Tuesday, August 28, 2007

update -abandoned

I spoke to Animal Control today the owners of the dogs have stated they will be returning tomorrow. The lady stated her sister has been stopping by and feeding the dogs and that they are normally inside dogs. Once the owners return I will make sure they know who has been feeding and watering them. And that I have seen no one stopping by the house. I will also make sure that puppy gets off that chain. So we shall see if they do in fact return tomorrow and I am watching for the "sister" to stop by. She is supposed to take the dogs with her tonight. Maybe they will take better care of their pets knowing their are people who care about animals nearby. I appreciate Julie following up on this. We hate to take animals away from their owners if they are indeed thinking that the pet is being cared for. And somebody else dropped the ball. Thank Goodness for the neighbor who has been caring for them so he can get some sleep.

1 comment:

anita said...

The dogs are no longer there. Guess the sister came and picked them up.