Where do I start except to say we had a VERY busy day. The schedule for future Assisi vans is April 17th, May 1st, 15th, 30th, June 19th, July 17th. Please mark those dates on your calendars. Schedule animals on next available van unless they are puppies or kittens to small to go on the next scheduled van only those should be booked on future vans. (or if the van is full)
We need a minimun of 25 animals on each van.

Please note: no canned food is to be fed to dogs until further notice as there has been an expanded recall and we have to check the cans.

If you are interested in buying Frontline for your dog / cats from the van please fill out an Assisi form before April 17th. In the area that says "Please Check Today", add the dogs name , weight and how many applications you are interested in. Be sure you have the correct weight for your animals. Do not put anything else in the services requested area. Summer is coming which means tick and flea season. Protect your pet !

Well a bit of Great News Ute (a former volunteer) came in and adopted Precious our Pit/Mix. Bye Precious !!!!

Prissy was picked up by her owner. Banika was adopted friday while we were at the conference. Timmy the puppy was also adopted out last week.

Two dogs that came in yesterday were picked up by their owners (Aust. Shep and Golden Retriever).

Now some really WONDERFUL NEWS: Bucky, Flower, Shelly, Orbit, Layla, Beamer, Mally and one Humane Society dog Allie, were all transported to Assisi Rescue. Dr. Farrell also took Hershey and More, cats from the back. Thanks so much to Dr. Farrell for saving all those lives.

Exxon had to have an emergency spay she had gone into heat, along with that she had a prolapsed uterus. I want to thank Nicole for noticing that Exxon was needed attention. Dr. Farrell stated it may get worse before it gets better so I am asking everyone to please keep a watchful eye on her. Dehaven, Poncho, Tigger, Tippy, Hammer and Cookie were all put on van today along with Topaz a cat that was turned in today. Shadow the cat in ed room was also spayed.

Dehaven is in the quarantine room recovering and will be adopted by Donny.

I believe the white terrier Precious is housebroke so please be sure she gets walked.

Joanne had a volunteer come in, Nicole introduced all the dogs to the new volunteer and all the dogs got walked. The new volunteer went into the condo and groomed the cats that were out. I spotted Nicole out front with the pooper scooper. Thanks for tackling that chore. If possible try to put the dogs out in the exercise pen rotating them so they all get some fresh air and sunshine.

Nicole put away a large amount of laundry and I proceeded to get all of today's laundry done but it still needs to get put away. I will try to get that done tomorrow. The Ed room got mopped today Thanks Nicole! Dean and David were busy clearing drains.

I want to thank Lisa who did discharges today and put dogs back in cages. Catrina got all the rabies tags written up.

I was moving dogs up from the back to the front cages today with Julie's permission. After the cages were sterilized. I moved the food /water bowls put a treat in the cage and moved the dogs so they could be shown.

Dogs that had surgery needed beds put down to recover on and some of those dogs were also moved to the front. After the cages were sterilized and I put down bedding and got their food/water bowls, treats and put a ball in their cages.

A number of pet owners were late picking up their pets so they had to be moved to the garage cages. After they departed those cages were cleaned and sterilized.

Rebecca was in and updated all the Kennel renewals. Laura was busy answering the phone, checking out all the adoption applications, and addressing and filing away the aid applications, as well as adopting Precious out.

Volunteers please check to make sure that there are plenty of forms on the door, laundry is put away, that the grooming room is clean, the Education room is dusted and floors, windows are clean, check and make sure that the sinks don't have trash in them I found one today over flowing because it was plugged up, make sure all dogs get walked after which use the pooper scooper to clean up. If dogs need a bath please give them one and make sure they are pretty dry before putting them back in cages. We have plenty of towels and a hair dryer. You don't want to be the cause for them getting pneumonia. Don't trim dogs unless you have permission from Julie.

Please check out the Animal Control website. Linda has been working out a new method to keep the public updated on the animals that are in the shelter. It looks great and thanks for being the genuis behind the scenes. My understanding is Barb will continue to provide the pictures and information for the updates. But Linda with her magic fingers (and mind) will do all updates.

It was a good day!
Thanks everybody for all your help!

1 comment:

Linda said...

Thanks for the awesome update, Anita - I'll go make sure our dog and cat lists are up to date!