Thursday, September 27, 2007

Spay Clinic

It was busy day in the clinic yesterday. Joanne did a great job and was trying to make sure we all knew what we had to do. We had some new volunteers so we had to do some training. We managed to get 2 puppies altered, 17 cats were altered just from Humane Society of Montgomery County. There were 2 dogs that got heartworm tested. Two siamese cats that may go to rescue were also altered and shots brought up to date. Another cat from back had to have some treatment for bad ears and it was neutered. Just keeping all the paperwork straight can sometimes be a challenge. But we all worked together and managed to get every pet done.
Considering this was Joanne's first time over seeing the spay clinic I felt she did a remarkable job. As with anything new you do have to work out a system and you do have to find out what volunteers have been trained to do, if not train them.

Ranger tested negative for heartworms. I did find the paperwork for Ranger that showed where his previous treatment was and I am pretty sure AC told me he has a follow-up appointment this friday.

Today I contacted Assisi Booking and told her I only had 4 animals scheduled for the Assisi van and we were holding an adoptathon Sunday, I maybe able to book more could I get back to her Monday and she said that would be too late to cancel the van. So I had to cancel the van for October. But we are scheduled for November 6th. I did schedule the 1 cat and 1 dog for the Clinic Oct, 10.

Lizzy a dog that was scheduled for the van Oct 2, had 6 puppies, must have been pregnant before getting adopted a month ago will go on van in Dec.

There were 3 puppies brought in earlier this week and they were adopted out Wednesday.

I showed a young man Ringo the big black dog. He may come back to adopt him. He really liked him.

A family came in today and have been in a number of times looking for a small dog.
They wanted to see Sassy. We looked all over for the dog. No one knew where the dog went.
Later I asked another AC officer and they said the dog was being fostered to work on house training.

A couple came in with their small child and baby wanting to adopt a kitten. I did tell then a small kitten may not be a wise choice that maybe something about 6 months or older as the cat would not be as delicate as a small kitten. They took an application, I told them about the adoptathon. They may be back.

A previous volunteer stopped by with bath towels and washclothes. We talked a bit and
I thanked her and put the towels away.

Rebecca was in safer testing in back with Julie and Jen when I left tonight.

Hope everyone has a good week, we will be busy this weekend with the adoptathon.


Rita said...

I wanted to add that on Wednesday, Keely and I did some informal aggression testing on Ranger and you will all be glad to know that he passed with flying colors. We couldn't get him too close to any of the other animals due to the sarcoptic mange. I'm so used to pulling food away from my own dogs while they are eating that I did it to Ranger without even thinking about it. He didn't really seem to care! Then I was pulling the leash over his head while he was eating, and he didn't care about that either. He took a gander at the office cats, and had no reaction as they hissed and spit and swatted at him. He seemed interested in meeting Sassy, but didn't lunge or make any aggressive moves. He is such a GOOD dog, after all he has been through! And to think how some humans use an abusive/neglectful past to excuse their horrible behavior!

anita said...

Rita Iam so glad you and Keely were able to accomplish your testing. He does seem like a really good dog. He did not go to vet today but maybe monday he can go. I am so glad he was not food aggressive. And he looks like he has put on some weight. Who ever gets this dog will certainly be a lucky owner.