Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Assisi Van

I can't believe we did so many dogs today. Over 30 dogs were altered today. We only had 3 cats. The van was there till 5 pm today.

Two dogs were returned to the shelter. One I knew about because the owner came in stated his living situation had changed so he was bringing the dog in to get fixed but would not be picking him up. Bobbie said it is a birddog and his name is Rusty.

The other I was waiting for its arrival and when Bobbie contacted the owner we learned he had returned it a few days before. Previously it was Hazel not sure what the name is now. This dog did not get on.
Tinker and Belle the 2 little puppies in front got row got adopted and put on van today. The new owners paid for booster shots and a dose of frontline because they had "friends" .

Sasha came in with 3 other puppies and was put in back row. She got adopted today as well. She will go on the Oct 2nd van.

Catrina stayed all day today and Lisa was there too both doing what they do best . So glad they know what has to be done. They are very valuable to the success of the van. We also got the new forms so please use these when signing pets up.

Tika, Terri, Cuddles, Sammie, Jackie, Dogy, Jeff, Boss, Sara, all got on the van. I have noted on their kennels cards the spays and nueters and date. These dogs have to be adopted out for $85.00 to recover the cost of medical and county fees. Spot in the puppy room was already spayed but I did not know that as it was not reflected on the kennel card. Peanut and Reese also are already nuetered. Reese had a bad case of "friends" so he got a capstar and 30 minutes later he got a fleabath with conditioner and his mats removed from his ears. Then he was placed outside to dry and he was loving life. He is supposed to be adopted tomorrow. Hope that goes well.

Jeff, Dogy, Rose and I believe Spot are all going to rescue. Rebecca has been hard at work attempting to save their lives. You go girl!!!!

While the girls worked on the van I was busy trying to clean the shelter, Laura popped in and she cleaned bowls, litter pans, feral cages. I even had a woman who had a dog on the van and wanting to kill some time helping me out. ( I almost fainted when she asked if there was something she could help with) Terry the immate gave it his all today also.

With many of the cages empty because the dogs were in Assisi Van we were able to clean.
The shelter actually looked a lot better then it has these last couple of days. But we all really worked hard today. Before everyone was returned to their cages they had fresh towels laid out, we made sure they all got a bowl of food.

Our ever faithful volunteer condo cleaner Joanne was in doing laundry and cleaning the condo and it looked and smelled great. It is always with pride we can take people in to show them our condo cats. If I can just remember the combo to the door!

So I want to say thanks to everybody who gave it their all today.
Having a full shelter and only one immate makes it very difficult to do a thorough job of cleaning.

If any body has anytime this week and can come help clean that would be great until they hire that cleaning person we have been approved for, the job is toooo big for one person. Julie has called and asked for more help but each day we get the one.

Susan was giving meds this evening , she was busy on the phone today and logging money we collected from services provided on the van. Oh I forget who was looking for those blue healer labs today but after looking online I figured out they are Judith, Laura, & Zeus. The people who called about them were giving you the ID number. If you can call them back and tell them we have them still.

At the end of the day another volunteer stopped in to walk the dogs who did not have surgery today . Unfortuantely I did not know her name. But thanks for taking the time to make these dogs happy. The dogs so needed to get out to just get fresh air and a little exercise.

Jackie had to have a wrap. There is a note on her kennel card to please remove it tomorrow.

I am advertising some of the dogs on nrvnew.com I have already had an inquiry about Cuddles.

Before the shelter opened we had a small office. There was not the day to day dealing with the dogs and cats . Many entered the shelter few found homes. Today we have a wonderful new shelter. We are vaccinating all the dogs to help eliminate the spread of disease, we provide many on hand services that were not provided previously. We can bath and groom them. We are more active in advertising the pets, getting the pets to rescues, we try to socialize those wild, or timid souls. Most importantly we are making sure the environment is safe and disease free.

It is impossible to do all this alone. It takes a tremedous amount of team effort. And all of us working towards one goal and that is to make things better for all that enter the shelter, humans and pets. Currently We Are The State Of The Art Facility that is being replicated in other areas.

We have something to be proud of and we are making a difference in the community.
Please note I did not say you , or I did it. I said we all do it collectively. We are so lucky to have a strong dedicated network of volunteers. I'm thankful for each and everyone of you. I have learned so much working with each and everyone of you. And yet I realize I know so little.

If I were a dog I would hope to come to our shelter where I know that the volunteers cared if I was ill, injured, hungry or just needed a bit of one on one with a human. I know they want me to have healthy life and happy home.

You all have a great week and keep up the good work!
PS: Catrina now has email.


Rita said...

Anita, did you ask that kindly pet owner who helped out to complete a volunteer application???!!! Did you think you were hearing things when she offered to help? : )

I wish more people were like her!

anita said...

Rita thelady was from Roanoake thats why she stayed around to help didnot want to go home then have to come back to pick up her pet.