Saturday, April 21, 2007

Saturday's News

Today started out slow enough, but picked up tremendously after 12 pm. Unfortunately, I was there by myself! I got there a little early (around 9), which I like to do so I can let out some dogs and maybe help (and hopefully not hinder) Judith with those odd random chores that always pop up on the weekends!

Peaches, our very sweet black pit bull, was adopted today! The proud new parents were trying to decide between her and Coconut, and I believe they opted for Peaches because they knew that Coconut was "safe." New dad has previously had a pit bull and understands their needs and behaviors. The new parents, Shay, and I spoke outside for quite a while before they decided. I put the time to good use--2 hot dogs and 5 minutes later, Peaches knew how to SIT! New mom practiced this command numerous times without hot dogs and was successful. Peaches seems like a very smart dog who will be easy to train!

Also sleeping in a new home tonight is Callie, our timid and sweet little German Shepherd. Her new proud papa picked her up today. He seems like a very patient man (he had to wait a little while because I was swamped by 4 families at once), and he will need that patience to bring Callie out of her shell. She hid under the office desk today while we did the paperwork, probably because Birdie and Ariel were making a big show of not liking her! There were several people in the hall filling out applications, and they all stopped and looked when Ariel let out a big "cat-on-the-back-fence" howl!

Noodle, our overly shaved dilute Calico, went to spend the rest of her days with another of our former shelter animals, H.D., at her new home today. For those that don't recall H.D., he was a sweet little cattle dog puppy who was adopted about a month ago. His new dad says H.D. helps him on the farm every day by fulfilling the role of "dad's shadow." He says H.D. has been exposed to other cats without incident, and since Noodle seems calm around dogs (at least she was around my 2!), this seemed like the perfect match! I told new dad that we would love to post pictures of Noodle and H.D. on our "Happy Endings" page, and he said he would send pictures.

Two nice ladies brought us 2 nice dogs that were dumped near their home. The dogs, dubbed Thelma and Louise by Shay, look like Jack Russell weiner dogs! Very sweet, small, adoptable dogs!

Two more hound puppies came in today as well; Shay let me name them Memphis and Reno. Very sweet and very wormy! All 4 of our new arrivals were vaccinated and the hound puppies were wormed.

I had a few visitors today. Barb, Anita, and Susan (looking totally cool in her convertible) came by to pick up flyers for our Doggone Bluegrass and Fiddle Cats festival (do you just LOVE that name or what?!). Our friend Julie K. came by with towels and bought some raffle tickets and walked some dogs--HUGE help! I didn't get to say thanks before she left, so thanks to Julie!

Draper, our posterior appendage challenged kitty, is now in the condo and is totally cool with that. Boone is now in the education room, and Kiara took his place in a condo cage. As fun as it sounds, Judith and I weren't playing musical cats. Boone is losing hair and may be having a reaction to some meds he was on recently. Judith was my savior today. She talked to a few families (while moving kitties) while I was busy with others and picked up 2 cats from the vet because there was no way I could do it with all the families visiting the shelter (which is a good thing!). I hope we get lots of adoptions from these families!

MySpace Layouts

Everyone please join me in celebrating my favorite holiday--Earth Day! Although to me, every day is earth day (hard to believe I'm such a hippie, isn't it?). Check out this site for things you can do to save the Earth--it's the only one we have!

1 comment:

Rebecca said...

I will add that April is CLEAN UP THE COUNTY MONTH IN PULASKI COUNTY. Please at least walk down your own street w/a couple of trash bags and clean up -- if we all do it- it will make a difference. TAKE YOUR PETS w/you!
One cat in the back is having babies - so it's a toss up as to if I should pick up trash or go watch ! More to come ---