Thursday, October 4, 2007

Noteworthy dates

October 4th is World Animal Day!

From the World Animal Day website:

"World Animal Day was started in 1931 at a convention of ecologists in Florence as a way of highlighting the plight of endangered species. Since then it has grown to encompass all kinds of animal life and is widely celebrated in countries throughout the world. October 4 was chosen as World Animal Day as it is the Feast Day of St Francis of Assisi, the patron saint of animals."

Check out the website for more information!

October 5-7 is the International Compassionate Living Festival in Durham, NC. I don't know if it is too late to register, but at least check out the Animals and Society website to see what they are about!

Meet Your Meat

October 20 is the first, and henceforth annual, Pit Bull Awareness Day! Everyone thank Jodi Preis, founder of Bless the Bullys, for trying to change the negative image of these sweet, awesome dogs! Read the article in the latest issue of Nashville Paw Magazine!

People Who Are Violent to Animals ... Rarely Stop There

October 13-21 is National Primate Liberation Week. I abhor all forms of animal experimentation, as they are outdated, inaccurate, and cruel. Check out the above website and this one for more information.

The 4 C's of Saving Animals


Anonymous said...

Terrific information Rita, per usual you're right on top of things. Thanks for sharing all your knowledge.

Rita said...

If it wasn't for The Animals Voice emails I get, I would definitely NOT be on top of things! I do enjoy sharing and getting the word out to all who will listen, though. Hope you are well, David!