Thursday, October 18, 2007

Hey Folks!!

The visit from Humane Strategies went very well this morning. Rick Collard visited the shelter and met with Julie and me, talked with most of the AC folks and Judith, too. He toured the shetler and after goign through a very extensive questionaire about the shelter as a whole, noted lots that we are doing right, with suggestions for some improvements as well. Rick's job is to evaluate shetlers that participate int he Rescue Waggin and make recommendations to make our lives easier and fortunately he has funds available to assist with making those things happen. I'll be putting in a grant for a new office computer, for one thing.

Julie and I talked with Orange County AC about Rikki's Refuge as well this afternooon and all sounds good. We hope to make a visit there next week and put to rest concerns that have been brought forward.

Anita worked hard in the office this afternoon and we had several people looking at dogs. Joanne was doing meds and getting things ready for the spay clinic next week. Thanks particularly to Nicole being willing to bail me out of double scheduling, walking dogs and who helped me finally get some of the things in the Ed Room displayed for sale. Shay brought back one of the leash racks that he painted and decorated for us to display our new leashes for sale. Thanks to Keely for getting all of those, the pet clothing and of course the doggie boots donated. If you need best dressed clothing for your pet, you'll be sure to find it now, right in our own Ed Room. Remember to get your pet toy and treats there. The price is right and it benefits the animals.

Sandy stopped by the memorial garden and brought a beautiful new bench, today. The garden looks really pretty!!

Behind the scenes, Deanna was running safer testing forms for us to start testing for the Waggin tomorrow. Jen and I will be testing tomorrow afternoon. That's all folks!!!!


Anonymous said...

Rick Collard is a known animal abuser in early life.. as he appeared on the Montel Williams show a few years back.
I had the displeasure of working with Mr Collard for three years at the Humane Society for SW WA.... and I can tell you, this man should be banned from ALL shelters, and the Humane Society of the United States. He may not torture animals anymore, he simply has turned his silent rage on employess, the people he can contol. The very people that give their lives to shelter work are demeaned by Mr. Collard. Anyone that hires, or believes that he is a benefit to their shelter, should pause and look back on his past history.
Feel free to contact me with any information required.
Sue Chartrey
Thank you

Anonymous said...

ANYONE with information on Rick during his employment PLEASE e-mail to

HELP the employee's make a stand.

Anonymous said...

DID the Board at Cheyanne ever wonder why Rick was only at the WA shelter for less than a year? The Clallam county humane society was heading in the right direction until the "GREAT" Mr. Collord came to town.
The Board and staff were destroyed due to this man.
Rick left a wake of destruction in WA. He is a controlling, abusive, ego maniac who will say the right things until he gets into the job and then he destoys the soles of everyone trying to help the animals. Rick should be banned from ever working in the animal welfare feild. The animals and the staff are going to suffer in the hands of this horrible man.

Anonymous said...

Amen to what anonymous (July 13, 2008) wrote. The employees at the
Cheyenne animal shelter are at the same place that the employees of Clallam County Humane society, Port Angeles, Wa were a little over 1 year ago. They did make a stand, and ultimately Rick did resign, but not before he tore the Board apart, caused several shelter employees to quit in disgust, set back the animal welfare cause in the community, and undid over 5 years of hard won progress at the shelter. The animals were the true losers in all this - he still is an abuser in my book. Some people never change - seems he is still making life miserable for animals and people alike. A word to the wise on the Board at the Cheyenne shelter.