Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Wednesday's News

I came to the shelter today for the sole purpose of shaving the matted fur off a senior cocker spaniel, but anyone who looks at him will see that this has obviously not been done! We all know that you can never just "stop by" the shelter or come in to do just ONE thing!

When I arrived, Barb was already in command of the office and was taking pictures of the latest arrivals for the website. Nicole was walking dogs, showing dogs to potential adopters, and probably 5 other things I don't know about! That's Shelly with Nicole and me NOT looking busy in the background (I can dance if I want to; I can leave my friends behind).

I had Chico (a.k.a. Shrimp, a.k.a. Killer) in tow and handed him off to Julie, his very willing babysitter. Bill arrived later, and after he met Chico the Shrimp Killer, I think I'd better warn Sadie that there's another dog in town!

Lots of folks came in looking at our animals, but none went home today. A nice lady is interested in our condo cat Noodle, despite her excessively shaved tummy! Another nice lady is interested in Freckles, the basset hound-shaped border collie. Lots of dogs got to play in the yard today because so many people wanted to see them. It was so busy today, I didn't even get to visit with my buddy, Coconut!

We got at least 3 new dogs today. A border collie looking mix, a small black dog with a curly tail and white feet (who does not know how to be quiet!), and a fluffy white senior dog who is blind! All of the senior dogs are finding their way to the shelter lately; I wonder what they have heard about us?

We also got at least 2 new cats. One is a very pretty Calico who is already spayed. The other is a really cool, I don't know what he is! The ends of his fur are black, but his undercoat is white; he needs to be combed but is still beautiful! Thanks, Nicole, for helping me with shots!

Laura came by today as well, probably just to do one thing but staying for a few hours! Jennifer from Siamese rescue also came today to check out some of our residents. Condo cat Flame, new arrival Tango, and a Siamese mix who came in with Tango might be going to rescue soon. Keep your fingers crossed!

Judith took 10 cats from the back all the way up to Orange County, AFTER cleaning the condo! Good thing I'm cleaning the condo tomorrow, because I'm sure she will need (and definitely deserves) a break! In case I don't see you tomorrow, Judith, I stole the chair out of the condo so I can sand and repaint it. I hope to have it back by Friday!

Whew! All that, and I was at the shelter for less than 3 hours! Folks ask me all the time how I stay so thin, so I tell them, "I walk dogs!" Then I tell them the REAL reason: I don't eat meat!

I am sure to see Bob and JoAnne tomorrow, and will hopefully have many other helpers who "just stop by." Goodnight, all!

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