Saturday, September 27, 2008


Hi my name is TUFF - I'm a fairly new arrival at the shelter and everyone here has fallen in love with me. I'm loyal, calm and just a very self assured, sweet guy. I want to thank Debi, our newest volunteer for taking this fabulous picture of me. If you're interested in adopting me or if you'd like more information please call 674-8359. You can also email or you can visit the PCHS website or Animal Control website to see the many kitties, puppies and all breeds of dogs - all in need of good, loving homes.

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Volunteer Appreciation Picnic

This past Saturday, I had the honor of attending the annual Volunteer Appreciation Picnic. It was great to see all the people that I usually only communicate with by email. I realized too that despite the great turnout, there were still a ton of folks who could not make it! I don't think we could all fit under that gazebo!

Our president, Bill Bryant, along with our other grilling gurus, made sure we had plenty to eat. Everyone brought such delicious food--I made sure to try a little of everything, and thankfully no one got a picture of me stuffing my face, as has been done several times in the past! (BTW--I want to apologize to everyone for the whipped cream--I didn't realize it came straight from the store like that! And if you don't know what I'm talking about, believe me--you don't want to know!)

Volunteers of all breeds and sizes came out to enjoy the festivities, from labs to cockers, from the tall to the small.

Brenda brought a beautiful scrapbook of the memorial garden that her daughter, Sandy, made. If you haven't been to the shelter to see the garden, you are missing out! It's so beautiful and serene.

It couldn't have been a more perfect day! The weather was beautiful, great food, great friends, and the chance to let them all know how much they are appreciated for all that they do, and the largest concentration of good karma I've ever had to fortune to witness!

***BTW, all pictures from the picnic can be seen on our myspace page.***

Wednesday, September 17, 2008


Hi - we're SCRAPPY and BILLY - We're two of the Condo kittens who love to scamper and pounce as we race around the kitty condo. Billy crouches, trying to hide from me but I find him and together we spring up high. We're silly little kittens who love to rumble and tumble. We're up to date on vaccines, neutered and FIV/FeLV negative. If you're interested in adopting me or if you'd like more information please call 674-8359. You can also e-mail or you can visit the PCHS website or Animal Control website to see the many kitties, puppies and all breeds of dogs - all in need of good, loving homes.

Friday, September 12, 2008


Hi I'm BOWSER, a 3 year old Great Pyrenees/Black Lab mix. I'm neutered, housebroken, love to walk on a leash and am ready for adoption. I have a very calm, well mannered disposition and will do well as a house dog. If you're interested in adopting me or if you'd like more information please call 674-8359. You can also email or you can visit the PCHS website or Animal Control website to see the many kitties, puppies and all breeds of dogs - all in need of good, loving homes.

Monday, September 8, 2008


An organization-wide hug and one enormous THANK YOU is in order to one of our faithful and tireless volunteers, Bill (Billy) Bryant Jr, for all of his hard work and dedication.
Just a few days ago, Billy came in to present PCHS with a check for $250.00 from Wal-Mart Foundation. You see, Billy submits his volunteer hours to Wal-Mart, his employer and they in turn, have a program which donates back to charities of the employee's choice for the number of hours given through volunteering. Billy has been one of our most faithful and longstanding volunteers and we are extremely appreciative of all of his hard work and never-ending love and devotion towards the homeless animals of this county.
P.S- Billy will be at the Volunteer Appreciation Picnic September 20, 2008 (which will be held at Radolph Park at the gazebo--all the way at the back of the park). Be sure to stop by and send a thank you Billy's way!

Wednesday, September 3, 2008


Hi, I'm Lola. You can find me at the Kitty Condo at the Dublin Animal Shelter. I'm an extremely sweet and well mannered tortoiseshell who loves affection. My little sis Lindsey and I can both be adopted for the price of one. We're inseparable and if I don't say so myself we're both adorable. We're up to date on vaccines, spayed and FIV/FeLV negative. If you're interested in adopting us or if you'd like more information please call 674-8359. You can also e-mail or you can visit the PCHS website or Animal Control website to see the many kitties, puppies and all breeds of dogs - all in need of good, loving homes.

Darling Lindsey

Monday, September 1, 2008

Are you prepared?

September is National Preparedness Month, just in time for Hurricane Gustav's arrival in the still devastated Gulf Coast. We are fortunate to live in an area where we are not marauded annually by storms, avalanches, earthquakes and such (knock wood or the sustainable crop of your choice), but that does not mean we will never be affected by disaster. Are you prepared?

Consider the possibilities. An interstate and other major roads run through our county, so Hazmat spills are a potential danger. The Radford Arsenal could be under threat by, for lack of a better word, terrorists. Forest fires could easily cause the evacuation of large numbers of people. How would you take care of yourself and your animals in a disaster?

Do you have a disaster kit? Do you have at least a 3 day supply of food and drinking water for each member of your household, including your pets? Do you have a radio and flashlight with extra batteries? Do you have kennels for all your pets? Do you have copies of important paperwork, such as insurance policies and rabies certificates, in waterproof containers? Do you have a plan? Do you practice that plan? How would you charge your iPod?
Sheesh. I know I don't have all that stuff, and I was there to witness first hand what poor planning and ill preparedness can lead to. You'd think I'd have better sense. I am not prepared, or at least, I'm not well prepared.

I don't have a written plan, but I do have a plan. I have a lot of useful camping gear stored in totes. I buy pet food in huge quantities and have huge pet/human first aid kit stored near the pet food. I have 3000 feet of restaurant grade plastic wrap. The disaster kit is coming together nicely.

I sincerely hope that everyone will take a few minutes of net surfing time to learn more about how to be prepared in a disaster. Check out the DHS and Citizens Corp National Preparedness Month page and the HSUS Disaster Preparedness for Pets page for more information.