Friday, March 14, 2008

A Love Unrequited

by Chatty Catty

Long time residents Tex and CJ performed their last Electric Slide show for the Condo residents before dancing off to their new gig this week. Best wishes to the boys and we hope you find lots of mice eager to learn some new moves!

Finally recovered from her double surgery, Basha was so excited about having a face-to-face meeting with Neeko, the Cutie of Condo Pulaski. But alas, her affections were not returned. Spurned by the one she thought would be her BFF, Basha is now hanging with her Gurlfrenz Gracie and Fancy. Gracie loves the new arrangement. "They neglected to install a mirror so that I could continuously gaze upon my beauteous self," complained Gracie. "But having Fancy in here is like looking at my spectacularness all the time. Well, except we all know I am (delicate cough) a bit more dazzling."

"mmrmph, munch snorfle, crunch," replied Fancy, working her way through a mound of treats.

Neeko, in the meantime, is determinedly pursuing Midnight. He was spotted inviting her to share a drink with him at posh Under The Steps Fountain Bar.

Silver and Misty have become fast friends and even took out a lease on the penthouse unit of Condo Rolls. They share and swap catnip toys and bad jokes into the long hours of the morning.

In a surprise development, Ariel and Prince seem to be developing a friendship. "It's only fitting," chirped Ariel, "that this Princess should have a Prince." The wags are eagerly watching and waiting. Will anything come of this? Can two avowed loners find common ground? or are they destined to a life of solitary rule?

Neeko, in the meantime, is ardently after Missy. He was spotted inviting her to share some treats with him at trendy Top of the Condo Snack Bar.

With the defection of Prince, Tigger has taken over the number one position in the Condo Curmudgeons Club. He and Ruben remain adamant in their position that no household is complete without a cat, and that with only one cat it is complete.

Oreo and Beauty, however, argued that it takes two to make a home. Then they curled up together in a ray of sunshine and took a nap.

Neeko, in the meantime, was last seen following Pearl into cozy Condo Lane Tunnel.


Barb said...

What a treat it was to read this Chatty Catty. I'm smiling from ear to ear. Miss Gracie won the heart of every child she encountered today at Dublin Elemetary School. She is a "true" beauty, inside and out. When I went to put her back in her penthouse in condo rolls I thought I was seeing double when I met Fancy, but I have to agree with Gracie - she does have that glow. This truly is a Happy Tails story. Please blog on and on and on.......

Anonymous said...

Nice Judith--Chatty Cathy is an awesome writer