Monday, October 15, 2007

Monday Office

Hello to all. Truth be known, its Tuesday. I am however, back posting from events yesterday.

First off--Thank you to Stephen our new volunteer who is my right hand on Mondays now.He helps me so much and I truly appreciate everything he does! He zips right over after school lets out and stays till 5:30. So, Stephen, THANK YOU!!!!! I will be at Pulaski's game on Friday to watch you and the rest of the band in your halftime show!!!!!

Also great news--another new volunteer, Sarah Pratt put in an application to adopt Sue. She was approved with flying colors and took her home yesterday. Her animals go to Tipton Ridge and Ellen only had to hear her name before she sang praises about Sarah! SO YAY for Sue! Sue is still in heat, and the "mess" didn't bother Sarah at all. She left the shelter and was going to get diapers for Sue until she gets spayed on the Assisi van on Nov. 6th or goes out of heat. Sarah's 4 year old son has fondly renamed Sue "Spike." So, "Spike"- we love you and we will miss you!

Ranger our Rottie that went to Rescue continues to daily amaze his foster mom and all other humans he comes into contact with. He's doing great w/ housebreaking, is still gaining weight, and his fur is finally starting to fill in. He has become the happiest dog in the world and so eager to please--even after all that has been done to him!

I guess that's about it! Our Oct. 24th Spay Clinic is full, the Assisi Van for Nov 6th has over 20 animals booked and there are at least 14 slots filled for the Nov. 14th Spay Clinic! This is GREAT NEWS!!!!!

Well everyone--have a wonderful Tuesday. I'm going to get back to updating the master database so that we can get the appropriate mailings up and running...


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Great post Keely and wonderful news about Sue and Ranger. I know Rita will be so happy with the fantastic updates about Ranger. Thanks for keeping us in the loop, I can feel the excitement in your post. Good job!!!!!!