Tuesday, March 25, 2008


The life-saving PetsMart Rescue Waggin rolled into the Pulaski County Animal Shelter and Humane Education Center Tuesday morning at 5 a.m. to pick up homeless dogs. Volunteers loaded an assortment of 19 dogs into the state-of-the-art animal transport van, headed for Cleveland Animal Protection League shelter, where they will quickly find homes. The Pulaski County Humane Society has proudly participated in the Rescue Waggin program for 1 year and it has drastically helped reduce euthanasia rates. We are one of the few shelters in the state of Virginia certified to participate in this East Coast program.

Erin with PetsMart checking one of the puppies, Frankie before she's loaded into the van.

One of several precious Border Collie puppies waiting patiently aboard the van for their trip to Cleveland.

It takes a village to bring something like this to fruition and we thank all our dedicated volunteers and fosters who made it possible to save so many lives. There's many steps involved before these animals ride the waggin and thanks to our volunteers all these animals will be placed in happy, caring homes where they'll be pampered and loved. If you think you would like to help with the PetsMart Rescue Waggin Program please contact us at 540-674-0089 or e-mail for more information, there's no more rewarding feeling then placing a deserving animal aboard the waggin and sending them to their forever home.

Two more happy tails waiting to board the waggin.

Thursday, March 20, 2008


Hi - My name is BEAUTY - I'm one of the Condo Kitties and my name says it all. I'm a lovely sleek kitty with piercing green eyes. To say I'm elegant is understated. I'm a calm kitty with a lot of love to give. I love all the Condo Kitties and will really miss them but it's time for me to go to my own very special home. Please ask about my "special" adoption rate. I'm spayed and FIV/FeLV negative. If you're interested call 674-0089 or visit 1-5pm M-F and 10-2 on Saturdays. You can also e-mail or you can visit the PCHS website or Animal Control website to see the many kittens, puppies and all breeds of dogs - all in need of good, loving homes.

Wednesday, March 19, 2008


Hi I'm JOSIE - Call me sweet and shy and I'll answer. Tell me you love me and I'll hop in your lap. Give me a kiss and I'll kiss you back. I'm not a big gal but I have a huge heart. If you're interested call 674-0089 or visit 1-5pm M-F and 10-2 on Saturdays. You can also e-mail or you can visit the PCHS website or Animal Control website to see the many kittens, puppies and all breeds of dogs - all in need of good, loving homes.

Friday, March 14, 2008

A Love Unrequited

by Chatty Catty

Long time residents Tex and CJ performed their last Electric Slide show for the Condo residents before dancing off to their new gig this week. Best wishes to the boys and we hope you find lots of mice eager to learn some new moves!

Finally recovered from her double surgery, Basha was so excited about having a face-to-face meeting with Neeko, the Cutie of Condo Pulaski. But alas, her affections were not returned. Spurned by the one she thought would be her BFF, Basha is now hanging with her Gurlfrenz Gracie and Fancy. Gracie loves the new arrangement. "They neglected to install a mirror so that I could continuously gaze upon my beauteous self," complained Gracie. "But having Fancy in here is like looking at my spectacularness all the time. Well, except we all know I am (delicate cough) a bit more dazzling."

"mmrmph, munch snorfle, crunch," replied Fancy, working her way through a mound of treats.

Neeko, in the meantime, is determinedly pursuing Midnight. He was spotted inviting her to share a drink with him at posh Under The Steps Fountain Bar.

Silver and Misty have become fast friends and even took out a lease on the penthouse unit of Condo Rolls. They share and swap catnip toys and bad jokes into the long hours of the morning.

In a surprise development, Ariel and Prince seem to be developing a friendship. "It's only fitting," chirped Ariel, "that this Princess should have a Prince." The wags are eagerly watching and waiting. Will anything come of this? Can two avowed loners find common ground? or are they destined to a life of solitary rule?

Neeko, in the meantime, is ardently after Missy. He was spotted inviting her to share some treats with him at trendy Top of the Condo Snack Bar.

With the defection of Prince, Tigger has taken over the number one position in the Condo Curmudgeons Club. He and Ruben remain adamant in their position that no household is complete without a cat, and that with only one cat it is complete.

Oreo and Beauty, however, argued that it takes two to make a home. Then they curled up together in a ray of sunshine and took a nap.

Neeko, in the meantime, was last seen following Pearl into cozy Condo Lane Tunnel.

Wednesday, March 12, 2008


Hi I'm MIDNIGHT - They say black cats are unlucky - I say it isn't so! I'm a happy go lucky kitty who's full of love and cuddles and waiting for that special someone who needs a little LUCKY lift in their life. I'm spayed, up to date on vaccines and FIV/FeLV negative and raring to go! Please ask about my "special" adoption rate. Call 674-0089 or visit 1-5pm M-F and 10-2 on Saturdays. You can also e-mail or you can visit the PCHS website or Animal Control website to see the many kittens, puppies and all breeds of dogs - all in need of good, loving homes.

Sunday, March 2, 2008

Long Live the Queen!

by Chatty Catty

The Queen of the Condo, Miss Lady herself, abdicated this week. "Reigning over all these cats and all these volunteers was fun," she said, "but I am now ready to be properly served and honored as befits my station." After a lengthy interview spanning two days, Queen Lady deemed Ms Patten worthy of the position of Prime Minister to the Queen.
Although it is always exciting when a resident of Condo Pulaski finds a home, it's a particularly big thrill when one of the long term residents finds that someone special. The residents celebrated with a tasty Tuna Fest until the wee hours of the morning.

Instead of handing her sceptre over to someone to take over as Queen (or King) of the Condo, Lady instead gave it to the puppies as a parting gift, encouraging them to chew and destroy it to their heart's content. "No one else will ever have to be Ruler of the Condo. It is a long, difficult reign, and I hope that by destroying the sceptre, there will never be another who stays as long as I did. I loved my people, but those beds are HARD. You think the Princess and her puny little pea had it bad? HA!"

All hail the Queen, and may you have a long life filled with plush beds, feathery toys and catnip to your furry little heart's content!