Friday, November 30, 2007

Justin gets a Happy Home!!!

Today at the shelter, Amadeus was adopted by a wonderful family who was recommended by Dr. Vaughan. Jane Bell took Pinky, our recovering shephard, home to visit and get some TLC while he awaits the Rescue Waggin. Rex, the Border Collie, was getting ready for transport tomorrow to rescue.

Jen and Mike were busy making Christmas decorations for the kennels in addition to walking the dogs. Thanks Guys!! Animal Control was decorating the place and making it look beautiful. Anita was working the office and I was getting ready for the new Rescue Waggin. Several folks were in looking at dogs, too. Cowboy, Alexa and Kyle were lounging in the condo, spending their last day before going to Siamese Rescue.

We got pictures back from Justin!! Thanks to all the volunteers and doners who helped so graciously for this wonderful dog. He was a model Rescue Waggin Rider and after some additional vet care for dental and neutering at his destination shelter is shown with his new adoptive family on the way to his forever home. The Colvins were very glad to add Justin to their family and he seems very happy with them.

Talking Cats

Monday, November 26, 2007

Reminder: Remember to use for all your web searches. We get $$ for using them. Currently we are just over $100 from them. It's easy. Go to and enter PCHS as your charity of choice. Be sure you get us. We are the second one down.

Thursday, November 22, 2007

Thanksgiving Greetings from the Dogs!

Well we had a great day today - our kennels got a good scrubbing this morning. Jane came by and gave Pinky a spa treatment - she is really starting to look great! Her hair is coming back and her ear infections are almost gone. Jane also went through and gave the puppies some nice comfy blankies in their beds. Some lady came through before she left and gave us all some yummy basted bone treats - thanks to whoever donated them! Then the lady came back tonight and we had our own Thanksgiving Dinner - stuffing, macaroni salad, rolls and green beans. Yum!
Oh, and the cats did alright, too - some got to spend the WHOLE DAY out and the rest had some yummy treats as well.
Brenda and her Elves came by and started on the brick walkway for the memorial garden. It looks beautiful already. Can't wait to see the finished walk! And Brenda, the flowers look great, too - even if the deer are using them for their gourmet salads.
Happy Thanksgiving!

Happy Thanksgiving to all today. Don't eat too much turkey or tofu (Rita)!

We have so much to be thankful for. We have a beautiful shelter to house our animals, we have dedicated volunteers who donate time and energy to help, be it one hour or hundreds, in or out of the shelter and behind the scenes and we have the funds to carry out programs that help or save animals every day. Special thanks today to Judith and the folks who are taking time out of their day to care for our animals today. I hope that everyone has a wonderful, restful day.

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Monday was vet check day!

I wanted to Thank Jane, Bill, Jen and Susan for helping with the vet checks yesterday. It was great having a man available to walk the bigger dogs. There was a little confusion about which puppy was which but we finally figured it out.

I hope Keely was able to get through all the paperwork and have a quiet day with no interruptions. I appreciate that she made it in altho her baby sitter was ill and she had to make new arrangements.

Rita I know you had plans to help us but we ended up with plenty of help and it sounds like you ended up being plenty busy already. I hope you aced your test.

Kojak , Pinky, Blue will not be riding the waggin this go around. So we can continue to work with getting them looking better for next waggin or adopted out. Pinky's second skin scraping came back neg. as well.

We have some beautiul siamese cats in the office if know anyone that would love to adopt one.
We have 3 males, Kyle, ( in condo) Quincy, Cowboy and the beautiful Alexia in office.

Thanks again to all of you for your devotion and hard work.

Later Anita

Saturday, November 10, 2007

Friday Volunteers

We had a large group from VT come in today and helped walk dogs and 3 volunteers were in the condo grooming the cats. They filled the water bowls and exercised the puppies. I hope they all enjoyed themselves. I know the dogs really enjoyed getting out to explore among other things. Justin was loving it and did not want to go back in his cage. Even some of the puppies were happy as larks with their ears flopping in the wind running to their hearts content. It was good exercise for all. And of course the cats always love getting attention.
Rebecca, Jen and another volunteer were safer testing the dogs. Hope they all passed. I was so busy I did not get a chance to find out.
Nicole came in and helped me out. She was also giving tours to potential adopters. And showed some of Sadies puppies. I believe we have applications on all Sadies pups but one. The little one with nuerological problems even has a person who wants to adopt him.
Popeye the big pit got adopted today Hurrah! He found a good home. Sapphire from our cat condo was actually adopted the other day. Bye Sapphire.
Pinky did not get his bath today as I promised Judith so if any body gets a chance to please give him a medicated bath please do. He has been moved to the kennel that Popeye was in.
In cage 12 in back cat holding area we have some tiny little kittens. I noticed they were chewing on the dry kitten chow maybe some one can make sure to add warm water to it making it easier to eat. They are darling just so young. I gave the inmate a couple of the very last cans of canned cat food we had for these small babies.
We have finished off all the dog biscuits now.
On a much more sober note. Lady aka Ladybug the sher-pei that was adopted out by AC was found to have ovarian cancer. I am sad to report that lady was humanely euthanzied today. There was no way to tell just how advanced the cancer was or how much it had spread. The owner concerned about Lady's quality of life did not want to see her suffer. Please know that Lady was a gentle and sweet spirited dog.
Let us all be thankful for the good health our pets are enjoying.
Till later,
Sadly Anita

Friday, November 9, 2007

office thursday

Another Busy day! Wow there is so much to to do at the shelter. Thank Goodness Billy was there and Jennifer showed up so it was all of us working.

In case you don't know we are down to one inmate. The shelter is jammed packed with animals.

So there is a lot of feeding and kennels and cages to clean. The inmate told me he has not had a chance to clean the other areas of the shelter. So Billy washed all the litter pans, I scrubbed up all the bowls. I cleaned the sallie port cages, and we all cleaned up the sallie port removing trash and putting things away. I knew the volunteers were coming in later to safer test and wanted them to have a clean area to work in. Billy and Jennifer scrubbed the sallie port floor, rinsed and squeeged it dry.

Jennifer attacked the bathroom refilling supplies, and emptying trash. I mopped the education room. Jennifer and I next looked in on the puppies refilling water bowls and giving some crying pups a kong with peanut butter.

Jennifer and I checked all the dog kennels and got some messy ones cleaned up and put down fresh linen for dogs and extra food for the pups.

Billy scrubbed the grooming room floor and attacked the laundry getting everything washed.

Lynn must have come in and dropped off the litter so Billy got that put in condo.

Joanne was in running the auto clave getting things ready for spay clinic next week.

Judith had the condo looking great and all the cats were happy and doing well today. She was there till pass 1 today and made sure all the meds given. Judith surely does deserve recognition for all her hard work.

I understand the order Judith put in for meds came in so I believe we are ready for Vet checks Monday.

Billy and I attempted to make some room in the office it was looking cluttered. I was getting that closed in feeling.

I tried to make a print out for Joanne but the printer would not print so hopefully the grant Laura submitted will be approved for the new office computer and printer. I had to leave at 4pm so I could get the newsletters out and I did manage to get them in the mail.

The phone did not ring once from 1p till 4pm that was strange but I was glad as we were all busy working off that halloween candy we had eaten.

The Iam's adoption packages came in and Billy and I filled a basket with some for those who need them when they adopt the aniamls. Please make sure new owners get them they have vaccines info and how to care for pet info plus sample of food. The rest of the box is on top of the book case.

I just want to say thanks to everyone who was in today. If you have chance to stop by shelter tomorrow I will have 11 VT students in at 1pm till about 4pm and I will be working to assign them chores.

I also have an interview with Amanda Sparks who wants to tell VT students about the volunteer opportunies available at our shelter.

Pinky is getting a bath tomorrow. I have kittens in back that need to be fed with bottles.

The shelter is out of paper towels and wet canned cat food and we need dog biscuits. If you do any grocery shopping this weekend maybe you can help us out and drop them by the shelter.

Oh! Lucy went to her foster home. I know the lady came in and wanted to know how big a crate to get for Lucy. She was so excited about taking her home. She may very well adopt her.

The people that have applied for Sadie's puppies have also been stopping by to play with the puppy of their choice they can' t take them home yet but it won't be long now. I think momma is getting tired of them nursing she was kinda snapping at them the other day.

Well I am tired. Been another long day.

Later Anita

Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Assisi Van

To update everyone we had 14 dogs that were spayed/neutered on the van today there were also 14 cats that got spayed/neutered. Of those 14, two were cats that were new to the condo and the female siamese cat in the office. Due to time constraints Cowboy and Quincy the two other siamese cats in office did not get done and will have to be booked on the next available spay clinic date.

Abby one of the condo cats that was adopted out yesterday was spayed today. Amadeous the large orabge cat in the lobby was already neutered so he got his rabies vaccine now he is ready to be adopted out now.

One gentleman had a huge dog that weighted 84 lbs and was not able to be done due to the dogs weight and size. So I arranged the surgery with is vet and PCHS will reimburse him the money he paid to have it done on the van since it was a booking error. There is a weight restriction of 80 lbs on the van.

It was a very busy day. Cherish the pitbull that was so badly infested with fleas when it first arrived was adopted today. Bailey the dog who had the fatty tumor removed was reported to me adopted this weekend. Lucy who was scheduled to go to petsmart then found to be in heat is actually going to be fostered by a family that may end up adopting her.

Ms. Big Stuff has a bad ear infection so per Judith request I obtained an ointment antibiotic to treat that infection. Judith is trying to get the meds for Pinky who has a severe ear infection . I believe this is the dog in the back we are treating for hair loss. It seems the dog is responding to treatment as Judith reports it hair is coming back in.

Well if you have not been to visit the shelter lately you should. We have all sizes, breeds, colors, we have some beagle puppies, lab puppies and puppies in rescue row that are adorable.
We are filled to the brim with dogs and the the cat holding area, the cat quaratine room and the sallie port cages are filled with mutiple cats. Some are very tiny kittens.

There is an emergency rescue effort going on in Hillsville where there are over 1000 dogs that need medical care, adoptions and foster home. I was told most these dogs are lap sized dogs and I was told by the todays vet to contact almost any rescue group in the area for a specific breed as these groups will be seeking foster homes.

One of the dogs on the van today was a very small sweet yorkie brought in by Pound Pals in Radford. This little dog is looking for a good home and there will be many more small dogs very similar to him. If you would like to help with this effort please contact VA Paws, Pound Pals, or Julie Willams of Animals Control. They are looking for carriers and cages as there are over 1000 dogs that need to be removed anyone that can help transport and has a truck, van is very much needed.

We are again down to 1 inmate so if you have time during the day to help out at the shelter it would be very much appreciated.

Well it has been a VERY LONG day.

Hope you all have a great week.

Later Anita