Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Wednesday shelter update

Rescue Waggin had some problems getting to us yesterday. Seems the waggin broke down and then they had a new driver who got lost but they finally arrived at about 1:15pm. They already had some dogs on board. They were only able to take 9 of the 15 we had scheduled to go.

They did take GINGER, Chance, Vern, Staffey, Izzy, Amelia, Gilligan, Page, Rocky. Yeah!!!!

After they left we managed to clean all the cages in Rescue row and moved Blue, Lucy, Woody, Kojak, Macie into rescue row. Ruby is still in puppy cage room. My understanding is all these dogs have been transferred to PCHS. Bailey and Justin as well. We are taking applications on all these dogs. Except for Justin they are to adopted out for $85.00 and then booked for spays/neuters with local vets and if necessary on the Assisi or clinic. This will help us recover some of the expenses that we incurred for health checks, rabies and vaccines. Macie is already spayed. I will checkj but vet thought Bailey was already spayed as well.

The only dog in Rescue row that is not ours is Sarah and her puppies. The puppies can be adopted out in 3 weeks and applications are currently being accepted. There is one puppy which the vet says has a neurological problem. We are looking for a foster for that puppy should it not get adopted. We have had dogs with the same or similar problems in the shelter and with the proper care can live happy healthy lives.

We have a lady who wants to adopt Lucy she came with Laura the dark haired girl who does volunteer work. We are attempting to contact her to let her know Lucy is available. If you happen to know who the lady is please advise her.

Well Fiona got adopted as did Lady the shar-pei and Bently found a wonderful home with Barb.

We have 28 cats under our care. And we are working to get them fixed up to date vaccines, rabies and Fel/leu tested.

The new cage in the condo is great and I am glad to see we are able to save more cats. But they do all need homes.

We have some kittens in foster care with Marlena, Justin is with me and doing fine. He gets his stitches out friday and will be returning to Rescue Row. We will have to charge extra for his adoption to cover surgery and x-rays. If he does not get adopted he can go to next rescue.

The board voted to have surgery done on Robbie who had been shot 3 times and will lose a leg.
When he is released after surgery he will be coming to my home to recover. Unless some else is available to care for him.

We are currently taking applications for fostering homes. So if you know of anyone who stays at home, loves pets ad can share their home and nurse sick or injured pets please have them contact the office.

Kojak will still need to be treated so his hair will grow back and he needs brushing to get the last of the matted hair off.

Interview are being conducted for the cleaning position in the shelter. Hopefully we will have some one hired for that soon. In the meantime we only have 1 inmate and Julie has managed to get some extra inmates in later in the morning to also help.

The goats that were in the back have found homes so the exercise area is available again for the dogs to be able to get some exercise during the day.

If any committee member has planned events for future please email them to Linda ahead of time so we can get them in the events calendar.

Bill is heading the interview committee for the new LVT's and we are trying to work out a date to interview and meet them. One will be our regular LVT and the other will be a back up LVT.
We will have report at next board meeting.

Nov 6th is our next Assisi Van and if anyone is interested in helping please have them contact me. I would really appreciate any help and it is not hard training is available.

Treat trail is tonight you are welcome to come and help pass out candy to all the little ghouls and goblins from 4-7pm Becky and I are scheduled to be there.

Have a Happy Halloween.

Later Anita

Monday, October 29, 2007

Holiday shopping

I know, I know--it's not even technically Halloween yet! But why not get the jump on Christmas and do something to help animals in a county whose humane society is still up and coming?

Second Annual Christmas Auction!

To benefit Smyth County Humane Society's Spay and Neuter Program

Saturday, November 3, 2007

4:00 to 7:00 PM

The Grand Ballroom, 132 East Main Street

$5 admission at the door

Entertainment provided by the Mt. Zion Parise Team, Blue Ridge Job Corps Choir, and Jeff Campbell

Refreshments provided by a la Carte Cafe and Dark Hollow Micro Roasters

Master of Ceremonies Donnie Brooks from Z103.5

Auctioneer Curtis M. Sword

We can all go and "represent" PCHS (by wearing our lovely t-shirts, of course), support a like-minded group, and maybe get some shopping done! Please let me know if you want to carpool!

Saturday, October 27, 2007

The shelter was really busy today. We had about 12 vet students from Virginia Tech today. They toured and helped walk dogs, clean, groom cats and clip nails and other tasks. They were very helpful. We have a new volunteer bulletin board in the ed room with a task list and where you can put your name and show what you've been trainied to do. This will help us all when volunteers come in to help. We can route them more effectively to tasks that they choose and know how to do. We will have the vet students on a regular basis prescheduled two days a month after the first of the year. Many of them as well will be by the shelter on other days as well.

Rita came in and was working the vet students and training them on cleaning and handling animals. Joanne and Judith kept several students busy in the condo working and showing and grooming. We have a beautiful bunch of kitties.Joanne also spent time with some volunteers as well. We had several folks looking to adopt today. We got two appllicatoins for condo kitties and Jen, our safter trainer and foster of Fiona, adopted her today.

Keely was hard at in the office as well working on aid apps and adoption apps. Brenda was on her way in to work in the garden as I was leaving.

Don't forget that we have a complete line of designer clothing and leashes, collars and booties for sale in the Education Room. Keely had a friend that donated lots of new items for us to sell. If you need new leashes collars, raincoats, motorcycle jackets, sweat or t-shrits, booties, the Ed Room is the place to be. Prices are low and the proceeds go towards animal treatment.

We got sad news late yesterday that the Rescue Waggin may not take some of the dogs that they were slated to take. The Maryland shelter that the dogs were going to got slammed with dogs from a cruelty case and they don't have much room. I'm still working with them but they will probably cut about 5 dogs from the run. Worst of all, one of these is Ginger. Ginger, the chow mix has been in a foster home with Tammy and has learned manners and is house trained. Tammy cannot continue to foster her, as she (Tammy) is having back surgery on Tuesday and cannot care for her for awhile. We are looking for someone to foster Ginger until we can find a forever home for this beautiful girl. Contact me or the office if you are interested in fostering Ginger until the next Waggin or until adopted. The next Waggin goes out on November 20th.

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Upcoming animal related event

It's not one of our events, but it never hurts to network!

Roanoke Valley SPCA is hosting the Howl-o-ween Walk for the Animals this Sunday, October 28, at Elmwood Park in Downtown Roanoke, from 2-5 PM. It looks like a lot of fun--Zack and Danny from K92's Mornin' Thang will be there!

Tuesday, October 23, 2007


Hey guys--
Its been a crazy week (which is a good thing). Before I go any further, however, I would like to say, on behalf of all of us----HAPPY BIRTHDAY, BILLY!!!!!!! I hope its a good one! And thank you FOR ALL YOU DO!!!!!

Now, moving on. I only have a few minutes to write this--however I just wanted to continue to bring those who can't live at the shelter (like some of us) some updates....

Justin- our little boxer baby is recovering from his leg amputation--he did GREAT in surgery and all the staff at the veterinary clinic have of course fallen in love with him! After he is released, he's going on vacation at Anita's house to recover. He is a VERY lucky boy!

Bailey is also recovering from her tumor removal. the LVT who I checked with last night said she also did wonderfully. She should be picked up from the vet at some point today.

Also adopted yesterday (or Saturday)---Tori, Karl, Dozer, and Shellie.


Monday, October 22, 2007

Happy Birthday to Billy tomorrow!!! A little bird told me it was your birthday!! Have a Wonderful Day!!

Thursday, October 18, 2007

Hey Folks!!

The visit from Humane Strategies went very well this morning. Rick Collard visited the shelter and met with Julie and me, talked with most of the AC folks and Judith, too. He toured the shetler and after goign through a very extensive questionaire about the shelter as a whole, noted lots that we are doing right, with suggestions for some improvements as well. Rick's job is to evaluate shetlers that participate int he Rescue Waggin and make recommendations to make our lives easier and fortunately he has funds available to assist with making those things happen. I'll be putting in a grant for a new office computer, for one thing.

Julie and I talked with Orange County AC about Rikki's Refuge as well this afternooon and all sounds good. We hope to make a visit there next week and put to rest concerns that have been brought forward.

Anita worked hard in the office this afternoon and we had several people looking at dogs. Joanne was doing meds and getting things ready for the spay clinic next week. Thanks particularly to Nicole being willing to bail me out of double scheduling, walking dogs and who helped me finally get some of the things in the Ed Room displayed for sale. Shay brought back one of the leash racks that he painted and decorated for us to display our new leashes for sale. Thanks to Keely for getting all of those, the pet clothing and of course the doggie boots donated. If you need best dressed clothing for your pet, you'll be sure to find it now, right in our own Ed Room. Remember to get your pet toy and treats there. The price is right and it benefits the animals.

Sandy stopped by the memorial garden and brought a beautiful new bench, today. The garden looks really pretty!!

Behind the scenes, Deanna was running safer testing forms for us to start testing for the Waggin tomorrow. Jen and I will be testing tomorrow afternoon. That's all folks!!!!

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Check out the latest news and of course our own Justin on the Roanoke Times Happy Wag blog.

The Ellen Story can be viewed at:

It's a very interesting debate.

Wednesday Office

Hello to everyone---
Today was pretty slow--lots of people coming through, however, no adoptions to my knowledge.
Assisi is just about booked for the Nov 6th Van. The Nov. 14th clinic only has 4 more spots as well. This is GREAT news!

The little dog in the front row was once again taken home--this is the second time in a month that he's been running at large. Poor little guy. He goes by the name of "chipper".

Still no word yet on the shar-pei rescues. I'm going to email again on Friday or look for some phone numbers!!! I'm TRYING to get Lady (and now possibly Cotton) into rescue if at all possible.

Judith--have you heard back from the Brittany Spaniel Rescue about Staffy?

Both Justin and Bailey are schedule for their surgeries on Monday, the 22nd. So keep them in your prayers! Bailey's lab work came back today. The mass she's going to have removed is indeed a mass cell tumor. We are going to have a biopsy done to see what stage it was. Poor little lady! She's the perfect dog! And Justin is going in for his amputation. I can't wait to see him make a full recovery!

Billy was once again a great help today (as always). He always has the sunniest disposition and can put ANYONE in a good mood--even after a hard day. So, Billy, thanks for being so eager to help in any way we need you to! You are wonderful!

Other than that--like I said, its been pretty slow. Laura and Jenn are going to start behavior testing on Friday, so hopefully we can get another successful Waggin' full like we did earlier this month!

Have a great night everyone!

Monday, October 15, 2007

Monday Office

Hello to all. Truth be known, its Tuesday. I am however, back posting from events yesterday.

First off--Thank you to Stephen our new volunteer who is my right hand on Mondays now.He helps me so much and I truly appreciate everything he does! He zips right over after school lets out and stays till 5:30. So, Stephen, THANK YOU!!!!! I will be at Pulaski's game on Friday to watch you and the rest of the band in your halftime show!!!!!

Also great news--another new volunteer, Sarah Pratt put in an application to adopt Sue. She was approved with flying colors and took her home yesterday. Her animals go to Tipton Ridge and Ellen only had to hear her name before she sang praises about Sarah! SO YAY for Sue! Sue is still in heat, and the "mess" didn't bother Sarah at all. She left the shelter and was going to get diapers for Sue until she gets spayed on the Assisi van on Nov. 6th or goes out of heat. Sarah's 4 year old son has fondly renamed Sue "Spike." So, "Spike"- we love you and we will miss you!

Ranger our Rottie that went to Rescue continues to daily amaze his foster mom and all other humans he comes into contact with. He's doing great w/ housebreaking, is still gaining weight, and his fur is finally starting to fill in. He has become the happiest dog in the world and so eager to please--even after all that has been done to him!

I guess that's about it! Our Oct. 24th Spay Clinic is full, the Assisi Van for Nov 6th has over 20 animals booked and there are at least 14 slots filled for the Nov. 14th Spay Clinic! This is GREAT NEWS!!!!!

Well everyone--have a wonderful Tuesday. I'm going to get back to updating the master database so that we can get the appropriate mailings up and running...


Sunday, October 14, 2007

Weekend Update

Konnichiwa! I hope everyone has had an awesome weekend!

Saturday was our day at the Newbern Fall Festival. I got there about 8 o'clock and found that Joanne, husband George, Laura, and Jeff had already started setting up. Anita and Tammy arrived shortly after I did. Tammy brought many cans of colored hairspray, and I believe she made our first "sale." She barely had the table set up before a little girl arrived wanting pink hair. I had to leave at 9:30 to cover the office, and didn't get back until about 3:30, but I hope we made lots of money for the animals. Credit to Joanne, George, Laura, and Anita who stayed all day!

Meanwhile, back at the shelter, Judith and Tasha were finishing up the condo when I arrived. The new cat cages have arrived and are assembled in the condo.

We have a few new residents this weekend. A lady brought in a big semi-feral tuxedo; she has been catching cats that have been dropped at her house. A sheriff's deputy brought in a small dog who was recognized by the inmates, Keely, and Joyce as having been a resident before. Evidently, the owner did not learn from the first experience when her dog was picked up stray. He is very sweet and will sit up and beg for a treat. A nice couple brought in a mama dog and 3 puppies; the dogs were dumped on them by an irresponsible family member. The mama dog is a small wire-haired mix who weighs less than 10 lbs. The puppies are 3-4 months old and are already as big or bigger than mama, so who knows what dad is!

Two of the aforementioned puppies were adopted within half an hour. They seemed like very good homes; new dog owners were interested in all the information I gave them about behavior and house training and making sure the get proper vet care. We also gave them the "free Pedigree for a month" forms. If you are doing an adoption or are present when an adoption is occurring, please try to educate the adopters about house training, behavior, vet care, etc. There are some handouts in the education room, and I'm sure we can get more. Hopefully, a little education will help keep these animals from being returned to the shelter for minor problems that could easily be resolved with a little work.

Keely and I both did many shelter tours on Saturday. Hopefully, some of the families will return to adopt a dog on Monday.

Mama dog and the remaining puppy got a bath and ear cleaning today. I used the conditioning spray (thanks Nicole!), but still couldn't get a comb through them! They are still very pretty and smell very nice! Billy helped me for a couple of hours this morning, but then he ran off to go kayaking, leaving me to play with the kitties all by myself!

Has everyone met Bailey? If you haven't, you are really missing out! She has got to be one of the sweetest, most well-mannered dogs that has ever been through the shelter. She walks good on the leash, is very calm, likes being brushed, and nudges you with her nose when she wants to be petted. She has already passed SAFER, but has a fatty growth on her tummy that needs to be removed, so she could not go on the Waggin'. She is PERFECT, and would be a great dog for any family--kids included! A new volunteer brought her son (maybe 2 or 3 years old) to the shelter, and he was just hugging and squeezing on Bailey's head and she was lovin' it! (I think our new volunteer has her heart set on adopting Justin, however). Why is this wonderful dog still at the shelter, you ask? Very good question! Sadly, she is a big black dog, and she can't do the nose-nudge thing through the bars. I tied one of our walk-a-thon bandanas around her neck as an eye-catcher, but this "plain Jane" will need some heavy-duty promotion if she is to be adopted before the next Waggin'.

October 16th is National Feral Cat Day. This website has lots of good information and resources, including printable pages and important information that has nothing to do with feral cats, such as info on working with the media. You can also sign up for the "Feral Power!" newsletter. Check it out!

Well, gosh, I'm tired. See you homies later!

Friday, October 12, 2007

Please help Justin

Meet Justin. Justin is a beautiful stray dog, who was probably hit by a car. Pulaski County Animal Control picked him up and splinted his leg because he was limping. After removing the splint, Justin still limped, awaiting adoption into a loving forever home. The adoption never came. The Pulaski County Humane Society tested Justin to determine his temperament, in hopes of getting him into a Petsmart Rescue Waggin program that would transport him to a shelter able to guarantee him a home. Justin tested as the perfect dog. He’s loveable and not aggressive. Unfortunately, they couldn’t take Justin until after his limp was diagnosed and the problem is corrected.

PCHS took Justin to the vet, who diagnosed him with a broken elbow which will not heal without surgery. Fortunately Justin is not in pain, but his leg needs costly surgery to repair the elbow or amputate the leg. The Humane Society is trying to raise the funds to treat Justin’s leg so he can be adopted or transported by Petsmart for adoption. If you can find it in your heart to help, please send donation to the Pulaski County Humane Society at P. O. Box 1046, Dublin, Virginia 24084 or drop it by the shelter at 80 Dublin Park Road, or donate through Paypal online at our website at Thank you for your help.

Thursday, October 11, 2007

Rescue Waggin

The Waggin picked up 17 dogs this morning at 5 a.m-Notice Red sleeping in. Thanks to Nicole and Anita and Tammy for helping get the dogs all walked and loaded on the Waggin. Sweet Pea, Homie, Terri, Lacy, Lane, Br, Red, Allie, Chester, Jack and Jill, Ernie and Robert, Mally, Skipper, Dogy and Flo are all on their way to a new life in a forever home. Hopefully Sue, Bailey, Justin, and others will go on the next Waggin. We are so fortunate that Petsmart has the Waggin program available. It's a lot of work for all to do the testing and paperwork, health checks and worst of all get up so early for transport, but well worth it, in lives saved. Thanks also to Deana for hours of paperwork asisstance and Rebecca, Jen and Julie for Safer testing.

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Wednesday busy day!

Precious got adopted today. Yeah for Precious. Buster the min-pin also found a home and someone was considering Spot. I understand someone also adopted a black cat but not sure who it was. Will check tomorrow. The Jack Russel in quarantine was also sent out by AC. Don't know if adopted or owner claim.

Rebecca was working spay clinic today and all seem to be going well. Her volunteers all seem to know what they are doing and there was a LVT there helping Joanne stated this LVT may apply for job. So we will have to see.

Another girl took an application she was interested in Tabitha. So hopefully she will return with the application completed.

Laura was busy getting the paperwork for waggin. This is a very time consuming chore but necessary to make sure all dogs have documents needed to go.

OKay everyone we have to be at shelter at 4:30.

See ya in a couple of hours.

Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Tuesday at the shelter

I went in today to finish worming and putting front line on dogs going to Rescue Thursday morning. I got that done and took Rocky in for his appointment for skin scraping.

Rocky does have (big word) that I can't remember but I put it all on his kennel card. This is not contagious. I also put the information on the bag on his cage. Please feel free to read it. He has been started on an antibiotic and I will go in tomorrow to give him a bath and start his dip bath.
The vet stated his cage must be kept dry. He also needs extra feeding he is a bit thin for his breed. He is younger then 6 months. He was on his perfect behavior today. Heis such a sweet puppy but vet says he is going to be a big dog due to his paws.

Mommy and puppies in quarantine were treated with capstar yesterday but I did not see the kennel card. So please don't repeat treatment. Check to make sure puppies have a low water bowl as they can not reach the bucket. Momma needs extra food and baby pups need the canned puppy food with water added. You have to separate when feeding or mom eats the food. It has to be the really ground up puppy food. I explained all this to Will. So just check and make sure he did this. If not ask him if you can do it. Mom can also get a can of food or just extra kibble.

There are 3 tiny kittens in back holding area. They need Kitten replacement milk twice a day.
I showed Will and he knows but he may not know where the cans of milk replacement are. I am going to stop by store tomorrow and pick up canned food and milk for the holding area.

Sue the Beagle can't go to rescue this trip she is in heat, Ginger was in foster so she missed getting tested, Elliot was a bit food aggressive he did not bite but he stiffens up when you approach bowl so there were some concerns. Spot did not get tested. Justin needs to have his leg amputated and we are going to have to ask for donations to cover the cost. Then he will have to recuperate and he will need to be fostered. He can go to rescue as soon as he recovers. He passed Safer Test with an A. He will make someone a wonderful pet. Laura will ask to have all these dogs transfered to us and we will place in Rescue row till they are able to go to next rescue
Oct. 30th.

Hopeful news- We have an application on the desk for Precious. I am hoping Keely can get that checked out tomorrow so Precious can go to his forever home. The person was advised that he does get along with other dogs and that he does not care for C.A.T.S.

Well some great news but for some of us tearful. Dot, the last of his litter, went to his forever home today. I am so glad I was there both Susan and I got to say goodbye. He jumped into Susan's arms and gave her a big Kitty hug. And he snuggled ever so close to me as if to say thank you. He is going to a home with 2 other cats. We asked the new owner to add him to our successful stories. What a truly loving and sweet kitten he certainly deserves the best.
Now we have some room to add some more kittens to the condo ,I hope, we have some cuties in the back.

A volunteer was in and walked all the dogs before it started raining. Sure hope this volunteer will continue to stay involved.

Julie was out of business cards but she has some now so if you have to give an AC card she has hers in the little holder by her window.

Don't forget to get your volunteer hours into Keely for October.

Joanne was in getting info for tomorrow spay clinic and she picked up the boxes of items sent to us by Keely's friend who has pet boutique. They will be for sale at the Newbern Festival so stop by our booth Saturday and pick up some cute items to dress up your precious baby.

We are accepting bags of candy for the Treat Trail Oct 31st. Becky and I will be out there passing out candy and information. Just drop off in the office.

Thanks folks for all your hard work.

Have a great week.
Vet Checks

Thanks to Dr. Vaughn and Laura the vet checks went smoothly and actually quite quickly with master dog walkers, Anita,Rita and Jen. Great job everyone and many thanks from the transportees. RRRRRRRRRough

Just a reminder: the Newbern Festival is this Saturday. Joanne is co-ordinating so if you have a spare hour or two between 8-4 any help will be appreciated. Call Joanne or Anita for more information.

Don't forget our fundraising activity for fall. There are extra catalogues and order forms in the office when you need them. Our plans are to palace the first order on Oct. 26 with delivery Nov.19., in time for Thanksgiving.
The second order will go in Nov.23 for delivery December 17, in time for Christmas.
They make great hostess gifts, teacher gifts and football party munchies.
Remember also the web address:, we will get a good percentage off all orders placed under the Pulaski County Humane Society name in the fundraising section.
Have questions? contact me at or call the office at 674-0089

The animals thank you

Monday, October 8, 2007

Good Monday to everyone!!!

I was out sick 1/2 the day Saturday, but thanks so much to Brenda and Sandy for all their hard work!!!

The best news in a LONG time--Ranger the abused Rottie went to his rescue and is doing fantastic. He is pretty much housebroken and is having the time of his life at his new foster mom's. If anyone wants me to forward his updates we are receiving, let me know, I would be more than happy to oblige!

Sandy also got adopted on Saturday (yay for Her!)

Monday has been slow- we're closed, however Dr. Vaughn came and did the health checks and certificates for the Rescue Waggin' which is picking up on 10/14.

Ahhh- its 6:22, I need to get outta here.
More to come on Wednesday
(Have a fantastic board meeting!!!)


Thursday, October 4, 2007

Noteworthy dates

October 4th is World Animal Day!

From the World Animal Day website:

"World Animal Day was started in 1931 at a convention of ecologists in Florence as a way of highlighting the plight of endangered species. Since then it has grown to encompass all kinds of animal life and is widely celebrated in countries throughout the world. October 4 was chosen as World Animal Day as it is the Feast Day of St Francis of Assisi, the patron saint of animals."

Check out the website for more information!

October 5-7 is the International Compassionate Living Festival in Durham, NC. I don't know if it is too late to register, but at least check out the Animals and Society website to see what they are about!

Meet Your Meat

October 20 is the first, and henceforth annual, Pit Bull Awareness Day! Everyone thank Jodi Preis, founder of Bless the Bullys, for trying to change the negative image of these sweet, awesome dogs! Read the article in the latest issue of Nashville Paw Magazine!

People Who Are Violent to Animals ... Rarely Stop There

October 13-21 is National Primate Liberation Week. I abhor all forms of animal experimentation, as they are outdated, inaccurate, and cruel. Check out the above website and this one for more information.

The 4 C's of Saving Animals

Tuesday, October 2, 2007


Monday at the Shelter was BUSY according to Keely!! She worked and worked. Good news though, Sally, Ringo, and Popeye got adopted. Also Jada, Dot and Roo. Poor Spot was returned as her new owners current dog didn't like her. I'll let Keely do the rest when she rests up. Thanks for all you do Keely!! Keep up the good work.

Monday, October 1, 2007

More Adoptathon Pics

What a wonderful day yesterday was. The weather was perfect and specially ordered for the Adoptathon. Smiley and Bandit went to forever homes. We also had several other applications and interest in other animals, who hopefully will go soon. The turnout was goood and we raised some money as well. Many folks attended and got their pets rabies and ID Chipped. Lots of face painting, food and fun was had by all. Thanks to all of our wonderful volunteers who turned out, helped organize and set up, clean up and on and on including Barb, Debbie, Susan, Nicole, Jen, Brenda, Sandy and Deno, Jane, Judith, Rita and Billy, Jeff and Evan, Rebecca, Anita, Keely, Julie and family, Bobby, Shay, Tammy and Debbie, and Will and Terry. Gosh so many helped. Please let me know if I overlooked anyone.

Thanks as well to those who loaned tents, chairs and tables, picked up things for us etc. including Pulaski County Sheriff Department, Conrad Brothers Marine, FOCL, Dublin Fire Department, Missy Thompson, Keely, Anita, and Susan.

And to our sponsors including Comfort Innn of Dublin, Shoneys and Bojangles of Dublin, Giesen Caldwell Realty, Beavers Open Pit Barbeque, FNB of Radford, Looking Good Family Salon, Medicine Shoppe of Dublin, Kathy's Hair Classics, Remember When Collectibles, County Cottage, Sams Vending, Dominos, Pizza, and Petsmart.

Special thanks for Dublin Police Department for Drug and Bomb Dog demonstrations and Radford Animal Clinic for the Rabies and ID Chipping Clinic. Also to Furry Tails Author Kristen Perry. And to Cumulus Broadcasting and WPSK 107.1.