Saturday, October 27, 2007

The shelter was really busy today. We had about 12 vet students from Virginia Tech today. They toured and helped walk dogs, clean, groom cats and clip nails and other tasks. They were very helpful. We have a new volunteer bulletin board in the ed room with a task list and where you can put your name and show what you've been trainied to do. This will help us all when volunteers come in to help. We can route them more effectively to tasks that they choose and know how to do. We will have the vet students on a regular basis prescheduled two days a month after the first of the year. Many of them as well will be by the shelter on other days as well.

Rita came in and was working the vet students and training them on cleaning and handling animals. Joanne and Judith kept several students busy in the condo working and showing and grooming. We have a beautiful bunch of kitties.Joanne also spent time with some volunteers as well. We had several folks looking to adopt today. We got two appllicatoins for condo kitties and Jen, our safter trainer and foster of Fiona, adopted her today.

Keely was hard at in the office as well working on aid apps and adoption apps. Brenda was on her way in to work in the garden as I was leaving.

Don't forget that we have a complete line of designer clothing and leashes, collars and booties for sale in the Education Room. Keely had a friend that donated lots of new items for us to sell. If you need new leashes collars, raincoats, motorcycle jackets, sweat or t-shrits, booties, the Ed Room is the place to be. Prices are low and the proceeds go towards animal treatment.

We got sad news late yesterday that the Rescue Waggin may not take some of the dogs that they were slated to take. The Maryland shelter that the dogs were going to got slammed with dogs from a cruelty case and they don't have much room. I'm still working with them but they will probably cut about 5 dogs from the run. Worst of all, one of these is Ginger. Ginger, the chow mix has been in a foster home with Tammy and has learned manners and is house trained. Tammy cannot continue to foster her, as she (Tammy) is having back surgery on Tuesday and cannot care for her for awhile. We are looking for someone to foster Ginger until we can find a forever home for this beautiful girl. Contact me or the office if you are interested in fostering Ginger until the next Waggin or until adopted. The next Waggin goes out on November 20th.

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