Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Oh, Joyous Day!

As I'm sure most of you have heard, Michael Vick, the shame of Virginia Tech, has been indicted for dog fighting. I can barely contain my excitement, but I must; I don't want to get my hopes up. We all know that celebrities, sports figures, and the wealthy have a history of doing whatever they please; Michael Jackson, Kobe Bryant, and that British dude that killed his wife, for example. (Funny how they lynched Martha Stewart, though. I've always wondered about that.)

The dog in the pics above and to the right (from the HSUS website) was one of 52 who were seized from Vick's Surry County property. Most of you are well aware of my soft spot for pit bulls, especially after my time in New Orleans. I don't want to imagine what this poor baby went through. And although I know the HSUS will do everything in their power to make this baby's life the best it has ever been, I fear she will never know what it's like to snuggle on the bed or romp untethered in the grass, like my babies. I hope I'm wrong.

All the big groups have something to say about Vick, which I love, since we are all on the SAME TEAM! Check out what the ASPCA, HSUS, and PETA have to say (and please be sure to take action where indicated!). Wayne Pacelle's blog is informative as well (and not just today; I'm a frequent reader). Another of my favorites, Virginia Voters for Animal Welfare, has compiled an extensive list of whom to contact about Vick or for legislative change in general. It is not yet on their website, but I'm sure it will be soon. Believe me, Lillian Clancy and Don Marro are on top of things!

Get your "Neuter Michael Vick" t-shirts here. The title on the page reads, "Dog fighting is for savages," but I'm sure they did not intend to insult savages like that.


Anonymous said...


The below is taken right from the Boston Globe:
Falcons quarterback Michael Vick could get six years in federal prison if he is convicted.

Beantown is appalled as is the rest of America. Hallelujah, something is being done. We can make a difference.

Please go here to send a message to the NFL letting the league know that cruelty to animals is not acceptable.

We've got to continue the fight to let the NFL know that this behavior is unacceptable. They need to suspend Michael Vick, NOW!!!!

Rita your excitement is contageous and will spur many more to take action. WE HEAR YOU!!!!

Rita said...

Thanks David! Also check out this article ( from our local Roanoke Times. The writer, Shanna Flowers, makes many excellent points!

Anonymous said...

Ms Flowers is right when she says "sport builds character" and right again when she states "sport does not destroy" as dog fighting does. I think we've all known, or guessed that drugs are involved.

It's time the NFL and sports world took a stance and rid themselves of athletes who behave badly and are mentors for our young. There can be no excuses for illegal and cruel behavior! Remaining loyal to your friends doesn't mean "do as they do".

Michael Vick’s legal troubles prompted Nike on Thursday to suspend the release of its latest product line named after the Atlanta Falcons quarterback. We should all take time to let Nike know we agree with their decision.

We need more activists like you Rita. People who are willing to stand up for what they believe. You go girl.

By the way that's a great picture of you. It speaks volumes about you Rita.

Rita said...

Thanks again David! The white dog is Coconut; he is currently in foster care. He came to the shelter in horrible shape but was so sweet, he stole everyone's hearts. The dark brown dog is my Sweet Pea, whom I adopted from the shelter last September. She also stole everyone's hearts with her sweetness. She also likes to steal food off the counter, trash from the trash can, and cat poop from the litterbox.

We should take time to let Nike know that we agree with their decision, but I think we should also let them know it is only a first step! They should drop him like a hot potato! Of lesser importance, that shoe was just plain ugly anyway!

Rita said...

Just found this article on CNN--rock on PETA!

Anonymous said...

Touché Rita - I agree, Nike needs to dump Michael Vick ASAP!!!!!

You've got to love SweetPea and Coconut. They're beautiful.

I'm heading over to to read the article now, thanks for the heads up!