Friday, July 6, 2007

friday update

Well I noticed that Trixie and Cole kittens from the Condo have been adopted out sometime last week.

The air conditoning was out today making it miserable for humans and animals. They finally got it running again about 4pm. Laura ran some fans over to the condo to help with the cooling. Thanks so much Laura.

Snider the big black dog was adopted out by AC today. Then a couple came in and filled out an application for Ginger but they are also interested in Draper. They would like to have their current dog meet with the ones they are interested in. They came so late in the day I did not get a chance to check out their application. They also filled out an aide applicaiton to get their current dog on the assisi van I just clipped them both together. See pending.

A woman came in about 4:30 wanting to adopt a cat she just had to have her old cat put down due to old age. I showed her everything in the condo. But then they wanted to see the cats in
back and they liked Maggie the white one with one blue eye and one gold eye. Told them to come back tomorrow at 8am till 12noon. I explained all about the differences in cats from front and cats in back and she still wants the white one in back.

People came in looking for puppies. The border collies can not go till Monday. But there are some that can go. The small black dog in puppy room Barb has some type of skin condition, may need it checked.

I tried to arrange an appointment with one of our local vets for a spay but that will have to be completed monday when his receptionist returns from vacation. Please see pending file and notes.

AC was out of vaccines gave them some, so now all dogs are vaccinated that can be.

I checked out the couple that wants to adopt Bell and one of her puppies and would foster the other 2 . Got a great recommendation from vet. Julie was willing to transfer to PCHS and then Rebecca will make necessary arrangements.

The new monitor is so wonderful, A thousands thanks to the great people who donated it for our office.

Just a note Mr. Dot and Lewey maybe a bonded pair. I know when choy and kungfoo the other litter mates were adopted out Mr. Dot stopped eating. So I am concerned about Mr. Dot. They are the sweetest set of Kittens. Home we can find them a good home soon.

Looking forward to Sunday at Laura's hope everyone can make it.

Later Anita


Anonymous said...

bell had 4 pups...did something happen to one of them or was someone else wanting the fourth one?

Anonymous said...

No-all are ok and went to same foster - just an addition error. She will be adopting mom and one pup and bringing the other three back. They were picked up this morning. She took a crate but it may not be big enough. If anyone gets a call from her about borrowing the condo lady's crate, that's me - just leave me a note so I can get it to her.