Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Monday was vet check day!

I wanted to Thank Jane, Bill, Jen and Susan for helping with the vet checks yesterday. It was great having a man available to walk the bigger dogs. There was a little confusion about which puppy was which but we finally figured it out.

I hope Keely was able to get through all the paperwork and have a quiet day with no interruptions. I appreciate that she made it in altho her baby sitter was ill and she had to make new arrangements.

Rita I know you had plans to help us but we ended up with plenty of help and it sounds like you ended up being plenty busy already. I hope you aced your test.

Kojak , Pinky, Blue will not be riding the waggin this go around. So we can continue to work with getting them looking better for next waggin or adopted out. Pinky's second skin scraping came back neg. as well.

We have some beautiul siamese cats in the office if know anyone that would love to adopt one.
We have 3 males, Kyle, ( in condo) Quincy, Cowboy and the beautiful Alexia in office.

Thanks again to all of you for your devotion and hard work.

Later Anita

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