Monday, September 10, 2007

Sweet Pea's anniversary

Yesterday, September 9, was Sweet Pea's one year anniversary as my faithful companion. This picture to the left shows her the day I brought her home from Shenandoah County Animal Shelter (a lovely facility actually), where she was dumped because she looked like a pit bull after being adopted from us. Well, she had my heart from the beginning, especially with that totally cute underbite, a.k.a. "the shovel."

But let's be honest; her name isn't actually Sweet Pea anymore. She has gone through several names, including Karma and Yenta (a Yiddish word meaning "busybody"), until finally being saddled with Peepees. I try to make up for the name by giving her lots of love and pedicures!

Peepees never fails to make me laugh every day. She always lives life to the fullest, which reminds me to do the same. She always eats like it's the best meal she's ever had (but she's not food aggressive), she sleeps so heavily she's earned the nickname "the slug," she plays will all her heart and runs top speed. When she's coming at you, just get out of the way! She once knocked me flat on my butt and trampled me to the point that for a second, I thought I was in Pamplona!
She's my little girl, and I can't imagine life without her!


anita said...

Rita thanks for sharing. I am so glad you saved sweetpea. It only goes to show how pits get a bad rap. Not all the dogs that come in are actually pits but unfortunately they don't get a chance. So glad you gave this baby a chance.

Anonymous said...

Rita I love precious Sweet Pea's toenails. Did you do the pedicure?
Luv, Luv, Luv them.

Rita said...

Yes I did! When I do my toenails, I do her toenails. They are purple now : )