Saturday, December 29, 2007


My name is PINKY. I've had a tough time. I was neglected and came to the shelter with severe hair loss and ear infections that needed to be treated. Luckily, everything is clearing up nicely and now I'm ready to find a loving, peaceful home. I'm in a foster home right now and my foster family thinks I'm pretty special and very easy to get along with. I have special play dates at Chatty Catty’s place where there’s many a critter to keep me company and I love them all. I'm spayed and up to date on vaccines. If you're interested call 540.674.0089 or 540.674.8359 or e-mail or you can visit the PCHS website or Animal Control website to see the many kitties, puppies and all breeds of dogs - all in need of good, loving homes.

I have wonderful news and I couldn't be happier. I've fallen in love with my foster family and they with me. That's where I belong and that's where I'll be forever. They'll be looking after me and I'll be doing the same for them. What a delight it is to be LOVED and to love!!!!!!!!!!!

Thursday, December 27, 2007

Condo Updates

Just some quick notes to keep everyone up-to-date on the ever-changing shelter news!

A look at our
adoptables page is very inspiring, to say the least! Scroll down to see the many cats that have been adopted or have gone to rescue this month. In the last several days, Bones, Spookums, and Streak were also adopted, and Lucky went to rescue. Pixie also went to rescue; she was the office cat in the bottom cage and was FIV+.

I have been covering Condo Pulaski this week while Judith was taking some much deserved (and needed, I'm sure!) vacation time. The cats miss Judith very much; I've seen the way they roll their eyes when I show up! Before heading off into the great beyond, Judith transported 9 cats (including Lucky and Pixie) to Rikki's Refuge! Rikki's has helped us save 53 lives this year!

Dreamsicle was spayed this week and is resting comfortably in Condo Pulaski, apartment 1. Three kittens were surrendered to the shelter this week and were transferred to PCHS. Two girls and a boy named Janet, Chrissy, and Jack--from Three's Company! Thanks, Ashley, for the excellent names! They have been wormed, vaccinated, and are living comfortably in the bottom office cage. Unfortunately for them, their upstairs neighbor is the 4th tenor, Roman. He takes his singing career very seriously and practices almost constantly!

My friend and new PCHS volunteer, Ashley, came in on Thursday and was a huge help! She jumped right in and helped me scrub and bleach the office cage and litter boxes from recently vacated cages. Surprisingly, she said I was not difficult to work with.

Lovin', Huggin', Brushin'!

Calling all cat lovers! We have several long-haired condo kitties at the moment who need frequent brushing. If you like cats and have 30 minutes or so to spare, Prissy, Tabitha, Lady, and Browny would very much like to meet you! All volunteers must register with our office and receive proper handling instructions first; we are open M-F 1-5, Sat 10-2.

Rescue Waggin' testing help needed!

This Sat and Sunday, Dec 29 and 30, 2-5pm Julie and Rebecca will be SAFER testing for the next Rescue Waggin' load. There are many dogs that need to be tested--the more hands they have to help, the more they can get on the Waggin'.

SAFER testing is very time and energy consuming for the testers (and at times, very entertaining for the observers!), so if you can help, please come to the shelter at some point during that timeframe -- either or both days! The shelter will be closed but they will be back in the garage area. They will need 1 person to run the camera and 2-4 to run the dogs.
Have a great rest-of-the-weekend everyone!

Monday, December 24, 2007

The Night Before Christmas

'Twas the night before Christmas when all through the shelter
The puppies all sounded just like “Helter Skelter.”
Jane bathed Pinky with such loving care,
In hopes that she soon would be growing more hair.

The kittens were playing and jumping in bed,
Gnawing and bouncing on each other’s heads.
The dogs – some sleeping, some chewing - on mats,
Had just settled down for an evening’s nap.

When, what to the dogs’ and cats’ eyes should appear,
But wonderful families for each one so dear.
They showed up with catnip and goodies galore,
And whistled, and shouted, and opened the door:

"Now, RUSSELL! now, TIGGER! now, SHOOGA and SADIE!
To the top of the porch! to the top of the wall!
Now come home, come home, come home with us all!"
Then we heard them all howl as they rode out of sight,

Saturday, December 22, 2007


My name is ARIEL and I’d love to come to your home this holiday season. I'm a very special, sweet and loving kitty. I came to the shelter with serious injuries and I almost didn't make it. I've recovered beautifully and now I'm ready for a forever home. I'm litter box trained, spayed, up to date on vaccines, and FIV/FeLV negative. I do need special food since I have a very sensitive stomach, but my friends at the shelter will be happy to help you find the right stuff! Please don’t believe everything that Chatty Catty says – I really do still like Birdie – we just can’t live together anymore! If you're interested please call 540.674.0089 or 540.674.8359 or e-mail You can visit our web sites or to see the many kittens, puppies and all breeds of dogs - all in need of good, loving homes.

Thursday, December 20, 2007

A New Romance for Birdie?

by Chatty Catty

Last month, the Princess Pair Birdie and Ariel rocked Condo Pulaski when they called it quits. Allegations of snoring, cat fights and hogging the bed flew like fur in a windstorm. Ariel took her settlement and now resides in Manse du Ed Room. “Being alone has given me time to reflect,” she said. “I feel calmer, more relaxed. My beautiful fur is looking better than ever, too.” Ariel is hoping that things will continue to improve, and she will be able to finally share her insights with a human family.

In the meantime, Birdie has become interested in a younger man. This morning she was caught traipsing up and down the Tower Post, trilling and cooing to Trevor. Trevor couldn’t get enough of the coquettish lady, following her everywhere and even managing to give her a hug or two. Will she have him move in to her double suite? Neither is saying, but sources speculate it could happen within the next month.

Tex and CJ have moved from their mid-rise triple suite at the swanky Condo Pulaski into a larger, lower level flat at the Condo Rolls. Their new roommate, Daytona, tired of the constant Electric Slide practices, has introduced the pair to opera. Now the three bachelors have their eyes on upcoming tryouts for The Mikado. The trio promises to be an eye-catching smash with their black silky tuxes and suit!

Lucky is contemplating a move to the country. Seems that city life is just too much stress for the delicate girl, and she feels a turn at farm life would be good for her soul. We wish her many mice and lots of sunshine as she enjoys her new hay-filled home.

Wonderful mews all around – both Pearl and Taylor have found forever homes! Pearl is enjoying ruling the roost in her new family, and Taylor is having fun with his new buddy.

New residents have been moving in all week - when the dust settles from all the remodeling and rearranging, we'll be back with all the updates!

We're having a puppy!!!!!

This is appropriate for the number of people who keep putting their dogs up for adoption when they find out they are going to have kids...

After two long years of being on a waiting list for an agility dog, we have been notified by the breeder that, at long last, our number has come up and ... WE ARE HAVING A PUPPY!!! Therefore, we must get rid of our children IMMEDIATELY because we just know how time consuming our new little puppy is going to be and it just wouldn't be fair to the children.

Since our little puppy will be arriving on Monday we MUST place the children into rescue this weekend! The kids are described as:

One male - His name is Tommy, Caucasian (English/Irish mix), light blonde hair, blue eyes. Four years old. Excellent disposition. He doesn't bite. Temperament tested. Does have problems with pee ing directly in the toilet. Has had chicken Pox and is current on all shots. Tonsils have already been removed. Tommy eats everything, is very clean, house trained & gets along well with others. Does not run with scissors and with a little training he should be able to read soon.

One female - Her name is Lexie, Caucasian (English/Irish mix), strawberry blonde hair, green eyes quite freckled. Two years old. Can be surly at times. Non-biter, thumb sucker. Has been temperament tested but needs a little attitude adjusting occasionally. She is current on all shots, tonsils out, and is very healthy & can be affectionate. Gets along well with other little girls & little boys but does not like to share her toys and therefore would do best in a one child household. She is a very quick learner and is currently working on her house training-shouldn' t take long at all.

We really do LOVE our children so much and want to do what's right for them; that is why we contacted a rescue group. But we simply can no longer keep them. Also, we are afraid that they may hurt our new puppy.

I hope you understand that ours is a UNIQUE situation and we have a real emergency here!!! They MUST be placed into your rescue by Sunday night at the latest or we will be forced to drop them off at the orphanage or along some dark, country road. Our priority now has to be our new puppy.

Sunday, December 16, 2007


My name is DREAMSICLE. I'm a very gentle and sweet orange and white Bob Tail kitty who would love to call your place HOME. I've got a fabulous disposition and a very pleasing personality. I'm spayed, up to date on all my vaccines and litter box trained. I'm ready for immediate adoption. I'm one of many wonderful cats and kittens, so please if you're interested call 540-674-0089 or 540-674-8359 or e-mail You can visit our web sites or to see the many kittens, puppies and all breeds of dogs - all in need of good, loving homes.

Weekend Update

Hi everyone! Just a quick update about this weekend's events. It's late and I'm tired, so I apologize to everyone who is looking forward to more of my sardonic wit.

Only one adoption this weekend that I know of--Spike, one of the cattle dog/catahoula puppies.
A nice couple came in looking for a "least likely to be adopted" dog. I think they are trying to choose between Blue and Russell.

I covered the condo on Saturday, while Keely covered the office. Several NRCC SGA students come to leave presents under the tree and help out for a few hours. Jennie and Mike were also there, so some of the students helped them walk dogs, while 2 others helped me in the condo. There were so many folks there, I wasn't able to get all their names. One of the young ladies gave me an update about Martha/Belle--the library cat at the Dublin Library (her mother works there). Apparently, she has learned to use the water fountain! She used to drink water with her paw while she was in the condo.

My friends and trusted dogsitters, Ashley and Logan, also came in to volunteer. They put down blankets for all the dogs and gave baths to the pile of kittens (they have been playing in the litter box too much!) that were being fostered by Marlena. Marlena is one of our "behind the scenes" volunteers for those of you who don't know her. At any given time, she is usually bottle-feeding an orphaned litter of kittens; the kitties to the left are the most recent. She always does a wonderful job with the kittens--the newest batch are very healthy, playful, and snuggly! Thanks Marlena! We wish you a speedy recovery from your recent cataract surgery!

Please don't forget to check out our Holiday Open House. See here for more information!

Saturday, December 15, 2007

Guilty of saving a life

Update December 14, 2007 late afternoon: A Blair County, Pennsylvania jury has found Tammy Grimes guilty of theft and receiving stolen property. Sentencing is set for February 23, 2008.

Tammy Grimes, founder of Dogs Deserve Better, was arrested September 11,
2006 for helping a dying chained dog named Doogie who could not stand in
East Freedom, Pennsylvania. Read about the case with photo and video

The judge instructed the jury they must find Tammy guilty if she "ever" intended to deprive the Arnolds of their property, Doogie, the dog. Ever? The judge also refused to allow the jury to consider the defense of justification. The judge really forced the verdict with these instructions. It didn't help that the prosecutor repeated throughout his closing argument that anarchy would ensue if the laws weren't enforced.

What about the animal cruelty laws? Shouldn't they be enforced too?

One courtroom observer noted, "Tammy should wear this conviction like a badge of honor. She did the right thing for the dog and that's what should have mattered here."

Call on Governor Rendell to Pardon Her for Act of Kindness.

Governor Edward G. Rendell
225 Main Capitol Building * Harrisburg, Pennsylvania 17120
ph: 717-787-2500
web email:

Thursday, December 13, 2007

You're Invited to our Holiday Open House!


Thursday - DECEMBER 20 - 6pm - 8pm
Pulaski County Animal Shelter and Humane Education Center
80 Dublin Park Rd. - near the US Post Office, Dublin, VA 674-0089
Get driving directions here.

PET PHOTOS W/SANTA FOR DONATION - photos emailed to you


ANGEL TREE - come get an angel and deliver your present during our Open House






Pulaski County Humane Society and Animal Control

Myspace Christmas Graphics

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Outgoing Board Accomplishments

I would like to take this time to thank the outgoing Board of Pulaski County Humane Society for the care and dedication for which they have shown on behalf of animal welfare in our community.

The outgoing board has been instrumental

· Successfully approached Pulaski County Officials, demonstrating a need for a hired county
employee to assist with cleaning procedures in the shelter.

· Approved funds for all dogs coming into the shelter to be vaccinated thus reducing the
number of illnesses and disease suffered by animals.

· Produced a very much delayed newsletter which helped generate funds.

· Sent out a membership letter which has also generated funds as well as renewal of

· Held its first ever reduced rate rabies clinic and adoptathon.

· Held a spring fundraising event which netted over $5,000.

· received an invitational grant from Pet Smart for a new computer and printer/copier/fax
in one.

· Brought the cat condo into compliance with state vet regulations.

· Raised funds to have severely injured animals treated.

· Worked to have Rikki’s Refuge recognized as a rescue for cats.

· Approved funding for a condo cleaner.

· Opened an in house Spay Clinic.

· Achieved certification as a source shelter for participation in the Pet Smart Rescue
Waggin Program which greatly reduced euthanasia rates of dogs at the shelter.

Thursday, December 6, 2007

Office update

I want to Thank Everyone who has been coming in to help with the condo and office. Vet checks are scheduled for tomorrow at 3pm. There are 11 dogs going on the waggin Dec 11th. However the waggin will not be coming at 5am our normal time, as they are making a stop before getting to the shelter.

Chewey one of Sadie's pups was adopted today to a great home.

Ms. Big Stuff will go to her new home Saturday.

Sassy was adopted today.

Billie Jean aka Bailey came in Dec 4th for her spay and it was learned she was already spayed so she got her nails trimmed and rabies vaccine. She looked wonderful and very happy and healthy. The family that adopted her stated she is doing great with the other pets which they also adopted from PCHS. She plays with Noodles and the Austrailian Shepard that they adopted from PCHS earlier this year. They said at first she did not know how to play but she is learning. She was already housebroken. They love her.

Tutor was also checked recieved rabies vaccine and deemed to be already spayed by the vet.

There were 3 no shows for the Assisi Van. And the little nerological puppy was referred to his own vet for surgery. So we only had 11 dogs actually get spayed/neutered.

Bobby our animal control officer has been busy decorating the shelter and it looks really good.

We are getting quite a response from the newsletter and the membership letter that was sent out.

Tomorrow the lady who is making all the animal request ornaments will be dropping those off. Folks have already been stopping by to see what the animals need.

One of the new volunteers has been busy brushing and bathing all the dogs. The dogs look and smell great.

Sheba has an injured paw so we are treating it and keeping it clean.

Three Condo Cats went to Siamese Rescue and Rex the border collie also went to Rescue last Saturday.

We are hoping to be able to start updating the website and petfinder site as our pets need to get some exposure to the public. Many are no longer here and we have a number of new pets that have been brought in.

Marlene recenty had eye surgery. I spoke to her husband and she is doing well. She is still fostering the kittens and hopes they will start eating kitten food so she can bring them back and they can find homes.

Pinky is also in foster care and getting the attention needed to help her hair grow back.

Dec. 20th we will be having a Christmas open house from 6-8pm. Santa will be on hand and you can get your picture taken with your favorite person, pet or child. Animal Control will be available to adopt animals out that evening. Refreshments will be available.

Please remember the pets at the shelter this holiday season. We need dog biscuits,canned cat food, paper towels, large litter pan liners.

Hope everyone has a Happy Holiday.

Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Dog survives euthanasia attempt and 4 day stay in freezer

RUSHVILLE, Ind. -- Rushville suspended its animal shelter's director over allegations that five dogs have survived euthanasia attempts there since August, including a dog that lived despite spending several days in a freezer.

Read the rest of the story here.

Sign the petition against firing the kind animal control officer who tried to help this dog here.

Monday, December 3, 2007

Weekend Activities

Saturday was a very busy day at the shelter. Bobby and Sandy were doing Christmas decorations and making the shelter look wonderful. Special thanks to Sandy for doing our Christmas tree!! Jen and Mike were in to walk dogs and give attention to all. Anita was there way early to clean the condo and Laura and David working the office. Jennifer Smart came by to pick up the siamese trio for rescue. She took Cowboy, Alexa, and Kyle. Lots of folks were busy adopting dogs and Jill, Millie, and Chewey went to wonderful homes with families. Thanks to Rita for cleaning the condo on Sunday, too. All's well in condo land!!