Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Thanks to everyone who turned out last night for the Board of Supervisors meeting!! We got two part time cleaning positions by a narrow margin. Mr Hale, Mr. Sheffey and Mr. Akers voted yes. Mr. Pratt and Mr. Conner voted against the position. Mr. Robert Hiss, Assistant County Administrator presented the committee's recommendation for the two positions and I spoke to the committee.

We had a good representation with Anita, Rebecca, Barb and Bill, Judith, Imogene and Dennis, Susan, and the Sheriff present. Thank you all again. We will have a cleaning person M-F for 5 hours per day and another position for weekends, 5 hours per day. These positions will be supervised by Animal Control.

Now we need to find the right persons! Kudos to us, this was a huge victory! It should make life much better for our animals, not having to wait till afternoon to be cleaned.


Anonymous said...

Also Rita and Billy were there supporting the shelter as they always do. As we were leaving we noticed them petting what appeared to be a stray cat in the parking lot. Have you a new addition to your growing family Rita?

Rita said...

We could have had 5 additions that night, although 4 of them would be feral/semi-feral. There was another adult cat out there and at least 3 kittens that we saw but could not get close to.

It's a sin how some people treat their animals.