Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Puppy Update

Well I recieved a request to keep everyone updated on Bell and her Pups, so here it is. The puppies were two weeks old, as of yesterday and I noticed two of them had just opened thier eyes. As of this morning we now have three with thier eyes open, the fourth one should have his open by the end of the week if not sooner. Here are some updated pics for those of you that are unable to get to the shelter and see them. These babies have grown so much, they were about the size of my hand when they were born and as you can see from the black & white pup she is much bigger than my hand now. I hope you can see thier eyes in these pics, they are open, well all but the one.


Anonymous said...

Nicole - I knew you were the photographer. Thanks so much for the updates on the sweet, sweet puppies. There won't be a problem finding these darlings a wonderful home. Thank you for the news and get some pictures before they go to petsmart. Great job!!!!

Anonymous said...

If the puppies are only 2 weeks old now...aren't they too young to be adopted? Don't they have to be at least 8 weeks of age?

Nicole said...

yes they have to be 8 weeks to adopt them out, but the mom is going to recue, so babies have to go with her. When the pups are old enough they will be weaned from mom and then mom and babies can all be adopted out.

Anonymous said...

Nicole - Thank you for your lovely photos. My family and I are fostering this furry family. We will adopt mama dog and one of the pups. Please feel free to contact me if you want to stay in touch with the pups. - Teresa