Thursday, January 10, 2008

An Animal Handling BUSY WEEK

Over the last 2 days, over 70 animals were either sterilized or sent to rescue - whew. This HAS to be a record!

Many volunteers helped getting all these animals ready. I THANK EACH OF YOU FOR DOING SUCH GREAT WORK. It's amazing to me how many hands are required to pull all this off.
The rescue waggin rolled into town early last morning at 5 am. Fifty animals were altered or tested for FELV/FIV or Heartworms and seventeen dogs were transported on the waggin to Lollypop Farm in New York.
YES - I went to rescue today!
Again, I would like to thank each of you that played a part in making these programs work. It is a lot of work but so rewarding!


Rita said...

Excellent job everyone! I hope to be able to help again soon!

Barb said...

Great job everyone. This is remarkable!!!