Friday, October 12, 2007

Please help Justin

Meet Justin. Justin is a beautiful stray dog, who was probably hit by a car. Pulaski County Animal Control picked him up and splinted his leg because he was limping. After removing the splint, Justin still limped, awaiting adoption into a loving forever home. The adoption never came. The Pulaski County Humane Society tested Justin to determine his temperament, in hopes of getting him into a Petsmart Rescue Waggin program that would transport him to a shelter able to guarantee him a home. Justin tested as the perfect dog. He’s loveable and not aggressive. Unfortunately, they couldn’t take Justin until after his limp was diagnosed and the problem is corrected.

PCHS took Justin to the vet, who diagnosed him with a broken elbow which will not heal without surgery. Fortunately Justin is not in pain, but his leg needs costly surgery to repair the elbow or amputate the leg. The Humane Society is trying to raise the funds to treat Justin’s leg so he can be adopted or transported by Petsmart for adoption. If you can find it in your heart to help, please send donation to the Pulaski County Humane Society at P. O. Box 1046, Dublin, Virginia 24084 or drop it by the shelter at 80 Dublin Park Road, or donate through Paypal online at our website at Thank you for your help.


anita said...

Correction Justin's shoulder is not the problem, His elbow has been broken, and it is not at all attached as it is suppposed to be. It's not even touching the lower portion of his elbow bone. To do surgery to correct will cost a couple of thousand at best with no assurance it will correct the problem. This could cause the leg to wither or joints to become fused.To leave it as it will only cause the limb to wither as the muscles antrophy (sp)
He can't use it as it is. The vet felt it would be best to remove the limb. Dogs can compensate and live happy healthy lives 3 legged.
Justin is a wonderful dog and certainly deserves a chance to live a happy healthy life. Please help us with his medical expenses.

laura said...

Thanks Anita, my misunderstanding. I've fixed the post and article for future reference.

Anonymous said...

Good news-Justin was walking on and pawing at the cage with his "bad" leg today. Did the vet say anything about options for trying resetting and applying a proper cast this time?

anita said...

Judith the options are what I discribed. Even going with repairing the leg the way it is damaged there is a chance that he would still not be able to use it which will still make the muscles antrophy. This will cause his muscles to wither and his leg will still be useless. I did see the xray and it is pretty damaged he may have been pawing the cage but his elbow joints are not even touching each other.

Laura I am sorry I did not correct you earlier. That was my mistake.
But I am glad you did catch it.

laura said...

Thanks Anita--no problem.