Friday, July 27, 2007

friday office update

Well today was pretty successful. Lilly one of my previous fosters has been adopted. He went to a very loving home.

Amelia has found a home. She will remain here where I have been fostering her. Amelia gives love bites . I have fostered her since she was a tiny kitten even bringing her back to life with Kitten CPR I feel it would be best to let her live out her days with me.

AC adopted out Binka, today as well as the kitten CCCC plus to other kittens from back.

We have number of adorable puppies and we are taking applications for all puppies is my understanding.

AC stated Buster the older min-pin's owner is supposed to come and claim their dog.

One of Bell's puppies still needs a home, it is currently in foster care and we are taking applications for Decaf.

We are also taking applications for Shilo, I know we are have had a number of inquires let see if we can get folks to come in and meet him.

Fiona is in foster care and is also in need of a home.

A man came in today interested in adopting a dog. He has 2 pits at home and I told him it would be best if brought his dogs in to see if they would get along with the dog he wants to adopt.

Little Barb the puppy has a skin condition that the vet has stated she will outgrow. So we are trying to find her a home. She has very short legs so she may not grow to be a very big dog.
She is very sweet and wopuld make a great indoor pet.

I have openings for dogs and cats on the Aug 7th assisi van so please book and fill up the spots when possible.

Have a great weekend all.

Saturday, July 21, 2007

Saturday update, and as usual, my inane musings

I expected that on such a beautiful day there would be a ton of visitors to the shelter, but sadly, this was not the case. Don't get me wrong, I was happy to see volunteers Judith, Tasha, Jane, Karen, Jen, and David, but very few families came to look at animals.

Despite that, several animals did leave the shelter today! Jane came to pick up a puppy (Gizmo? Someone correct me if that's wrong!) to be fostered; I expect that this puppy is destined for the Rescue Waggin'. This puppy is the poster puppy for cute puppies everywhere! Gorgeous fawn with hazel green, heart-melting eyes! Jane was pretty excited about taking him home!

Another dog was being auditioned just after I arrived this morning. I think it was Molly; she was one of the fluffy ones from the puppy room. She seemed very sweet and happy to see the woman who put her in the car, not back in the cage!

This kitten from the condo, also named Gizmo (hence my confusion), was adopted today by Sherry and Diane, pictured here. He would hardly sit still--he seemed so very happy to be out of his cage! He will go home to a few other cat and dog friends and be totally spoiled! In the brief time I spoke with Sherry and Diane, I learned that they are animal lovers who have taken in strays and totally support (and practice!) spay/neuter! We are lucky to have nice folks like them in our community looking out for our animals.

Our little Ginger was looking pretty shaggy today! Being a Chow mix, she has a ton of fur, and being constantly confined in a cage, she has nowhere to shed it! David and I decided to brush her, and what a chore it was! There was much more fur than we exptected. After a while, it looked like a dog exploded outside. We brushed her for about an hour using a variety of grooming implements. She looks a lot better but still needs to be brushed again, if anyone is at the shelter and has time. Ginger has previously passed SAFER, but has become a little mouthy. If you are working with her, please correct her immediately when she does it!

Of course, I am still on my Michael Vick rant, and thank goodness, so is everyone else! BAD RAP's recent blog entry is fantastic, and CNN has been covering this topic like a champ! They have also brought up hog-dogging, another disgusting, idiotic, and barbaric "sport," which I believe is popular only in the deep south. The stupid, I mean....oh yeah, STUPID REDNECKS who participate in this amentia claim that it is not cruel; it is a training exercise for hunting season; the cretins claim that the wild hogs are hunted because there are too many of them and they are destructive. Well, IMHO, there are too many humans, and most of them are destructive or are only contributing to the increasing drug and crime rate; ergo, the same should apply. Line up hog-doggers; my 4 legged friends would like to meet you......

As for the inane musings...I'm sitting here drinking a Yuengling Black & Tan and eating some Fruity Pebbles and rice milk (vegan doesn't always mean healthy), when I notice that on the front of the box o' Pebbles, it says "Now Better Tasting!" "Better tasting than what?" I wonder. Or, by that statement, does Post imply that their colorful morsels of crispy rice were not perfectly flavored prior to that bold declaration? What has changed? The answer folks: nothing. They still taste the same. I'm such a tool.

People Who Are Violent to Animals ... Rarely Stop There

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Oh, Joyous Day!

As I'm sure most of you have heard, Michael Vick, the shame of Virginia Tech, has been indicted for dog fighting. I can barely contain my excitement, but I must; I don't want to get my hopes up. We all know that celebrities, sports figures, and the wealthy have a history of doing whatever they please; Michael Jackson, Kobe Bryant, and that British dude that killed his wife, for example. (Funny how they lynched Martha Stewart, though. I've always wondered about that.)

The dog in the pics above and to the right (from the HSUS website) was one of 52 who were seized from Vick's Surry County property. Most of you are well aware of my soft spot for pit bulls, especially after my time in New Orleans. I don't want to imagine what this poor baby went through. And although I know the HSUS will do everything in their power to make this baby's life the best it has ever been, I fear she will never know what it's like to snuggle on the bed or romp untethered in the grass, like my babies. I hope I'm wrong.

All the big groups have something to say about Vick, which I love, since we are all on the SAME TEAM! Check out what the ASPCA, HSUS, and PETA have to say (and please be sure to take action where indicated!). Wayne Pacelle's blog is informative as well (and not just today; I'm a frequent reader). Another of my favorites, Virginia Voters for Animal Welfare, has compiled an extensive list of whom to contact about Vick or for legislative change in general. It is not yet on their website, but I'm sure it will be soon. Believe me, Lillian Clancy and Don Marro are on top of things!

Get your "Neuter Michael Vick" t-shirts here. The title on the page reads, "Dog fighting is for savages," but I'm sure they did not intend to insult savages like that.

Friday, July 13, 2007

PCHS office Update for 7/13/07

I contacted all the owners of pets scheduled for Assis Van July 17th.
Linx the Cocker puppy went to a very good home today. He was such a cutie.
But the best news is that Onyx was adopted out today by AC.

I got in and their was a donation from one of our volunteers of tube socks filled with rice ( I think) that we can use for the clinic as well as 10 bottles of hand sanitizer. Boy those bags holding the socks were very heavy.

Another volunteer had some friskies canned cat food shipped to us. Thank you so much it was very much needed. I restocked the condo canned food supply.

I tried to get an application approved but the vet was out of the office, so I left a message and put back in pending folder.

There was money in the vaccine box and I have been told it is to be logged as a medical reimbursement as we are being reimbursed for vaccines.

I was told that the flow of cats ands kittens has slowed, so that was good to hear.
I did get the laundry into the drier but I did not get it folded hope tomorrow the volunteers can address that and put things away.

Use the yellow tubes of eye ointment for all the cats. I was told to toss the white tube.
I use the yellow tube of meds when fostering and actually seem to get better faster results.

AC got in the new bowls for kennels so they were all hung today.

All in all a productive day wish we had some applications for some of our condo cats.

Hope everyone has a great weekend.


The PCHS had it's annual volunteer LAKE PARTY and Laura and Jeff's place on the lake.
A few "observers", watching the rest of the gang shoot through the water on "Bill's wild ride".

Brave souls being drug around by Bill. It was a ton of fun actually. Don't have any photos of the 3 seater tube - but it was a truly WILD RIDE.

The biggest wipe out award goes to Anthony - it was a GOOD ONE. Too bad his injury was a pre-party "carry the casserole" to the car injury and not a REAL lake injury ----

We ate, drank some colada's, and just kicked back w/the huskies.

Sychronized Loafing ...

Friday, July 6, 2007

friday update

Well I noticed that Trixie and Cole kittens from the Condo have been adopted out sometime last week.

The air conditoning was out today making it miserable for humans and animals. They finally got it running again about 4pm. Laura ran some fans over to the condo to help with the cooling. Thanks so much Laura.

Snider the big black dog was adopted out by AC today. Then a couple came in and filled out an application for Ginger but they are also interested in Draper. They would like to have their current dog meet with the ones they are interested in. They came so late in the day I did not get a chance to check out their application. They also filled out an aide applicaiton to get their current dog on the assisi van I just clipped them both together. See pending.

A woman came in about 4:30 wanting to adopt a cat she just had to have her old cat put down due to old age. I showed her everything in the condo. But then they wanted to see the cats in
back and they liked Maggie the white one with one blue eye and one gold eye. Told them to come back tomorrow at 8am till 12noon. I explained all about the differences in cats from front and cats in back and she still wants the white one in back.

People came in looking for puppies. The border collies can not go till Monday. But there are some that can go. The small black dog in puppy room Barb has some type of skin condition, may need it checked.

I tried to arrange an appointment with one of our local vets for a spay but that will have to be completed monday when his receptionist returns from vacation. Please see pending file and notes.

AC was out of vaccines gave them some, so now all dogs are vaccinated that can be.

I checked out the couple that wants to adopt Bell and one of her puppies and would foster the other 2 . Got a great recommendation from vet. Julie was willing to transfer to PCHS and then Rebecca will make necessary arrangements.

The new monitor is so wonderful, A thousands thanks to the great people who donated it for our office.

Just a note Mr. Dot and Lewey maybe a bonded pair. I know when choy and kungfoo the other litter mates were adopted out Mr. Dot stopped eating. So I am concerned about Mr. Dot. They are the sweetest set of Kittens. Home we can find them a good home soon.

Looking forward to Sunday at Laura's hope everyone can make it.

Later Anita

Monday, July 2, 2007

Fuegos artificiales en la casa del Presidente

Hello all! I haven't posted in quite some time, so I wanted to give a shout out to all my homies. Um......good evening, homies (I'm not very good at this shout out thing). I wish I could have seen more of you at Laura's house this past Sunday. Anita and I got to be in the boat parade, which was loads of fun. There was a brief moment of excitement when one of the boats sank, sending woman and dog asunder (sounds way more dramatic than it actually was), and the sinking boat (which was a small dinghy being pulled by a jet ski) won the "Most Team Spirit" award for their Hokie pride.

We picked up Nicole mid-parade after Laura, who was piloting, sped back to her dock to drop off Anita and Kayla, who had to go to work. I have seen Laura take off at top speed in the Expedition at least twice to chase after run away dogs; I don't know why it didn't occur to me that she can and will do the same in a boat!

Anita and I had already cleaned the cat condo that morning, and after the parade, we both had to run home to clean our own "condos." But I came back with Billy and Anita brought Chuck for the cookout and fireworks, and Nicole was still there (and was much less tan than I would have expected!). Anita's little nephew (Anita calls him Oopers; I can't remember his real name!) was also in town--I'm sure he wasn't expecting to be in a parade and see fireworks while he was here! I think Susan may have been watching from her boat. Evan and Ethan and a few others sent up the fireworks at dark--I would dare say some medium sized municipalities would be envious of the pyrotechnics display that night! Good job guys! And thanks to Laura and Jeff--great friends who are always willing to share home, hearth, and mixed drinks!

I hope everyone can make it this coming Sunday. If it helps to encourage everyone, I am bringing chocolate pie! I would love to see everyone. This whole employment thing has seriously cut into my shelter time, but we all know that where there are abused children, there are abused animals, so I get to intervene in both! I have already re-homed a soon-to-be-homeless cat and an abused dog, made a new friend at a new rescue, and handed out a ton of spay/neuter info from Margaret B. Mitchell clinic and Smyth County Humane Society. It never ends, but we keep plugging away. Which is why we all need to chill out at Laura's this weekend!