Monday, August 27, 2007


Friday I heard the dogs in back crying miserably. We were having a terrible rain storm and there was thunder and lightening flashing all around. I also noticed that the dogs owners were not home. One is a pretty black and white cocker and the other is a black puppy chained to a tree. I watched all weekend thinking the owners may just be gone for the weekend. On Sunday I mentioned to my husband that the dogs owners had not been been around all weekend and we needed to go feed the dogs.

It was then my husband told me he had talked to a neighbor who had taken it upon himself to feed the dogs. I went and talked to this kindly neighbor who told me the last he saw of the owners was Monday August 20th. He said the dogs were crying and barking later in the week and they were keeping him awake so he went and fed and watered them and they ate like they were starved. The temps were in the 90's.

I called and reported this as soon as the animal control office opened today and it is now 10 pm and the dogs are still in that yard. I recall friday night feeling sick knowing those dogs are out in the elements soaking wet the little chained puppy has been laying on the ground. I can only think how miserable they both must be.

Here is a photo of the cocker the night of the storm.

This dog was soaked.

Below is the puppy. Do you see a shelter for the dog? Or even a food bowl? This was taken the day after the storm. There is an empty paper plate on the ground and a water bowl in the middle of the tire.
If the kindly neighbor had not taken it upon himself to get some sleep and went and fed and watered these dogs what condition would they be in now after 7 days with no food or water ( except rain water)

I sure hope animal control can come out after the intial waiting period and save these animals. They deserve better then this.

1 comment:

anita said...

Animal control must leave a note on the owners door and give a 24 hour notice. Again I have contacted animal control this morning and updated them on the situation.