Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Wednesday shelter update

Rescue Waggin had some problems getting to us yesterday. Seems the waggin broke down and then they had a new driver who got lost but they finally arrived at about 1:15pm. They already had some dogs on board. They were only able to take 9 of the 15 we had scheduled to go.

They did take GINGER, Chance, Vern, Staffey, Izzy, Amelia, Gilligan, Page, Rocky. Yeah!!!!

After they left we managed to clean all the cages in Rescue row and moved Blue, Lucy, Woody, Kojak, Macie into rescue row. Ruby is still in puppy cage room. My understanding is all these dogs have been transferred to PCHS. Bailey and Justin as well. We are taking applications on all these dogs. Except for Justin they are to adopted out for $85.00 and then booked for spays/neuters with local vets and if necessary on the Assisi or clinic. This will help us recover some of the expenses that we incurred for health checks, rabies and vaccines. Macie is already spayed. I will checkj but vet thought Bailey was already spayed as well.

The only dog in Rescue row that is not ours is Sarah and her puppies. The puppies can be adopted out in 3 weeks and applications are currently being accepted. There is one puppy which the vet says has a neurological problem. We are looking for a foster for that puppy should it not get adopted. We have had dogs with the same or similar problems in the shelter and with the proper care can live happy healthy lives.

We have a lady who wants to adopt Lucy she came with Laura the dark haired girl who does volunteer work. We are attempting to contact her to let her know Lucy is available. If you happen to know who the lady is please advise her.

Well Fiona got adopted as did Lady the shar-pei and Bently found a wonderful home with Barb.

We have 28 cats under our care. And we are working to get them fixed up to date vaccines, rabies and Fel/leu tested.

The new cage in the condo is great and I am glad to see we are able to save more cats. But they do all need homes.

We have some kittens in foster care with Marlena, Justin is with me and doing fine. He gets his stitches out friday and will be returning to Rescue Row. We will have to charge extra for his adoption to cover surgery and x-rays. If he does not get adopted he can go to next rescue.

The board voted to have surgery done on Robbie who had been shot 3 times and will lose a leg.
When he is released after surgery he will be coming to my home to recover. Unless some else is available to care for him.

We are currently taking applications for fostering homes. So if you know of anyone who stays at home, loves pets ad can share their home and nurse sick or injured pets please have them contact the office.

Kojak will still need to be treated so his hair will grow back and he needs brushing to get the last of the matted hair off.

Interview are being conducted for the cleaning position in the shelter. Hopefully we will have some one hired for that soon. In the meantime we only have 1 inmate and Julie has managed to get some extra inmates in later in the morning to also help.

The goats that were in the back have found homes so the exercise area is available again for the dogs to be able to get some exercise during the day.

If any committee member has planned events for future please email them to Linda ahead of time so we can get them in the events calendar.

Bill is heading the interview committee for the new LVT's and we are trying to work out a date to interview and meet them. One will be our regular LVT and the other will be a back up LVT.
We will have report at next board meeting.

Nov 6th is our next Assisi Van and if anyone is interested in helping please have them contact me. I would really appreciate any help and it is not hard training is available.

Treat trail is tonight you are welcome to come and help pass out candy to all the little ghouls and goblins from 4-7pm Becky and I are scheduled to be there.

Have a Happy Halloween.

Later Anita


Anonymous said...

Great news! Robbie came through his surgery with flying colors. He is in foster care for ACO, and the foster family intends to adopt him after he comes out of his stray period, if his owners do not come forward. Julie has all their information - they are a great family with excellent vet references and a long history of great care. This lucky dog has hit the jackpot! What a great happy ending from such a tragic beginning. Now hopefully Animal Control will be able to find out who was nasty enough to shoot this little guy multiple times, and bring them to justice!

anita said...

update: Robbie is being adopted so will not be fostering him.