Saturday, May 3, 2008

Fun and Frolic at PetSmart

by Chatty Catty

Christiansburg PetSmart was rockin' and rollin' today with new Condo Pulaski residents and some visitors from the Pulaski Shelter Kennel Spa. Monty, the gorgeous lots-o'-dots Aussie mix and Gretchen, the sleek svelte Basenji mix spent hours and hours tumbling, wrestling and chewing on each other, entertaining volunteers and shoppers alike. Several times Gretchen was caught gnawing on Monty's cheek while he patiently waited for her to finish. The two Walker pups Thelma and Louise serenaded, bounced and pounced, using each other as pillows during resting periods. Josie spent the day cuddling with whoever happened to have a handy lap. The Kennel Spa kids throughly enjoyed their outing and attracted lots of attention.

Sara, one of the Maiden Voyage Group, went to her forever home today, thrilled with how she so thoroughly had her new owners enthralled. Silent Screen Star and Jet Pack Kali took her place. Four kittens also moved in, sparkling eyes eliciting many oohs and ahhs from vistors. Two left within hours, anxious to meet their new families.

Meantime, back at Condo Pulaski, Missy continues to sing her siren song to JD, who is beginning to weaken in his curmudgeonly vows. After sneaking a peek around the room to make sure no one was watching he actually gave Missy a quick slurp on the ear. Prince and Ariel have decided to remain just friends for now, taking it slow and hanging around together at Under the Condo Bar and Grill.

Tigger has been reunited with his brothers Lucky and Oliver, and the three tabbies are loving slinking, sliding and having races up the staircase and through the Condo Lane Tunnel. So far, Lucky is in the lead, but Tigger is demanding a review of the racing footage, claiming Oliver illegally hogged the inside track and forced Tigger into the outside lane and up against the wall, drifting him behind Lucky on the third lap.

New residents are on the waiting list and should be moving into Condo Pulaski sometime this week. Things promise to get interesting when these three saunter into the neighborhood!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


You are so talented. Keep on writing.