Thursday, December 20, 2007

A New Romance for Birdie?

by Chatty Catty

Last month, the Princess Pair Birdie and Ariel rocked Condo Pulaski when they called it quits. Allegations of snoring, cat fights and hogging the bed flew like fur in a windstorm. Ariel took her settlement and now resides in Manse du Ed Room. “Being alone has given me time to reflect,” she said. “I feel calmer, more relaxed. My beautiful fur is looking better than ever, too.” Ariel is hoping that things will continue to improve, and she will be able to finally share her insights with a human family.

In the meantime, Birdie has become interested in a younger man. This morning she was caught traipsing up and down the Tower Post, trilling and cooing to Trevor. Trevor couldn’t get enough of the coquettish lady, following her everywhere and even managing to give her a hug or two. Will she have him move in to her double suite? Neither is saying, but sources speculate it could happen within the next month.

Tex and CJ have moved from their mid-rise triple suite at the swanky Condo Pulaski into a larger, lower level flat at the Condo Rolls. Their new roommate, Daytona, tired of the constant Electric Slide practices, has introduced the pair to opera. Now the three bachelors have their eyes on upcoming tryouts for The Mikado. The trio promises to be an eye-catching smash with their black silky tuxes and suit!

Lucky is contemplating a move to the country. Seems that city life is just too much stress for the delicate girl, and she feels a turn at farm life would be good for her soul. We wish her many mice and lots of sunshine as she enjoys her new hay-filled home.

Wonderful mews all around – both Pearl and Taylor have found forever homes! Pearl is enjoying ruling the roost in her new family, and Taylor is having fun with his new buddy.

New residents have been moving in all week - when the dust settles from all the remodeling and rearranging, we'll be back with all the updates!


Rita said...


I LOVE your "Society Page" updates, Chatty Catty!

Barb said...

Chatty Catty - great post. I can't wait for the next Condo update - I'm on the edge of my seat so please don't wait too long!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Jane B. said...

This is too much--the Young & Restless in Dublin!