Friday, August 31, 2007

Bye Twiggy & Topaz

YES!!!!! Twiggy and Topaz two black cats that have been residents in the condo for a while now have found forever homes with a vet tech student.

Sad news! The person who was considering Birdie and Ariel has reconsidered so both these great cats will be with us longer.

Some one is interested in Lewey I hope they are able to take Dot also, if he gets left behind please watch him he may get very depressed could stop eating.

Well the Assisi Van will be here Sept 4th. I am planning on putting all adoptable dogs that are eligible on the van. In the hopes that this will encourage potential owners to adopt knowing they are good to go.

If you are in the shelter when someone gives up their dog please ask them to fill out a canine/feline information sheet and if possible find out who the vet is and ask could they get their vet to fax the dog/cat records to the shelter. This information could be very helpful in placing the animal and possibly save that pet from euth.
As you know we are down to one immate at this time. I have been in the shelter all week cleaning and grooming animals. We can't expect everything to be sparkling at 8:30 am. But if you ask the immate if the room has been cleaned and you go in and see the same dirty towels from the night before, or the cat room is "cleaned" but the floor is filthy just tell AC or if you have time maybe you can clean it xor dump trash buckets. Right now every bit of help is valuable.
We have alot of dogs that are house broken but there is shortage on dog walkers. If you can rotate the dogs out to the exercise pens. be careful the little dogs are squeezing out of the pens and getting into the next pen. Almost all dogs in puppy room are house broke. Watch out for Prissy the elderly Poodle she is snappish and we have had to feed her a can of dog food a day because she was not eating dry food. Check the water bowls too and make sure the puppies have a lower dish for water cause they can't reach the tall water cans.
I hope we can hire someone for the cleaning position soon. The pets lives are at stake. They rely on humans to keep their environment clean and safe. As captives they rely on Humans for their food water and exercise and a kind word and gesture goes along way with some of our animals. So as you walk by give them a treat. Take them for a walk and if needed give them a bath or report fleas or other health concerns so they can be addressed.
Thank God for volunteers. The ones we have are putting in as many hours as they can. We need many more. The rewards are many not anything tangible, edible or that you can see. But the good feeling you get from helping out a small helpless creature.
Hope you all have a safe and wonderful weekend!!!

Thursday, August 30, 2007

Good news

As Laura mentioned in her previous blog, the Board of Supervisors approved, 3-2, the hiring of TWO part-time cleaning staff for the shelter. (If anyone read the Southwest Times article, it was in error and a correction has been printed.) This will be a fantastic help for the care and cleaning of the animals! The shelter has only been provided one inmate for almost a month now, so additional staff is critical. This will also help in the training and monitoring of the inmates as they rotate in and out of the shelter and will also free up volunteers to perform the work they were originally meant to do - especially promote spay and neuter. Thanks go to Anita for disinfecting and cleaning the cat intake yesterday and for cleaning today. I am sure Terry appreciated the helping hand.

This past week saw another successful spay clinic - mostly cats with a scattering of dogs. I got another neighbor's cat in this week - that leaves only 2 on this block, and then it's on to the lady's house down the road. Just keep reminding them of the clinics and Assisi van and eventually they will come around!

Remind your friends who are looking for a friend that shelter pets are THE BEST. They are loyal, grateful and full of love. The condo special ends tomorrow so prospective adopters need to act NOW.

Tuesday, August 28, 2007

update -abandoned

I spoke to Animal Control today the owners of the dogs have stated they will be returning tomorrow. The lady stated her sister has been stopping by and feeding the dogs and that they are normally inside dogs. Once the owners return I will make sure they know who has been feeding and watering them. And that I have seen no one stopping by the house. I will also make sure that puppy gets off that chain. So we shall see if they do in fact return tomorrow and I am watching for the "sister" to stop by. She is supposed to take the dogs with her tonight. Maybe they will take better care of their pets knowing their are people who care about animals nearby. I appreciate Julie following up on this. We hate to take animals away from their owners if they are indeed thinking that the pet is being cared for. And somebody else dropped the ball. Thank Goodness for the neighbor who has been caring for them so he can get some sleep.
Thanks to everyone who turned out last night for the Board of Supervisors meeting!! We got two part time cleaning positions by a narrow margin. Mr Hale, Mr. Sheffey and Mr. Akers voted yes. Mr. Pratt and Mr. Conner voted against the position. Mr. Robert Hiss, Assistant County Administrator presented the committee's recommendation for the two positions and I spoke to the committee.

We had a good representation with Anita, Rebecca, Barb and Bill, Judith, Imogene and Dennis, Susan, and the Sheriff present. Thank you all again. We will have a cleaning person M-F for 5 hours per day and another position for weekends, 5 hours per day. These positions will be supervised by Animal Control.

Now we need to find the right persons! Kudos to us, this was a huge victory! It should make life much better for our animals, not having to wait till afternoon to be cleaned.

Monday, August 27, 2007


Friday I heard the dogs in back crying miserably. We were having a terrible rain storm and there was thunder and lightening flashing all around. I also noticed that the dogs owners were not home. One is a pretty black and white cocker and the other is a black puppy chained to a tree. I watched all weekend thinking the owners may just be gone for the weekend. On Sunday I mentioned to my husband that the dogs owners had not been been around all weekend and we needed to go feed the dogs.

It was then my husband told me he had talked to a neighbor who had taken it upon himself to feed the dogs. I went and talked to this kindly neighbor who told me the last he saw of the owners was Monday August 20th. He said the dogs were crying and barking later in the week and they were keeping him awake so he went and fed and watered them and they ate like they were starved. The temps were in the 90's.

I called and reported this as soon as the animal control office opened today and it is now 10 pm and the dogs are still in that yard. I recall friday night feeling sick knowing those dogs are out in the elements soaking wet the little chained puppy has been laying on the ground. I can only think how miserable they both must be.

Here is a photo of the cocker the night of the storm.

This dog was soaked.

Below is the puppy. Do you see a shelter for the dog? Or even a food bowl? This was taken the day after the storm. There is an empty paper plate on the ground and a water bowl in the middle of the tire.
If the kindly neighbor had not taken it upon himself to get some sleep and went and fed and watered these dogs what condition would they be in now after 7 days with no food or water ( except rain water)

I sure hope animal control can come out after the intial waiting period and save these animals. They deserve better then this.

Friday, August 24, 2007

Friday Update

It's been a busy week - adoptions, Rescue Waggin coming in, Lady bouncing back and forth between the Condo and the Ed Room - in short, a typical week! A couple came in today and put an application in for Tex - they finally decided on him after looking at Amy and Taylor. Your time is soon, guys! Ariel and Birdie have been hanging in the condo this week, and will stay there through the weekend until the floors are done. Hopefully someone will see them instead and take them home to snuggle in their bed for the rest of their lives. The reduced condo rates and the stepped up advertising have generated interest, and the numbers are slowly dwindling in the condo. There are only 4 cats out now on a regular basis.

Remind everyone you see to spay or neuter - lets keep those vets in our clinic busy!

Friday, August 17, 2007

Is this what it takes for you to notice us?
Black dogs and cats are often overlooked or avoided simply because they're not as flashy or have a history of bad PR. In our experience, they're some of the sweetest, most loving animals, so please give a black dog or cat a chance!

Breaking News! Co-defendants say Vick helped execute dogs


RICHMOND, Virginia (CNN) -- Two co-defendants of Michael Vick say the NFL star helped execute dogs that didn't fight well, according to federal court documents.

NFL star Michael Vick after a court appearance last month.

The court papers, filed as Quanis Phillips, 28, and Purnell Peace, 35, pleaded guilty to dogfighting charges Friday, said all three men "executed approximately eight dogs that did not perform well in testing sessions" in April of this year by methods such as hanging and drowning.
Peace, of Virginia Beach, and Phillips, of Atlanta, said the money behind the Bad Newz Kennels dogfighting operation, based on property Vick owns in Virginia, came "almost exclusively" from the Atlanta Falcons star.

Federal prosecutors had given Vick until 9 a.m. ET Friday to accept a plea deal that would require him to spend at least one year in prison on federal dogfighting conspiracy charges, reports say, but there was no immediate word on what he decided.

Vick's acceptance of the recommendation, described by The Virginian-Pilot newspaper in Norfolk, Virginia, must receive court approval.

If the 27-year-old Vick rejects the deal, he will face an additional charge under the federal Racketeering Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act, known as RICO, a source with knowledge of the investigation told the newspaper.

According to the source, who requested anonymity, conviction under that charge would be punishable by up to 20 years in prison. The new charge would be considered by a grand jury that convenes Monday.

Federal judges rely largely on congressional guidelines for sentencing.
Peace and Phillips face sentencing hearings on November 30.

Let's just hope he doesn't take the deal and then spends 20 years behind bars.

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Tuesday update

Well folks what a busy day! Lightening was approved for adoption and went home to a very nice man and woman. They wanted Snuggles too but the landlord said only one. Maybe after the landlord sees how sweet Lightening is he will change his mind. Both adults were first year medical students.
Teenytiny also found a wonderful home. They already have 2 older cats and a 10 year old dog and wanted something playful. Well they got themselves a little tiger. Teenytiny will give them a run for their money. Teenytiny is booked for Assisi Sept 4th he was too tiny last van. She will be brought utd vaccines and get FIV/Felv tested and altered.
Poor Ms. Big Stuff looked so lonely when I left hope she get a homes soon. Her cagemates left today.
I have approved Jayla for adoption. The recommendations were outstanding for family and kids. The daughter is a student who will be bringing one of the younger pets "Jack" to stay with her and she was looking for a cat to call her own. Jayla is scheduled to leave Weds. at 4:30.
We have an application for Precious. The person wants to bring their dog and roommate to meet Precious plus they must bring proof of utd vaccines and rabies for current dog which was adopted from shelter last year.
A 16 year old girl filled out an application for Fannie Mae but she needs to get Dads permission first. So we need to get approval from Dad. There was another application on file BUt I was so busy showing dogs I did not get a chnace to get to it.
I did manage to get 2 aide applications completed. Rebecca , Laura, Jennifer and another young lady were in doing safer testing.
A number of cats and dogs went down today. Bobbie told they are trying to hang on to spayed and nuetered cats in back .
Well there will be more safer testing tomorrow.
Lets keep processing those applications and find the kittens and cats we have homes.
Till Later Anita

Sunday, August 12, 2007

Adoptions update

We've had three new adoptions this week - two kittens and SNOW! Yes, Snow has found a forever home. The woman who came to adopt her was very patient and sat for a long time with her in the Education Room. She talked with us a lot about how Snow was going to need time to adjust, and that she didn't mind. She was really putting Snow's needs above her own!

The two kittens being adopted created some room, so Anita has brought back Chantel and her kittens. We are bursting with kittens! We have been able to shift and pair so now have 7 full-time residents in the "out condo" section, and one cage has been designated to rotate the long-term residents in and out, to get them used to being in cages again. Lady now lives in the Education Room - hopefully this will help her to find a loving home, as she seems calmer and seeks attention now.

The memory garden is coming along - every day brings something new. I can't wait until it is finished - I haven't helped because I have a very black thumb, but I sure do appreciate all the hard work our wonderful gardeners are doing.

Remember to visit your neighbors and encourage them to spay and neuter. Did you know that Pulaski County has laws on the books stating that a person can have only two intact cats on their property? According to the law, all others must be fixed. Just canvassing my own street has resulted in 7 cats being fixed in the past six months! In addition, it affords you the opportunity to discuss trap-neuter-return and how trap-and-kill doesn't work. We have information at the shelter or visit for more information.

Thursday, August 9, 2007

Tuesday Assisi Van

We had beautiful group of pets come in to be spayed and neutered today. All total we had 24 animals on the van. It was a hot and very busy day. I really enjoy working the van and I am currently looking for folks who may be interested in helping out on Assisi Van Day.

The most important part is registration, making sure that folks have the paperwork completed so that information can be transferred to rabies certificates, collecting and turning in the pink sheets for animals that have been adopted from the shelter. Once this paperwork is turned into the Animal Control Officer it tells them that the person has met the state requirements of getting their pets up to date on vaccines, rabies and being altered. Persons who fail to follow state regulations run the risk of having their newly adopted animal removed from their home or possible fines of up to $500.

Once the surgeries begin we assist the Vet Tech with scrubbing the used surgical equipment and packing them for sterilization at a later date. Sometimes a person is needed to calm the pets waking from surgery, they will be dizzy and disoriented. In the afternoon discharge person is needed who can call folks to let them know their pet is ready to go home. Read discharge information to the owners and advise about giving medication then release pets to their owners.

After the pet leaves we remove any towels and newspapers from the cages and spray with kennels sol . We let it sit for 10 minutes then wipe it out and lay fresh newspapers in the cages.

It is not hard work when you have help but it takes devotion and and person who can be depended on to be there on the dates needed. Which is currently once a month for the Assisi Van.

Our patients are generally pets that have been adopted from the shelter. We sometimes will get folks who meet the guidelines for assistance. And as always we also use the van to spay and neuter shelter pets in preparation for adoption.

If you love working with animals, want to help us stop the senseless killing of unwanted pets, and have a good working ethic, we need you.

Our in house spay clinic also needs volunteers, the assigned duties are slightly different however the goal is the same which is to provide safe and humane spay and neutered services.

Do you love to walk but hate walking alone. We always have dogs that need to be walked. Many of the dogs found at the shelter are housebroken. So those dogs really need to go on daily walks.

Often times we get dogs who have been neglected they will need bathing, nail trims and if possible grooming however just a good old brushing will often remove matted hair and loose hair. (We really need a professional groomer who may be interested in being on call for those really neglected cases). Getting a dog groomed can often make the dog more adoptable and thus save his life.

The rewards are many knowing that this spayed cat or dog will not be returned to the shelter when it becomes pregnant, saving neutered dogs from possible testicular cancer, reducing the number of unwanted kittens being turned into the shelter which we can't possibly find homes for all of them so they face certain death. Making sure pets have vaccines so they don't die from
a horrible illness like distemper or parvo. Help reduce the out break of rabies in our community. Providing owners with rabies certificates so they can get county tags that they can attach to their pets collars. If the pet is ever lost the tags can be used to locate the owners and return the pet. It's a good feeling to know we are helping folks provide quality care for their pets.

There are a lot of volunteer opportunities available at the shelter if you are interested in helping stop by the shelter and fill out a volunteer form. Let us know what areas of pet care you can help us with.

August only all PCHS cats are being adopted for $40. These cats and kittens have already been altered, up to date on rabies and vaccines, and are FIV/FELV neg. they have had flea treaments and are wormed. They need loving homes, do you have time to lavish love on a pet. You will be rewarded many times over.

Again the shelter is full of dogs eagerly waiting for someone special to call their own. If you need a loyal and faithful companion who will be excited to see you when you get home. Someone who will play ball, fetch your slippers, or alert you when someone knocks at your door. Please come see the beautiful dogs and puppies currently housed at the shelter.

If you are low income and need help getting your pet spayed/ neutered come fill out a aid application. We will do what we can to help you.
Have a great day and remember it is really hot out there so make sure your pet has shade or keep in a cool area, check the water bowl a couple of times a day. Report to Animal Control any pets that are kept in the sun with no water and or food. Chained pets left in the sun can die from overheating, dehydration just like any human can.