Saturday, August 1, 2009

Please help severely abused, sweet pit bull girl!

Please re-post—this dog’s life depends on it!

Sweet Nellie

Sweet Nellie was picked up by Pulaski County Animal Control as a stray. It was immediately discovered that she is a very sweet dog that has been severely abused. She was taken to the local vet for treatment, where it was discovered that she was covered with lacerations and puncture wounds, none of which appear to be consistent with wounds made by another animal.


Nellie has numerous abscesses on her front limbs, which are extremely swollen. She has a large wound inside her mouth, large X-shaped cuts on the top of her head, and large puncture wounds on her shoulders, ribs, and abdomen. We have been hard pressed to identify the type of instruments used to torture this timid, loving dog. She even has what inexplicably appears to be a human bite mark on her shoulder.

Human bite mark?

Staff at the vet’s office said Nellie was very docile and patient during her initial treatment, including shaving and scrubbing her wounds, which must have been excruciatingly painful. As yet another testament to her wonderful personality, Nellie was afraid to walk past a cat kennel to go outside because the cat meowed at her.


If dogs could talk, Nellie would have a heartbreaking tale to tell, but right now, her new friends at Pulaski County Animal Control and Pulaski County Humane Society must speak for her. Nellie is currently being treated for pain and infection, but extensive follow up vet care will be needed to treat the abscesses and other wounds. If you would like to help with the cost of Nellie’s treatment (even a few dollars will help), please visit the PCHS donation page. You can donate to the emergency fund, or make a general donation and specify that the funds are for Nellie’s treatment.

If you are interested in adopting Sweet Nellie, please fill out our adoption application and send it to

Please visit our web sites or to see the many kittens, puppies and all breeds of dogs - all in need of good, loving homes.

Click here for more information about the Pulaski County Animal Shelter and Humane Education Center.

Thank you for your continued support!

~Staff and volunteers of Pulaski County Animal Control and Pulaski County Humane Society

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Birthday girl helps shelter pets!

Instead of receiving birthday gifts, birthday girl Sydni asked her friends to collect supplies for the Pulaski County Animal Shelter. What a generous and unselfish act!

Toys, food, treats, and supplies were some of the gifts presented to the animals. Some of the cat and dog food will be repackaged and donated to needy pets in our community, a program we recently started to assist people in the community who have fallen on tough economic times.

Sydni is pictured with one of the many darling kittens awaiting a home at the shelter.


Monday, March 23, 2009

Love Knows No Boundaries

PCHS would like to extend a sincere and grateful "THANK YOU" to all the students, teachers, parents and staff who so generously donated to "Paws for the Cause." You see, last week we received an email from Belle Heth Elementary School in nearby Radford City that a donation drive had been in effect during the weeks prior to and asked if we would accept the donated gifts to use in our shelter. Would we ever! Shocked and astounded would be the best words to describe our reactions as we, of course, gratefully accepted the offerings! Kudos especially to all the younger supporters who eagerly gave to the cause without so much as a "paws," err...pause!

PCHS is thankful to have such amazing support which has extended past Pulaski's county lines. What an outpouring of generosity we received. The homeless animals of this county truly thank you with all that they have and we now believe that what they say is true, "love knows no boundaries."
Pictured in no particular order: Library Media Specialist Sherri "Ms. Q" Quesenberry, Teachers Mrs. Shull and Mrs. Hazleton, fourth-grade students Alex Miano, Santana Hobbs, Ethan Tangtong, Zach Crosier, Elliott Van Noy, Sasha Bynum and Michael Reynolds, and fifth-grader Sam Van Noy.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

First transport with North Shore Animal League

Eleven PCHS pups were fortunate enough to make the trip of a lifetime to Port Washington, NY to North Shore Animal League's no-kill shelter. It took a team of volunteers to make this happen! Rebecca coordinated, as is her speciality, and thank goodness for that! I couldn't coordinate my way out of a paper bag with holes in both ends. Shelter manager Julie scored us a county van, and Anthony, a.k.a. Mr. Fix-It, scrubbed and assembled the stainless steel cages inside (I just realized that Mr. Fix-It is married to Mrs. Fix-It, but they do 2 very different kinds of fixin'!). Vet checks on Sunday included a team of me, Rebecca, Jane, Kim, vet and son (not sure if she wants her name mentioned).

The van loaded early this morning--4:30 AM! But loyal van loaders Barb, Jane, and Lynn (well, I guess me, too) were on scene and we got through it very smoothly and quickly! As the only "county approved driver," I took the wheel at about 5 AM, with Lynn happily by my side to make sure I stayed awake for the drive to Roanoke. I'd like to add that Lynn was hoping for school to be in session today--so she could go to work! What amazing energy!

The drive ended in Roanoke for me and Lynn, but not for the pups! They were loaded into another van--driven by expert transporter Diane--for the second leg of the journey to Harrisonburg. We got to see fellow rescuer Ruthie from Wytheville (who was transporting 31 puppies by herself--go Ruthie!), and met a new friend, Elizabeth, who is also an expert transporter. In Harrisonburg, the pups were loaded onto North Shore's transport RV for the rest of the long haul.

Lynn and I got back to the shelter just as the Asissi shuttle was arriving, and Rebecca was on scene (solo, I might add) to check everyone in. I heard that Julie cleaned the van, but I'm sure (at least I hope) she had some help from Jonathan and the trustees. Special thanks to Julie for getting us the van!

So many puppies were saved today, but we still have lots of squirming cuties at the shelter available for adoption! Please come visit us to see our many animals (including 3 hamsters) in need of loving homes!

Saturday, January 3, 2009

Ariel Want for Christmas

Shhhhhh! Please don't tell Ariel that Christmas is over and 2009 has arrived. You see, Ariel is one of our longest running residents of the PCHS Cat Condo. Although she has gladly accepted her throne as "Queen, " what she was really hoping for was that one nice family who she could finally call her own. Although all of us here love her spunky personality with all of our hearts, we all wish for that right person or persons to come along and see just how hilarious and endearing this sweet little feline is.

So it has been decided by Queen Ariel that she will refuse to accept the fact that Christmas is over and has longterm plans to stick it out under the Christmas tree until Santa brings her the forever family she asked for. She even told me that she HAD to be on the "Nice" list, considering all the dog slobber she's endured over the course of 2008. Sometimes, if you even listen closely when you walk by her current abode in the Education Room, you can even hear her humming her favorite tune "Ariel Want for Christmas" (sung of course, to the tune of "All I want for Christmas"). I believe the lyrics go something like this:

Ariel want for Christmas is a nice new home

For me to roam,

And call my own

Ariel want for Christmas is a nice warm home

You see, I would surely love it!

Poor Ariel-- we don't want her wasting away to nothing under a dried up Christmas tree-- so please open your hearts and consider our gorgeous little girlie as the perfect addition for your own home. It would make her year....and her life!

Friday, January 2, 2009

2008--Year in review--Top 10 Style!

I admit it--I'm lazy, so the idea of information presented in list fashion is very appealing to me. Even more appealing is information already compiled by someone else, thereby making it easier for me to present to you. Check these out:

The ASPCA Animal Poison Control Center has compiled a list of the Top 10 Pet Poisons of 2008. Very informative and worth reading if you have animals in your home.

The PETA Files blog compiled a Top 10 list of their favorite Top 10 lists of the year, including the Top 10 Most Karmic Moments for Animal Abusers in 2008 (a wonderfully ironic list of animal abusers "getting theirs") and the Top 10 Most Overbred Dogs (a list of dogs that we see constantly at the shelter and their resulting genetic health problems). Like learning stuff? Read all 10 lists.

HSUS President Wayne Pacelle compiled a list of his 10 most popular blogs of 2008. I'm happy to see that his blog on Oprah's show about the horrors of puppy mills was in the Top 10--whether or not you like Oprah, she gets though to people, and puppy mill horror is a message that definitely needs to get through!

The Food Bowl blog listed the Top 10 Dog and Cat names of 2008. We have several animals by those names currently residing at the shelter, so here's hoping for some more creative names in 2009!

And speaking of 2009, here's to having fun with your pets in the coming year! went the easy route and compiled a bunch of lists (kudos to them!). Some are just for fun, such as Top10 Gassiest Dogs (surprisingly to me, Pit Bulls didn't make the list). Some are quite informative, such as Top 5 Pet Friendly National Parks--a list that is important to folks like me who like to take their dogs everywhere.

Wishing you a happy and prosperous New Year!