Tuesday, June 26, 2007

tuesday update

I stopped by the shelter today just to say howdy to Lewey and Mr. Dot. I had just returned them to the shelter Monday, now that they are ready to be adopted out.

There was a woman there wanting to adopt out Tinkerbell. She had emailed an application and I had her complete one from the door as Bob was working in the office. As soon as she crossed the last T and dotted the last I , I was on the phone checking out her references, turns out everything was in order, had excellent vet reference and within 1/2 hour she was out the door taking her new pet home. Please see note on her application regarding adoption.

I had to leave and Bob was trying to get information on two other applications. When I returned at 5pm Rebecca was there and had approved another application for either Wally or Snuggles, so those people are scheduled to come in and adopt one of those kittens wednesday after 3pm.

We are waiting to hear back from the landlord regarding one application. Once we get the landlords approval and reference from landlord we may have another cat being adopted out. It is my understanding we are going to have to work to get the applications processed in a more timely manner as we need to reduce the number of cats we have in the condo currently. So office staff please try to make sure that all applications are processed on your shift if at all possible.
We have had some adoptions coming out of the back room also . But it's not enough more kittens are pouring into the shelter then are getting adopted out. Also mention the adopt one and get a second cat or kittens for 1/2 price I know I have adopted out two sets.
If they come out of back 30.00 goes to AC the person pays us 55. on day of adoption and we can put the two cats on assisi which they will pay us the difference on day of van make sure you note on assisi paperwork they owe money and on assisi log. it should be $42.50 and if they are kittens they will need boosters and there is an extra 5.00 charge for each kitten making it a total of $52.50 to be paid on day of assis. I hope that will clear up confusion that one of our office persons had regarding this matter. However if the cats/kittens are all from condo and have been spay/neutered and are upto date on shots then they must pay the $127.50 since they will not be coming back to get on van.
Need to check and make sure all dogs have been vaccinated. Julie was out of the office for a couple of days so it was hectic and I am not sure all dogs got vaccinated.
Because of the really hot weather just check before leaving office for day that all animals have water. The animals are drinking it faster then we can pour it in their bowls.
Thanks folks for your tireless devotion to the shelter pets. Don't forget Thursday is Rescue Waggin day we have a lot of dogs going to rescue so if you can help us out at 5 am that morning we need all hands on deck. Email Rebecca and let her know you will be coming to help.
Stay cool yourself and drink plenty of water.

Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Puppy Update

Well I recieved a request to keep everyone updated on Bell and her Pups, so here it is. The puppies were two weeks old, as of yesterday and I noticed two of them had just opened thier eyes. As of this morning we now have three with thier eyes open, the fourth one should have his open by the end of the week if not sooner. Here are some updated pics for those of you that are unable to get to the shelter and see them. These babies have grown so much, they were about the size of my hand when they were born and as you can see from the black & white pup she is much bigger than my hand now. I hope you can see thier eyes in these pics, they are open, well all but the one.

Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Assisi Van Tuesday

Well folks we have scheduled future Assisi Vans for August 7th and Sept. 4th.
Today we had ALOT of animals on the van. All dogs were the public's pets. I managed to get
Dot, Lewey, Lilly and 3 of Chantels Kittens on board to be fixed. Plus we had a number of the public's cats on board today. It was a very busy day.

I also had A.C. make up paperwork for Marty and Wallie, plus Chantels Kittens. Beauty's babies also have paperwork. It was time for some of the condo cats to get updated for vaccines and rabies. So Ariel, Fiona, Wildknot and Pearl 2 are now all updated and have 3 year rabies certificates.

A young man who had his dog neutered today brought his girlfriend and they adopted 2 grey kittens from the back getting the buy 1 get 1/2 off on second.

I want to Thank Catrina for showing up and helping me this morning I was swamped.
Then Lisa came in and again did a great job with helping on the van and doing the discharges.
And Joanne helped me vaccinate the cats and kittens today. A Great Big Thanks to a wonderful group of volunteers.

AC got in a senior cat that is fixed and Declawed so if anybody is looking for a declawed cat it is beautiful. Declawed cats are recommended as inside cats. It will only cost $15.00 to save it's life. Please come and see it if you are interested or tell a friend.

Later in the day Rebecca, Laura, Nicole and Barb were in doing safer test for dogs going to rescue. Of the 10 dogs tested today 8 passed with flying colors.

Bob was in the office Thanks for all your help today Bob. He also checked and brought in money from the dog banks.

We are all working hard to prevent pet overpopulation and at the same time trying hard to save the lives of those pets that do get brought in to the shelter . If you want to help please stop by the shelter and fill out a volunteer sheet. There is so much to be done and altho we have a number of devoted volunteers we would love to have ( and need ) more help.

Well that about covers it for today. I am tired tonight but it s a good kind of tired.

Friday, June 15, 2007

office update

Today was a lucky day for 3 kittens from the back. A lady came in and adopted 2, Slim and his litter mate. Then another person came in and adopted one of the grey kittens. I trimmed each kittens nails, wormed and got vaccinatings ready and Nicole vaccinated them. Thanks for your help Nicole.

Nicole was in bathing new dogs, trying to remove the dirt and ticks. Then she walked dogs.

Jennifer a new volunteer stopped by and bought some t-shirts. She will be at the shelter helping out tomorrow.

We had folks in looking at dogs. The gentleman who had adopted Romeo a couple of weeks ago is still looking for a calm dog. I spoke to Rebecca and he had paid to have Romeo placed on van. Should he come in and find another dog the fee for gettting the dog fixed will be applied to the new dog he selects. His paperwork is in the pending file it's the assisi form. Call me if you have any questions.

Everyone was given a reminder call about the Assisi van for tuesday. Also told about the $5.00 cost for boosters to be paid that day.

I could not find the application for Highland. The lady came in today and checked him out.
I had to have her fill out a new application. It's in the pending folder please see notes.

I approved some aide for a couple of pets and also booked some spays and neuters with our local vets. After doing that the paperwork was placed in completed aid file.

Well I will see everyone tomorrow at Walmart to solicit donations for the shelter animals.
Hope you can all come and help out. I willbe bringing the family of kittens I have here. We will
be taking applications for them on site and also trying to help folks that need aode with getting their pets spayed/neutered.

Have a great weekend.

Saturday, June 9, 2007


Well folks the shelter is filled to the brim with all colors, sizes and breed of kittens. There are fluffy long haired and short haired kittens all looking for that special someone to bring them into their home.
June is the official adopt a kitten month and to help potential pet owners we are offering adopt 1 kitten and get a second kitten for 1/2 price. The price of the kittens goes towards vaccines up-to-date, worming, nail trim, and spay and neuter. We want to make sure the pet you adopt is healthy. So please stop by and check out the lovely kittens ( offer good for Adult cats too) being held at the Pulaski Co. Animal Shelter .
PLEASE don't delay save a kittens life today!
The shelter was quiet today, went through paperwork and completed what I could. Setting up spay and neuters for June.
Made sure all animals had fresh water bowls filled. Called Roanoke times to run ad in current to tell the public of our June special for cats, ad starts tuesday. Renewed our free ad in NRV News.
Checked kittens in back holding room, cleaned eyes and medicated with eye ointment if necessary.
Hope everyone has a great weekend. Please don't forget next weekend ( Sat) we will be at the new Dublin Walmart from 10 am toll 2 pm seeking donations of much needed items for the shelter and our pets. Hope you can come help out.

Thursday, June 7, 2007


Back tracking a few days --- the PetSmart Rescue Waggin' rolled in on Tuesday at 5 am ---- as you can see, that didn't stop our volunteers for getting 20 dogs loaded on the waggin.

Most of the dogs were adults - we were so happy they could get a chance for adoption - they all went to New Hampshire - http://www.monadnockhumanesociety.org/

All shapes, sizes and colors went on this road trip in an air conditioned, state of the art mobile van. We thank Gail and Marc for their support and help caring for our babies on the long journey.
Binky is bundled and ready to roll ---

Wednesday, June 6, 2007

Wendesday Update

Well another busy day as usual. I had just walked through the door when I was caught by one of our potential adopters, that had been there the day before. They were a young couple that had previously adopted "Sassy" the cattle dog mix that we had last year. I was surprised to see how great she looked, she is so happy and well adjusted. Anyway, they came to take a look at Red Man and see if "Sassy" and he would get along. Well they seemed to hit it off, and after checking their references (which were excellent) the happy new family headed out to the pet store for some new toys and bones. I learned that our resident collie "Lassie" was picked up by her owner this morning and Belle the Boxer was adopted by a really nice family yesterday evening.

As some of you know we had a little surprise yesterday with Bell the Shepherd giving birth to four beautiful little babies. I took some pictures today so that everyone could see them, we have 3 boys and one little girl (she's the one that reminds me of a Holstein cow with her little black and white spots). Both mommy and babies were doing great today.

We also had some interest in our Dogo today by a really nice family with two very active sons who could run and play with our gentle giant. Hopefully we will be able to get him transferred soon so that we can get him neutered and then adopted to a nice home were he can spend his days inside on a couch. Barb and I also got some great new pictures of some of the dogs and they should be up on the web soon. Well that is about all I have to report, if I left anything out please feel free to comment.

Tuesday, June 5, 2007

Tuesday update

Rescue Waggin Day! We managed to send 20 dogs to rescue today, most were older dogs that had been at the shelter for a period of time and needed to be rescued. Sheba that we have held in rescue row also went this trip. At 5 am Rebecca, Nicole, Rita, Barb and I were on hand to help with walking the dogs then getting them checked in so they could be loaded onto the van.

After the van left it was all about scrubbing, disinfecting all the kennels that had been vacated.
That also meant washing and sterilizing about 50 dog bowls. Vaccinating 8 dogs that were in house as well as worming them. We vaccinated 4 kittens that have been placed into the condo and are ready for adoption. These were the ones that were being fostered till they became of age to adopt out so come see Snuggles, Cole, Marty, and Wallie.

The shelter is bursting at the seams with cats we managed to get 4 kittens sent to rescue today. But as these four left 4 more came in.

There are some absolutely adorable kittens at the shelter right now. If you know anyone interested in adopting a kitten please advise them to check out the shelter "NOW" as there are all ages, sizes, colors , breeds and they are all so sweet. Their sweet faces will melt your heart.

After 8 hours of cleaning today I had to go home. Rita and Nicole were still scrubbing the back kennels when I left.

Sunny the Black and White Pit was adopted out last Friday and Romeo was adopted out by AC today. Saturday Boone was adopted out to the same lady that adopted Draper last week.

We had some excitement today when one of the shelter dogs gave birth to 4 puppies today.
They are cuties and oh so tiny. Maybe we can get some photos posted in the next couple of days.

Well I guess that does it for now.

Later Anita

Another New YouTube Video!

So I've been busy...

You can now find our "Adoptable Animals" video on the right.


I finally found a program that would let me convert "The Birth of the Pulaski County Animal Shelter", created by Ashley, to a format I could put on YouTube! It's amazing to see how far we've come.

You can view all of our other YouTube Videos here.

Monday, June 4, 2007

New YouTube video

So I'm trying something new on YouTube. After seeing a couple other shelters create slideshows of their adoptable animals, I've uploaded a little (5 minutes!) video of all the animals I currently had on my list. I'm sure it's not really up to date, but I made sure to point that out at the end. Enjoy!
[You can now find an updated version of the video over on the right side of this page!]